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雅思口语范文:Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future

2017-05-02 20:19来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语范文:Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future

  新航道雅思教研团和大家分享一篇去年的热点话题:Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.我们一共提供了3篇范文共参考,不要错过哦!


  Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.

  You should say:

  what the goal is

  what would you do to achieve it

  when will you achieve

  and explain why you want to achieve it.Well I want to get the Australian driving licence in the short future because I cannot go anywhere without cars, and I cannot bear the unreliable local bus system. The bus does not always come in time and I usually have to wait half an hour for it. It really wastes my time.

  It is really not easy to get the Australian driving licence. Apart from the theory test, I have to attend the road test with my coach sitting besides me. He will give me lots of different instructions while I am driving in oder to test my driving skills and knowledge in about one hour, such as giving way, changing lanes, turning on and from busy roads, negotiating roundabouts, parking and etc. I really need lots of time to practise because my previous driving experience in China will impede due to the two different driving regulations.

  Anyway, I believe I can get my driving licence this month because I have practiced enough time and I have already been quite familiar with the Australian driving rules. I have made some mistakes on the road which will help me remember them and avoid them in the future. What I need to do is to keep calm down and drive very carefully in the road test and get the licence successfully.



  Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.

  You should say:

  what the goal is

  what would you do to achieve it

  when will you achieve

  and explain why you want to achieve it.

  Well I want to get the Chinese driving licence in the short future because I cannot go anywhere without cars, and I cannot bear the unreliable local bus system. The bus does not always come in time and I usually have to wait half an hour for it. It really wastes my time.

  It is really not easy to get the Chinese driving licence. Apart from the theory test, I have to attend the road test with my coach sitting besides me. He will give me lots of different instructions while I am driving in order to test my driving skills and knowledge in about one hour, such as giving way, changing lanes, turning on and from busy roads, negotiating roundabouts, parking and etc. I really need lots of time to practice.

  Anyway, I believe I can get my driving licence this month because I have practiced enough time and I have already been quite familiar with the Chinese driving rules. I have made some mistakes on the road which will help me remember them and avoid them in the future. What I need to do is to keep calm down and drive very carefully in the road test and get the licence successfully.


  雅思口语这个describe a goal you want to achieve in the future,很多孩子就开端畅想将来的职业了,正好跟a job you would like to have in the future能够圆满兼并。于是这个口语话题的答案就变成了“当上总经理,出任CEO,迎娶白富美,走上人生”的故事。也有一个思绪是跟雅思口语中“环境法”放在一同,以后做一位environmentalist也不错嘛。总之哪个雅思词汇储藏足,就往哪个方向说就对了!下面的素材是那种“造福全人类”性质的,大家能够搞起来:

  I want to open a cosmetic company in the future, which I’m positive would be profitable ‘cause today basically every girl couldn’t live without cosmetics.

  However, most cosmetics are harmful to our skin if we keep using it for a long time, ‘cause some ingredients they use which contain toxic chemicals can be detrimental. And I heard that we absorb up to 60 percent of what we put on our skin. Then it is not surprising when many skin problems occur like itchy rash, dull skin tone, pimples, allergy and even cancer. So my goal is to develop a series of healthy cosmetic products that would cause no skin disorders.

  And I would hire my favorite actress XX as my spokesperson. She’s really influential and convincing, so she can help project a more positive image of my company.

  After a few years, my company would definitely go public, and I would open branches all over the world. I’m sure my products would benefit more people of all ages and all skin types, and not just female customers. Men can also use our products. So basically everyone is my target customer.

  Right now my goal might sound a little ambitious, and my mom always says I’m being too unrealistic. But I believe if I keep working for it, everything’s possible.



相关热点: 雅思口语范文







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