2017-05-18 16:03来源:互联网作者:上海管理员
摘要:Describe a sport that you have learnt for the first time.关于此话题,我们提供了两篇范文,共烤鸭分享!
Describe a sport that you have learnt for the first time.关于此话题,我们提供了两篇范文,共烤鸭分享!
You should say:
what the sport was
who you learnt it from
how you learnt it
and explain how you felt about it.
My uncle recently took me out to fly kites. I would not usually consider this is a sport, but it is so important to him that there seems to be more to it than I understood at first. After spending a few weekends flying kites with my uncle and his friends, I caught a glimpse of what it is that attracts people.
My uncle told me to buy a kite from the shop to practice with, but I forgot until the last minute. This didn’t matter, though. We were able to buy one on the way into the park from a vendor at the front gate.
Inside the park there were dozens of people flying kites on the windy afternoon, mostly middle aged and older men. My uncle and I went to a less populated area and he began showing me how to get the kite off the ground. Of course, I had done this as a child. But as an adult, I realized that it is both easier to get off the ground than it was before, and also, there is much more to do than just catch the wind. But my kite sailed up, and crashed down, numerous times before I got the hang of it.
Then, my uncle pulled out his gear. He had a large kite with a long tail. The kite string was attached to a massive reel that he strapped to his chest. He simply caught the wind and released the kite into the sky. There it stayed for the rest of the afternoon, avoiding other kite lines and zipped side to side, tracing a pattern with its long tail. Finally, as dusk settled, my uncle’s kite began to light up the night. I knew that its illuminated tail and shining strings were visible all across the city. Even though half the time was just spent chatting with other kite flyers, I could see that this was an achievement.
Describe a sport you have learnt for the first time
You should say:
What the sport is
When and where you learnt it
How you learnt it
And explain why you like it
Well, I picked a sport that I think is pretty easy to explain. I don't really know if you'd call it a sport or not. Anyways, I chose bowling.
I learnt to play bowling in my university. Bowling is a sport that just requires you to roll a ball along the floor and to knock over some targets. Those targets are called bowling pins. There are either 5 or 10 pins lined up about 20 meters in front of you. You just need to knock them all down by rolling the balls down the aisle. If you can't knock them all down then you can receive some points for ones you do knock down. The rules are not complicated. You can't step over the line when you roll the ball down the aisle, and you can't throw the ball. That's about it. The scoring system is done automatically these days. When I was young we had to manually calculate it, but nowadays it's easy.
I think the skill in bowling is really in how you practice your stroke when you release the ball. The balls can be influenced by the slightest spin, so you have to give just the right little flick of the wrist when you release it. It's not just a matter of keeping your arm straight as many people assume. So the best thing to do is just keep practicing and experimenting with different ways to throw the ball.
I like playing bowling because it’s a sports requires both wisdom and skills. For examples, if you just keep leaving it to luck, you will not improve, but if you try different ways of releasing the ball you will inevitably find a consistent style. Also, you need to know how to hold the ball. If you always cup the ball, you won’t be able to create the kind of spin that knocks down balls efficiently.
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