

2022-08-15 14:25来源:互联网作者:上海管理员









P1点评:本场考试第 一个部分就给了考生“惊喜”,考生翻开卷子发现P1不是常规的10个填空题,而是出现了6个选择题,内心估计开始吐槽了。其实遇到这种情况考生不必要太过焦虑担心考试难度变大,因为整套题填空和选择题型比例大致是平衡的,所以考生往后做题会发现P2部分把以往常见的选择题型换成了填空题,因此P2难度下降,总体难度保持平衡。该篇P1前4题涉及常见的个人信息考点,如人名、地点、数字等,难度不大。后半部分选择题型需重点关注7选3多选,建议考生可参考剑桥真题4-9,其中的部分P1篇目搭配了多选题可做相应训练,如5T1S1, 8T3S1, 9T4S1等。









P3点评:本场考试P3部分场景和题型都还是比较常规的,学术场景搭配选择和配对题型,是整套题中难度系数最 大的一个部分,让很多考生感到头疼。针对P3高频场景和题型,考生一方面需要积累学术场景相关词汇(如论文/选课等);另一方面可参考剑桥真题P3部分进行题型的横向训练,专项解决考点问题(如审题/排干扰/替换等)。




31. help recover from infection

32. recover better with a view of nature than a view of wall

33. hospital is a source of stress

34. good for health, especially to heart

35. benefits to immune system

36. research methods include observation and interview

37. a garden with a fountain is very popular

38. garden needs easily moved furniture

39. somewhere attracts birds

40. old people want to feel a part of society

P4点评:该场考试P4部分题型是常规的笔记填空,从方法上来看,主要考察学生的定位和抓词能力,难度是不大的。但从背景上来看,该篇内容跟医疗相关,涉及到了部分专业词汇,如infection(感染), immune system(免疫系统),难度还是比较大的。对该部分词汇有缺口的考生建议课后对医疗场景词汇进行专项背诵,如病情:flu, digestion, bacteria等;器官部位:heart, knee, bone, kidney等;治疗措施:ice pack, antibiotic, painkiller等。


主要收录2022年8月的雅思纸笔口语和机考口语题目。9月即将迎来换题季,8月依然沿用之前三个月的题库。请大家结合题库,本份预测和串题的思路进行复习。Part12 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备

*重点优先按顺序准备题目,一边题库,一边整理语料,根据预测准备,尽量考前确保所有预测都有按顺序刷过一遍* (文档结尾附建议)

三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation

Part1 必备考题

Evening times/Computers/Daily routine/Taking photos / Watches/Old buildings /Talents/Collecting things/Boring things/Meeting places/ Sports /books and reading habits

advertisement /Mirror/Dreams /Arts /Websites/Cinemas/Street markets /E-mails/Time Management / Lost and found /Concentration/TV program / Sitting down/dreams


Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about you work

Describe a long walk you ever had

Describe something you received for free

Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future

Describe an interesting neighbor

Describe an important river/lake in your country

Describe a quiet place you like to go

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

Describe something that surprised you

Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positve way

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe an important event you celebrated

Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved yet

Describe a person who you follow on social media


Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time

Describe an occasion that you lost something

Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study

Describe a positive change that you made

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a time when you helped a child

Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

Describe a story someone told you and you remember

Describe a course that impressed you a lot

Describe a skill that you learned from older people

Describe someone you really like to spend time with

Describe a time you visited a new place

Describe a house or an apartment which you would like to live in

Describe an interesting song

Describe a city that you think is interesting

Describe a rule that you don’t like

Describe a special cake you received from others

Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

Describe something that you can’t live without

Describe a village that you visited



Describe a positive change that you made

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

Describe a person who you follow on social media

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time

人物类的上面三个话题都可以让我联想到刘耕宏,最近一个炙手可热的网络红人主播(live streamer),他不仅是个歌手,更为人熟知的身份是一个fitness instructor健身教练,在抖音上进行直播健身教粉丝健身操锻炼(do fitness livestream on Tiktok and teach his followers dance workout)。这是最近成千万网民在抖音上关注的人,也是一个来自我们国家的名人。刘耕宏在某些程度上确实是对社会做贡献的,因为他motivate thousands to get into shape(鼓励成年上万人去强身健体)。在刘耕宏的带领下,很多中国人开始晚上改掉吃饱就看电视的久坐的习惯(sedentary lifestyle),开始跟着刘耕宏跳操(doing workout with Liu Genghong),肥肉“咔咔掉”。

另外 你也可以说这是你保持健康的方式(something you do to keep fit),以及你最近的postive change。

另外 关于节省时间的方法(a way that helps you save a lot of time) 很多同学会觉得是个很抽象的话题 我们具体到健身的情景上来 如果你之前都是去健身房 但现在因为很忙碌 所以在家里跳操 其实就算一个节约时间的方法。


