

2022-09-26 11:35来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


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Passage 1 Ahead of Time


首 次出现:2012.8.9





本文选自2009年3月刊的New Zealand Geographic,讲一个怀拉拉帕(Wairarapa)的本地少年山姆·托宾(Sam Tobin,如图),在拉玛汉加(Ruamahanga)河边遛狗的时候发现了一个头骨。考古学家们经过分析,颠覆了移民到达新西兰的最早时间。本篇文章也算是考生们的老朋友了,12年横空出世之后,算上今天已经是第5次出现了。题型配比是两种填空+判断,三种题型的安排稍微增加了一点难度,但在题型排列上是泾渭分明的顺序出题。总的来说,是一篇比较好入手的Passage1.


Ahead of Time

A chance discovery challenges the recorded history of New Zealand

AT ABOUT MIDDAY on 23 October 2004, young Wairarapa local Sam Tobin round up his dogs, Gomez and Bertie, and took a wander down to the nearby Ruamahanga River. Having run high for days, the river had at last fallen and he was eager to see what changes the resent spring floods had wrought. The family at Pukio, 15km southeast of Featherston, bordered the Ruamahanga and a purpose-built four-metre-high flood bank set back 30 or 40 paces from the water testified to its flood-prone nature. Sixteen-year-old Tobin had known the tree-fringed river to keep to its bed in only one year out of the 11 he had lived on the farm, its shoals and sandy margins endlessly dredged and reworked by the big-muscled seasonal flood.

Stepping out onto a broad shoulder of river sand, studded with stone chip, he noticed what he took to be the upper surface of a whitish rock lit by the noonday sun. Getting closer he saw that it was bone. Such a thing was not uncommon hereabouts-he had often come across fragments, and even complete skulls, of cows and sheep. But as he scraped aside the stones and prised the object free, he realized with a shock that he held in his hands a human skull, discoloured with age, and bleached above and behind the right eyes socket where it had lain exposed. There were several holes, one of them in the right temple, perhaps suggesting a violent death.

Tobin replaced the skull and hurried home to tell his mother what the Ruamahanga had delivered to their doorstep. It would prove to be a spectacular find; setting in motion an investigation that would drag on for years and draw in some of the country’s most respected specialists, stirring heated controversy across the country and making headlines on the other side of the world. The debate that ensued challenged our most firmly held assertions of human settlement in New Zealand.

THE POLICE WERE called, but despite a thorough search they could find nothing that might shed light on the identity of the skull, or on the circumstances of its sudden appearance on a secluded bank of the Ruamahanga.

The skull was taken north to be examined by forensic pathologists Dr Rex Ferris and Dr Tim Koelmeyer at Auckland Hospital. Despite being hampered by its damaged and incomplete condition-the jawbone and lower left portion of the cranium were missing-Ferris and Koelmeyer determined that the skull was that of an adult female. Furthermore, most probably of Caucasian origin and that the deterioration of the bone placed the time of death “beyond living memory”. They conjectured that the holes in the skull, each the size of a 10 cent piece, might represent old injuries, and that one of the perforations looked to have been caused by “ancient buckshot.”

Wellington-based forensic anthro-pologist Dr Robin Watt also examined the skull. He concurred with his northern colleagues, stating in his report that it was “probably that of a female, aged about 40-45 years, and probably of European origin”.

The experts agreed, and believing that it could be the remains of an old farm burial, Dr Watt recommended radio carbon dating to make sure it wasn’t a recent death. A sample of bone from the upper part of the skull was duly sent to the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) in Lower Hutt, and a little over three weeks later the result from GNS’s Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory came back. The news was a bombshell.

Cutting through the bewildering complexity of the scientific analysis was a single line, under the heading “Radiocarbon Calibration Report”, which announced an electrifying conclusion. It read: “Conventional radiocarbon age 296 ± 35 years BP.”

If the lab had got its science right, the skull that Sam Tobin had lifted from the sand was 300 or more years old. While a 300-year old skull wasn’t that unusual, three independent experts had suggested that the skull was a European female. And that raised the tantalising possibility of a white woman having walked among Maori in the Wairarapa long before the arrival of Captain James Cook; perhaps even before the very first recorded European contact-the fleeting visit of the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642.

