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雅思口语范文:Describe an important conversation that influenced you

2017-05-18 11:37来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important conversation that influenced you

  Describe an important conversation that influenced you。以下是新航道给烤鸭准备的两篇雅思口语高分范文,送给正在积极备考的你!

  Last year, I reached the cross roads where I had to select my major. After getting the feedback of my entrance examination, I had to decide which major I should choose for my university. Facing so many choices, I was confused and had completely no idea what to do. So I turned to my history teacher for help. My history teacher is an experienced teacher who I respect the most. He gave me some advice and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. First and foremost, he told me to choose the major that I was interested in. He exemplified the importance of interest. One of his excellent students got into Peking University and majored in medical science, which is the perfect major for his parents. He knew nothing about medical science but the happiness it brought to his parents. In fact, he loved literature, which was regarded by his parents as a useless major. He obeyed his parents' order and finally chose medical science. After a semester, he had to return to high school to get another chance to select another majo, since he couldn^ find his feet in medical school. My teacher told me that it's a waste of time to put myself into a condition that was out of my element. If I was really enthusiastic about something, I would never be bored of it. My teacher inspired me and I finally made up my mind to chase my dream rather than to take others' recommendations. So far, I am satisfied with my college life, and I appreciate for what my history teacher told me. The conversation I had with him helped me follow my heart so I can now enjoy the happiness of spending time on what I love.

雅思口语part2范文:Describe an important conversation that influenced you

  Describe an important conversation that influenced you.

  You should say:

  when this happened

  who you were talking with

  what you talked about

  and how this conversation influenced you.Well, I guess the important conversion would be the one that I talked with my mother about my immigration plan to Australia in the beginning of 2013.

  Actually it was a tough decision for me because I lead a stable life in Beijing, with a desirable job and decent pay. Besides I have tons of friends here in China. I’m sure I would lose much if I go abroad. I was in a dilemma so I appealed to my mother for advise. I told her my reasons of moving abroad and my plan to achieve that. She listened carefully and was obviously concerned about me. She felt my explanations were reasonable and told me that though it would definitely be a bit risky to start a new life in an unfamiliar country, it’s worth making a change to pursue a better living condition cos I was still young to realise my dream. What really made me feel interesting was that after I told her that I was preparing the IELTS test, my mother encouraged me in the way that she reminded me that my father was also trying to pass the exam of the certified public accountants at the similar age of mine to improve our standards of living, which inspired me so much.

  This conversion was really important because after talking with my mom, I finally made up my mind to do the immigration in order to make my life better.


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