今天阅读考试的第 一篇就让不少考生措手不及,习惯了常规的“填空+判断”组合的考生们反馈今天的passage1做出了passage3的感觉,一开始就蒙了。今天开场的第 一篇的题型组合是匹配4+判断4+单选5,没有了“保命”填空题的passage1,也大大增加了今天的考试难度。今天的题型配比非常少见,并不是阶梯式的难度系数逐步上升。第 一篇的难度最 高,也提醒考生们在考试时要格局放大,纵览三篇文章的题型组合,不要执着的和第 一篇死磕到底,合理安排每篇做题时间和顺序,保证做题效率。

Passage1 Scented plants







A Everyone is familiar with scented flowers, and many people have heard that floral odors help the plant attract pollinators. This common notion is mostly correct, but it is surprising how little scientific proof of it exists. Of course, not all flowers are pollinated by biological agents – for example, many grasses are wind-pollinated – but the flowers of the grasses may still emit volatiles. In fact, plants emit organic molecules all the time, although they may not be obvious to the human nose. As for flower scents that we can detect with our noses, bouquets that attract moths and butterflies generally smell “sweet,” and those that attract certain flies seem “rotten” to us.

B The release of volatiles from vegetative parts of the plant is familiar, although until recently the physiological functions of these chemicals were less clear and had received much less attention from scientists. When the trunk of a pine tree is injured – for example, when a beetle tries to burrow into it – it exudes a very smelly resin. This resin consists mostly of terpenes – hydrocarbons with a backbone of 10, 15 or 20 carbons that may also contain atoms of oxygen. The heavier C20 terpenes, called diterpenes, are glue-like and can cover and immobilize insects as they plug the hole. This defense mechanism is as ancient as it is effective: Many samples of fossilized resin, or amber, contain the remains of insects trapped inside. Many other plants emit volatiles when injured, and in some case, the emitted signal helps defend the plant. For example, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, which is known as a “green leaf volatile” because it is emitted by many plants upon injury, deters females of the moth Heliothis virescens from laying eggs on injured tobacco plants. Interestingly, the profile of emitted tobacco volatiles is different at night than during the day, and it is the nocturnal blend, rich in several (Z)-3-hexen-1-olesters, that is most effective in repelling the night-active H. virescens moths.

C Herbivore induced volatiles often serve as indirect defenses. These bulwarks exist in a variety of plant species, including corn, beans, and the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants not only emit volatiles acutely, at the site where caterpillars, mites, aphids or similar insects are eating them but also generally from non-damaged parts of the plant. These signals attract a variety of predatory insects that prey on the plant-eaters. For example, some parasitic wasps can detect the volatile signature of a damaged plant and will lay their eggs inside the offending caterpillar; eventually, the wasp eggs hatch, and the emerging larvae feed on the caterpillar from the inside hatch, and the emerging larvae feed on the caterpillar from the inside out. The growth of infected caterpillars is retarded considerably, to the benefit of the plant. Similarly, volatiles released by plants in response to herbivore egg laying can attract parasites of the eggs, thereby preventing them from hatching and avoiding the onslaught of hungry herbivores that would have emerged. Plant volatiles can also be used as a kind of currency in some very indirect defensive schemes. In the rainforest understory tree Leonardoxa Africana, ants of the species Petalomyrmex phylax patrol young leaves and attack any herbivorous insects that they encounter. The young leaves emit high levels of the volatile compound methyl salicylate, a compound that the ants use either as a pheromone or as an antiseptic in their nests. It appears that methyl salicylate is both an attractant and a reward offered by the tree to get the ants to perform this valuable deterrent role.

D Floral scent has a strong impact on the economic success of many agricultural crops that rely on insect pollinators, including fruit trees such as the bee-pollinated cherry, apple, apricot and peach, as well as vegetables and tropical plants such as papaya. Pollination not only affects crop yield, but also the quality and efficiency of crop production. Many crops require most, if not all, ovules to be fertilized for optimum fruit size and shape. A decrease in fragrance emission reduces the ability of flowers to attract pollinators and results in considerable losses for growers, particularly for introduced species that had a specialized pollinator in their place of origin. This problem has been exacerbated by recent disease epidemics that have killed many honeybees, the major insect pollinators in the United States.

E One means by which plant breeders circumvent the pollination problem is by breeding self-compatible, or apomictic, varieties that do not require fertilization. Although this solution is adequate, its drawbacks include near genetic uniformity and consequent susceptibility to pathogens. Some growers have attempted to enhance honeybee foraging by spraying scent compounds on orchard trees, but this approach was costly, had to be repeated, had potentially toxic effects on the soil or local biota, and, in the end, proved to be inefficient. The poor effectiveness of this strategy probably reflects inherent limitations of the artificial, topically applied compounds, which clearly fail to convey the appropriate message to the bees. For example, general spraying of the volatile mixture cannot tell the insects where exactly the blossoms are. Clearly, a more refined strategy is needed. The ability to enhance existing floral scent, which could all be accomplished by genetic engineering, would allow us to manipulate the types of insect pollinators and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, the metabolic engineering of fragrance could increase crop protection against pathogens and pests.

