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雅思口语part2范文:Describe a success in your life

2017-05-02 20:06来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2范文:Describe a success in your life。我们给大家带来了三篇范文,共烤鸭参考!

  新航道雅思又来给大家分享雅思口语范文啦!本篇主题Describe a success in your life,我们给大家带来了三篇范文,共烤鸭参考!

        Describe a success in your life.

  You should say:

  when and where this happened

  who you were with

  what you did


  and how you felt about the success.Let me tell you about my success I am proud of. After my son was in the kindergarten and no longer needed me to look after in the daytime, I decided to return to the workplace to earn some money. One of my friends suggested me that I could be an insurance agent in the big insurance company in Beijing in April because the salary was quite decent. But first of all, I had to pass the exam to get the certificate of insurance qualification. Since I had left school for many years, it would be a tough task for me.

  I had to deal with loads of textbooks which were very thick and complicated. And there were many things I had to understand and memorise. I told my friend that I was not good at studying but I must overcome it this time. I attended the training school in the daytime and sometimes I studied late at night. I never thought of myself to be so determined.

  After two months of hard work, I told her one day that I had successfully passed the exam, and was eligible to join the company. I was really proud of myself because I could start to do what I had always wanted to do.



  The way we look at our success and the way people look at it differ. We sometimes consider our small and personal achievements as great success while to others; those might not be counted as success at all. Thus we judge ourselves in a different angel than people do. However some successes are exemplary and inspiring. The success that I achieved and would like to talk about is my involvement in a social welfare activity that I greatly feel proud of.

  The local authority of our hometown once planned to build a multi-storied shopping mall in a public park. Some of us suddenly noticed that they have started cutting the trees and we later learned that they will build a shopping mall there. We instantly planned to protest if though we knew that it would be complicated issues and we have little power against the powerful authority that have planned to destroy the park and make it a profitable market place. We were initially 5-6 persons involved in the protest and we let the community people know about the mischievous plan the authority has taken. Later 20 more people joined our group. We went to the local authority, journalists; police station met local politicians and social workers, and presented our view and abhorrent plan the authority has taken. Because of our protests, the tree cutting was halted. Later we found that more community people joined us and a big news has been published in the local newspapers regarding this issue.

  The park was the only green place and recreation centre for the local people. People came there in the morning and evening to walk, run and do other short of social activities. Children enjoyed playing there and some social programs held there. A large number of birds stay at the trees of the park and destroying this park would have been a serious threat to our environment as there were more than 300 different trees there. It was not easy to fight with the powerful authority and we had to struggle a lot for more than 6 months. We finally went to court and got the decree against destroying the park.

  This whole event occurred 5 years back when I was a fresh college student. I still consider my involvement to save the part as a great thing I did and being able to save the park and nature is a big success in my life.



  Describe a success in your life.

  You should say:

  What was it

  When did you get this success

  How to get it

  And explain with whom/what did you do in this success


  Sample Response:

  Well, what has been the big success that makes me proud of in my life? It definitely goes to my weight loss story.

  I grew up as an overweight kid. I was always tired and had very little energy to do anything. I was depressed and became a person with low self-esteem. As I got older, I knew I had to make some changes.

  So I made a weight loss plan when I was in junior high school, adhering to it and couldn’t be happier when I found it worked after two years’ trying. The plan was actually quite simple, eat less and exercise more. I went on a very strict nutritional regimen. I cut out all empty calories from my diet (fast food, sweets, soda, etc.) and really focused on only eating clean nutrient dense foods. On top of that, I went jogging every morning, be it chilly winter or hot summer.

  The changes were incredible; I lost ten kilograms within two years. What’s most important is, I am healthier than ever before. I feel much more athletic now. I have an overall sense of well being that I never experienced when I was heavier. I have so much more energy and I sleep better also.

  I feel especially flatted when others can hardly believe I was a much bigger girl. It was really a success.


  成功戒烟/戒酒/戒游戏/减肥/克服羞涩(近似于a change in life)


  成功地维权(素材可用于物品题,something you bought but you were not happy with,讲买的东西有质量问题,不满意,要求索赔,最终成功)

  成功地脱险(近似于an unforgettable event)


  成功地与病魔抗争(素材可用于a change in life, a happy moment, a piece of good news)



  新航道团队满分口语范文:Describe a success in your life.

  You should say,

  When you achieve it

  What it is

  How you achieve it

  And explain your feelings about it.

  Speaking of the success I got in my life, one of them is definitely that I managed to learn swimming. You know I am a landbubber and scared of water when I was born. Every time when I go to beach with my fellows I am the only one that stay on the beach all the time, which really makes me mad and a bit ashamed. Last month, I got a chance to travel to the Dead Sea, which is the border lake of Jordan and Palestine. As we all know, the salinity of the water in the Dead Sea is 6 times higher than sea water, therefore, anyone can easily flow on the surface of the water. It is a great opportunity for me to learn to swim. But honestly speaking, learning swimming in the Dead Sea seems to be a good choice but actually it isn’t. The water is so salty and it tasted really bitter when some water drops came into my mouth by accident. What’s worse, the water also made my eyes swollen and I turned blind for approximately 5 seconds! I did not give up and kept trying over and over again. I comforted and encouraged myself by thinking that anyway I would never sink in the Dead Sea plus all my friends were together with me. Finally, I made it and swam for about 50 meters without any assists! From this unique experience I learned that success is always after thousands of failures. Sometimes what beats you is nothing but yourself! Just be optimistic and persistent, you could conquer any fear and obstacles!


  这个暑期,来新航道雅思封闭班 ,我们给考生的保障

  签订协议,承诺不过重修,只有的雅思培训 学校,才敢做出如此承诺!










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