It seemed a preposterous idea. No Northern hemisphere ships were known to have sailed in these waters before Tasman’s and according to records there wasn’t another until Cook’s Endeavour. The Portuguese voyager Ferdinand Magellan had rounded South America and burst into the Pacific in 1520, just six years after its discovery by Europeans, but his route unfolded well to the north of Tahiti and the Marshall Islands. Besides, there is no record of any women among the 240 crew aboard Magellan’s five tiny ships. The same held true with later sixteenth and early seventeenth century Pacific voyages, including those of Francis Drake and Luis Vaez de Torres.


判断 T T F NG

流程图填空 police,European,radiocarbon dating,sample, 296

笔记填空 race, archaeologists, Australia, shipwreck

Passage 2 冰山解决淡水问题

首 次出现:2007.7.14







判断 T F NG T T NG T

填空 wrapping process, rolls, cables, friction, current

单选 暂缺

Passage 3 Saving Endangered Language



首 次出现:2006.12.2




分析:又是一篇从箱底被捞上来的文章(毕竟上一次考到已经是11年)。本篇文章作为整套阅读题中唯 一一篇有点难度和份量的题,只要考生明确一篇文章中存在多种匹配题(Heading和特殊词匹配都是匹配题)的集体思路,基本也能稳妥应对。关于文章内容,说实话,所以和濒危语言相关的内容都在C4T2P1那篇文章里讲得七七八八了,大同小异而已。


Save Endangered Language

“Obviously we must do some serous rethinking of our priorities, lest linguistics go

down in history as the only science that presided obviously over the disappearing

of 90 percent of the very field to which it is dedicated.” Michael Krauss. “The

World’s Language in Crisis.”

Ten years ago Michael Krauss sent s shudder through the discipline of linguistics with his prediction that half the 6,000 or so languages spoken in the world would cease to be uttered within a century. Unless scientists and community leaders directed a worldwide effort to stablise the decline of local languages, he warned, nine tenth of the linguistic diversity of humankind would probably be educated guess, but other respected linguists had been clanging our similar alarms.Keneth L. Hale of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology noted in the same journal issue that eight languages on which he had done fieldwork had since passed into extinction. A 1990 survey in Australia found that 70 of the 90 surviving Aboriginal languages were no longer used regularly by all age groups. The same was true for all but 20 of the 175 Native American languages spoken or remembered in the US., Krauss told a congressional panel in 1992.

Many experts in the field mourn the loss of rare languages, for several reasons. To start, there is scientific self-interest: some of the most basic questions in linguistics have to do with the limits of human speech, which are far from fully explored. Many researchers would like to know which structural elements of grammar and vocabulary--if any—are truly universal and probably therefore hardwired into the human brain. Other scientists try to reconstruct ancient migration patterns by comparing borrowed words that appear in otherwise unrelated languages. In each of these cases, the wider the portfolio of languages you study, the more likely you are to get the right.

Despite the near constant buzz in linguistics about endangered languages over the past 10

years, the field has accomplished depressingly little. “You would think that there would be

some organised response to this dire situation,” some attempt to determine which language can be saved and which should be documented before they disappear, says Sara G. Thomason, a linguist at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. “But there isn’t any such effort organised in the profession. It is only recently that it has become fashionable enough to work on endangered languages.” Six years ago, recalls Douglas H. Whales of Yale University, “when I asked linguists who was raising money to deal with these problems. I mostly got blank stares.” So Whalen and a few other linguists founded the Endangered Languages Fund. In the five years to 2001 they were able to collect only $80,000 for research grants. A similar foundation in England, directed by Nicholas Ostler, has raised just $8,000 since 1995.

