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雅思口语范文:Describe a time that you forgot something important

2017-05-18 11:04来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a time that you forgot something important

      新航道雅思继续和大家分享雅思口语范文:Describe a time that you forgot something important.以下有三篇范文,烤鸭可以随意参考哦!

  Describe a time that you forgot something important.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  What you forgot to do

  Who you were with

  And the consequences of forgetting it


  Well, last week when I was in the classroom preparing to take my mathematic exam, I suddenly found out that I forgot to take my calculator and left it in the dormitory. Taking a mathematic exam without a calculator would be a nightmare cause" Tm going to spend a lot of time and brainpower on meaningless calculations that others could easily do with a machine by their side. Besides, the stress of time would interrupt my thoughts and it would be more like a psychological war. It was only 15 minutes before the exam, but it would be enough time for me to rush back and return with a calculator if I was riding a bike. Unluckily, I walked to the classroom that day so my bike was still parked beside my dorm. Worse still, the seating arrangement was done randomly to ensure students had little chance to know those who were sitting nearby, so I didn't know anyone who was present in the classroom from whom I could borrow a bike at that time. But the exam was more important to me and I couldn't afford the price of failing the exam, so I worked up my nerve and asked a girl sitting next to me whether she had a bike that could lend to me. Lucky for me, she did have a bike and she was nice enough to lend it to a stranger. With the help of her, I was able to fetch my calculator and come back to the classroom 2 minutes before the exam started, so this embarrassing experience didn't have any negative influence on my mathematic exam. I was able to use the calculator during the exam and the result turned out to be good.



  Describe a time that you forgot something important

  I remember once, I forgot to take the coal we bought to the barbecue. It was the day before my boyfriend’s birthday, and I thought it would be nice to throw him a surprise party, but going to a restaurant is just not original enough, so I invited all his friends to have a barbecue on the beach instead. We all thought it was a perfect place to have a party because besides eating, we could do a whole bunch of activities, like playing beach volleyball, burying somebody in the sand with only their heads above ground and something like that. And then when it got dark, we could lie down on the beach and watch the stars.

  So, anyway, the intentions were good, but it was not well planned. A friend of mine accidently gave away the plan, so when we got there, my boyfriend wasn’t surprised at all. The only “surprise” that day was the fact that I forgot to bring the coal to the party.

  I was so embarrassed, because it was the first time that I had ever thrown a birthday party to my boyfriend, and I blew it.

  I had imagined in my head that it would be a perfect birthday dinner. We bought beef, lamb, chicken wings, mushrooms and all kinds of stuff to barbecue, but who could have thought…

  Fortunately, we had the birthday cake, so at least we could have something to eat.

  My boyfriend kept saying “It’s OK, don’t worry.”, but I felt so stupid, and I really learnt my lesson. Next time before doing anything important, I have to make a detailed plan and double check every step that could possibly go wrong.



  Describea time that you forgot something important.

  You should say:

  When this happened;

  What you forgot to do;

  Who you were with;

  and what consequences you faced.

  I forgot my mother’s birthday last year. That was the most unthinkable thing for me because I had never forgotten her birthday before. It was actually the time really close to my final exam and I was preparing for it. I thought I wouldn’t forget her birthday and I planed to make her a cake and prepare a hearty meal for her. But I forgot it somehow just on the birthday. I was really busy with my revisions and stuff. When I got home after school my dad reminded me of her birthday. The very first thing I did was that I wrote a sorry card to her. I made a list of all the reason I was glad I got her as a mother and put it in the card. Mom wasn’t really upset.

  I actually know there are plenty of things I am allowed to forget. I can forget to feed my dog. I can forget my keys. I can forget the location of my favorite restaurant. But one thing I shall never forget is her birthday. For my mother, her family is everything and she rarely gets angry or shouts at us when she pisses off. I was terribly sorry for my carelessness. And I’ve certainly never forgotten my parents’ birthday since then.


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