

2017-04-24 16:58来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




  What is your favourite snack?

  My favourite snack would have to be baozi, I think in English you would call them steamed buns or dumplings. They're delicious and best of all they're cheap!They are served all over the place so you can pick a bag up on-the-go and you can get all sorts of different fillings. My personal favourite is pork with white cabbage.

  What kind of snack is popular in your country?

  China has a wide range of snacks, some savoury and some sweet. I think they are very specific to our country and sometimes to the local region you are in. In Beijing the pastries from Daoxiangcun are very popular. They are eaten by locals, but are also bought as souvenirs by visitors.

  When do you usually have snacks?

  I tend to eat 3 main meals a day, but I also like to graze on snacks in between meals. I've gotten into the habit of having elevenses, which I picked up from a foreigner I used to work with. It usually involves a cup of tea or coffee, with a cake or some biscuits at around eleven AM.

  What are the benefits of having a snack?

  I find that snacks perform different roles depending on when I have them. A mid-morning snack is an excuse for a little break and can be a bit of a pick me up if I'm feeling sleepy. A snack in the afternoon keeps my hunger at bay and helps tide me over till dinner.

  Who prefer snacks, men or women/ the young or the old?

  I think women wouldn't like to admit it, but they probably snack more than men. It isn't necessarily always snacks that are bad for you, I think they also eat more fruit between meals.As for the young or old, I think young people must snack more, partly because there are more snacks aimed at young people, but also because I think young people eat more than old people in general.

  · What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

  I love cup cakes. Some of them have really amazing taste and there is a wild range of flavors you can choose from. My favorite is vanilla cup cake with extra cream. The moment cream melts in my mouth, I see rainbow in a hard day.

  · Is it healthy to eat snack?

  Whether eating snacks is healthy or not heavily depends on what kind of snacks you have and the amount of it. For instance, there are many types of dried vegetables and fruits snacks available in the supermarket which is quite healthy. But even if it has a good taste you should still pay a lot of attention not to overeat.

  · Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

  Yes, they do. They allow me to eat snacks but they will set up the amount I can eat and decide when I can have them. For instance, when I was young, I could never have a lot of snacks before meals because they were worried that if I have too many snacks then there will be little room for me to have my formal meal which contains more nutrition.

  ·What was the most popular snack when you were young?

  When I was young, there was a quite popular snack that every child would buy if they have any money named "Spicy Rod". It's actually made of powders and chillies. And now the Chinese phrase "la tiao" is a buzzword on social network.

  ·What kind of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

  Given the popularity of American lifestyles, all the fried chiken and burgers are loved by young boys and girls in China. Just have a look at the expansion of Kenturey Fried Chiken and Burger King.

  以上,就是 上海雅思培训机构 的老师为你带来2016年1月14日雅思口语part1范文!另外,我们还提供相关的阅读,欢迎大家参考:2016.1.14雅思口语part1范文:Shopping

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