But there are encouraging signs that the field has turned a corner, The Volkswagen Foundation, a German charity, just issued its second round of grants totally more than $2

million. It has created a multimedia archive at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands that can house recordings, grammars dictionaries and other data on endangered languages. To fill the archive, the foundation has dispatched field linguists to document Aweti (100 or so speakers in Brazil). Ega (about 300 speakers in Ivory Coast). Waima’a (a few hundred speakers in East Timor), and a dozen or so other languages unlikely to survive the century . The Ford Foundation as also edged in to the arena. Its contributions helped to reinvigorate a master-apprentice program created in 1992 by Leanne Hinton of Berkeley and Native Americans worried about the imminent demise of about 50 indigenous languages in California. Fluent speakers receive $3,000 to teach a younger relative (who is also paid) their native tongue through 360 hours of shared activities, spread over six months. So far about 5 teams have completed the program, Hinton says,transmitting at least some knowledge of 25 languages. “It’s too early to call this language revitalisation.” Hinton admits. “ In California the death rate of elderly speakers will always be greater than the recruitment rate of young speakers. But at least we prolong the survival of the language.” That will give linguists more time to record these tongues before they vanish.

But the master-apprentice approach hasn’t caught on outside the U.S., and Hinton’s effort is a drop in the sea. At least 440 languages have been reduced to a mere handful of elders, according to the Ethnologue, a catalogue of languages produced by the Dallas-based group SIL International that comes closest to global coverage. For the vast majority of there languages, there is little or no records pf their grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation or use in daily life. Even if a language has been fully documented, all that remains once it vanishes from active use is a fossil skeleton, a scattering of features that the scientists was lucky and astute enough to capture. Linguists may be able to sketch on outline of the forgotten language and fix its place on the evolutionary tree, but little more. “How did people start conversations and talk to babies? How did husband and wives converse?” Hinton asks. “Those are the first things you want to learn whent you want to revitalise the language.”

But there is as yet no discipline of “conversion linguistics,” as there is for biology. Almost every strategy tried so far has succeeded in some places but failed in others and there seems to be no way to predict with certainty what will work where. Twenty years ago in New Zealand , Maori speakers set up ‘language nests,” in which preschoolers were immersed in the native language. Additional Maori-only classes were added as the children progressed through elementary and secondary school. A similar approach was tried in Hawaii, with some success--the number of native speakers has stablised at 1,000 or so, reports Joseph E. Grimes of SIL International, who is working on Oahu. Students can now get instruction in Hawaiian all the way through university.

One factors that always seems to occur in the demise of a language is that the speakers begin to have collective doubts about the usefulness of language loyalty. Once they start regarding their own language as inferior to the majority language, people stop using it for all situations. Kids pick up on the attitude and prefer the dominant language. In many cases, people don’t notice until they suddenly realise that their kids never speak language, even at home. This is how Cornish and some dialects of Scottish Gaelic is still only rarely used for daily home life in Ireland, 80 years after the republic was founded with Irish as its first official language.

Linguists agree that ultimately, the answer to the problem of language extinction is multilingualism. Even uneducated people can learn several languages, as long as they start as children. Indeed, most people in the world speak more than one tongue, and in places such as Cameroon (279 languages), Papua New Guinea (823) and India (387) it is common to speak three or four distinct languages and a dialect or two as well. Most Americans and Canadians, to the west of Quebec, have a gut reaction that anyone speaking another language in front of them is committing an immoral act. You get the same reaction in Australia and Russia. It is no coincidence that these are the areas where languages are disappearing the fastest. The first step in saving dying languages is to persuade the world’s majorities to allow the minorities among them to speak with their own voices.


Heading 27 v 28 x 29 iii 30 i 31 vii 32 viii 33 ii

特殊词匹配 34-38C B E A D

单选 39 C 40 D

写 作

Task 1

Task 1的主题是“1978-2008 英国六个年龄段女性生育比例的变化。”这道题还是非常简单的动态图表,对于数据分组分段的时候,就是按照三个整体上升,三个整体下降来分段,但是呢,很多学生拿不到高分的原因是因为他们缺乏数据之间的对比,特别是不同组别的时间的数据对比~

如果数据的总体差距缩小或者变大,考生可以宏观角度去总结总体差距的变化。即“Overall, the gap among xxxx had become wider or narrower from xxx to xxx.”

Task 2


Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



大部分学生在思路上都会去写,机器人重要是因为可以替代人去做一些危险的工作;相反,机器人未来比较危险的话,会去写人工智能发展太快,导致人类无法很好的管控它们。这道题回忆的版本有很多,如果题目只是讲“dangerous”,学生如果讲失业的话是存在跑题的。如果只是讲“negative effects ”则可以写的。所以这种思路要拿高分其实语言要相对出彩一点。




听 力








1. Hackett

2. 20 March

3. hiking

4. surfing

5. birds

6. farm

7. adventure

8. airport

9. twin

10. 1375




场景:一个漫画展览 cartoon exhibition



11. main intended audience: students

12. cartoon source from newspaper and comics

13. exhibition followed a regular lecture/discussion

14. can take away a cartoon print


15. two politicians: only one version left

16. Elizabeth queen: owned by nation


17. animal life: in the lower left corner

18. big social event: in the supper left corner

19. political man: in the upper right corner

20. a whole family: in the middle





场景:连锁咖啡店研究 the bean house coffee shop chain


21. Paul hopes to present before the girl

C underlying principle

22. the first impression about the bean coffee shop

B/C unique product

23. how to improve their presentation

A be more interactive

24. the girl got wrong message on

B the founder of this bean coffee

25. Paul was unwilling to

A do most of the talking

26. 公司第 一次失败的原因:C financial problems

27. 然后重新开张:B move to new locations

28. 迅速占领市场:D take up opportunities

29. 开始衰退:G loyalty card

30. 继续领先:E business plan




场景:如何挑选建筑材料 lecture on building materials


31. manufactured sources:

there are some man-made materials, such as the example of plastic

32. natural sources:

before using, materials should undergo processing 加工

33. wood should be cut and seasoned 风干 and then made into timber which is kept with preservatives

34. stone: cut and polished 打磨

35. building should consider cost and effect on environment should be considered

36. the properties of different materials very widely, for example, colour/texture, and grain pattern of timber

37. use a mathematic formula to evaluate the quality of woods, because words are subjective and ambiguous in verbal description

Materials Reflectacne rate 反光率

polished silver Almost 1.0

plastic painted white 38. approximately 0.8

quarry tiles 39. approximately 0.1

40. black velvet 黑天鹅绒 almost 0





Part12 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备。


三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation

Part1 必备考题

Singing /Geography /Social media /Puzzles /Technology /Housework and Cooking /Public Transportation /Names/Birthday /Writing /Weather /Snacks/morning time

Evening times/Computers/Daily routine/ Watches/Old buildings /Talents/Collecting things/Boring things/Meeting places/Doing Sports /books and reading habits/advertisement /Mirror/Dreams /Arts /Cinemas/Street markets /Time Management /Sports programs/ Sitting down/science/cars/mobile phones/websites/taking photos/emails



Describe a time when you needed to search for information

Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach etc.)

Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit

Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again

Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

Describe a program you like to watch

Describe a friend from your childhood

Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

Describe a disagreement you had with someone

Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college)

Describe a person who is fashionable

Descibe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g.vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)

Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

Describe a song/a piece of music you like

Describe a person you know who is from a different culture

Describe a time when you received money as a gift

Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store

Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium)

Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers

Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something

Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment

Describe an object that you think is beautiful

Describe something you had to share with others

Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting

Describe an impressive English lesson that you had and enjoyed


Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about you work

Describe a long walk you ever had

Describe something you received for free

Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future

Describe an interesting neighbor

Describe an important river/lake in your country

Describe a quiet place you like to go

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

Describe something that surprised you

Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positve way

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe an important event you celebrated

Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved yet

Describe a person who you follow on social media

Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time

Describe an occasion that you lost something

Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study

Describe a positive change that you made

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a time when you helped a child

Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

Describe a story someone told you and you remember

Describe a course that impressed you a lot

Describe a skill that you learned from older people

Describe someone you really like to spend time with

Describe a time you visited a new place

Describe a house or an apartment which you would like to live in

Describe an interesting song

Describe a city that you think is interesting

Describe a rule that you don’t like

Describe a special cake you received from others

Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

Describe something that you can’t live without

Describe a village that you visited




Do you like geography?

Have you ever studied geography at school?

Are you good at reading a map?

Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?


喜不喜欢地理可以按照自己的实际情况来回答,喜欢的话可以讲述具体原因,比如对自然/人文感兴趣,也可能是比较擅长have a knack for这门学科所以学习它可以带来一种满足感和成就感a sense of satisfaction/ achievement;不喜欢的话同样可以讲述原因,比如觉得太难了太过于乏味tough/tedious。

是否擅长读地图则是可能由于是否具有比较好的方向感,the sense of direction。








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