F Genetic manipulation of the scent will also benefit the floriculture industry. Ornamentals, including cut flowers, foliage and potted plants, play an important aesthetic role in human life. Unfortunately, traditional breeding has often produced cultivars with improved vase life, shipping characteristics, color and shape while sacrificing desirable perfumes. The loss of scent among ornamentals, which have a worldwide value of more than $30 billion, makes them important targets for the genetic manipulation of flower fragrance. Some work has already begun in this area, as several groups have created petunia and carnation plants that express the linalool synthase gene from C. Breweri. These experiments are still preliminary: For technical reasons, the gene was expressed everywhere in the plant, and although the transgenic plants did create small amounts of linalool, the level was below the threshold of detection for the human nose. Similar experiments in tobacco used genes for other monoterpene synthases, such as the one that produces limonene, but gave similar results.

G The next generation of experiments, already in progress, includes sophisticated schemes that target the expression of scent genes specifically to flowers or other organs – such as special glands that can store antimicrobial or herbivore – repellent compounds.

Passage2 Logbook and climate航海日志和气候变化





Passage2是讲述了通过19世纪的航海记录来研究和推断气候的变化,还是一篇古早的旧题。说到气候变化,最常探讨的就是“全球暖化”问题。类似的话题在剑桥真题中也出现不少,比如:剑6test1passage3 “Climate Change and the Inuit”。在今年的7月23日考试中passage1也谈到了 the ice age 冰河世纪的话题。

Passage3 Voynich manuscript 伏尼契手稿





Passage3是关于一份内容不明的神秘书籍,其中所用字母及语言至今无人能识别。手稿中有天文,生物,宇宙,医药等相关的内容,并且配以奇特的文字和图案。许多世界顶 尖的译码专家努力钻研,但是没有人能破解,一连串的失败令学者不禁怀疑手稿是否有内容可供破解。伏尼契文说不定完全没有意义,手稿也可能只是个精心设计的骗局。这篇Passage3没有单选题,但是不少考生因为在passage1停留太久,导致了没有充分的时间来完成填空。提醒考生在平时的练习中一定注意限时练习,并且对每篇文章的时间做好合理的安排。


27. It is uncertain when was the Voynich Manuscript written. False

28. The Voynich Manuscript was donated by Wilfried Voynich to the library Yale University. Not Given

29. The manuscript was made out of less than 70 symbols. False

30. The manuscript attracted diverse attention. People in many fields like professor or experts also have interest on it. True

31. The times of the word appearing suggests that the transcript may be written by artificial language. C

32. Unlike other mysterious objects, people have direct access to the transcript. A

33. The person who wrote the manuscript was not entirely insane. B

34. The true author may be the same one suggested by Voynich. D

A. Rugg

B. Bacon

C. William Friedman

D. William Newbold

E. Wilfried Voynich

F. Shelfried

35. microscope. 36. symbols 37. Voynichese 38. table 39. spectral

40. the writer’s main aim in writing this article

C. explain numerous attempts to decode the manuscript




今日份考察是非数据类图表中的地图题,主题是关于一个小岛在火山喷发前后的变化。关于地图题,重点在于描述变化。大家在准备此类题目的时候需要准备一些描述变化的词汇和句式,比如be built/be removed/disappear/be demolished 等等,在描述方位的时候需要注意介词之间的差别in/to/on, in 指的是在建筑的内部,on 是外部贴着,to是外部但是不贴着。介词的准确使用也能够增强描述的准确度。地图题大家仍旧需要合理去概括发生的变化,完成宏观概括的书写,参考的思路可以往某地是否变得更多功能了?是否是把原本的功能做了结构升级(比如元素保留,但是对应的设施有发生变化)去考虑。剑9第1套小作文小岛的变化和今日份的考题很相似,真题后面也有一篇7分的范文,大家可以作为参考进行阅读。

In more and more countries, people choose to give money on special occasions rather than giving gifts chosen personally. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or a negative development?


今日考察的题目类型是报告类+利弊分析类的混合类大作文。我们可以在两个主体段分别回应原因和是否积极的发展。原因可以写1.实用主义的宣传,让人们这个在选择送礼种类的时候变得更实际了,选择给钱让朋友能够自己安排。2. 现在的礼物种类越来越多样了,增加了挑选的难度,这时候选择给钱可能是更省时省力的方式。第二个问题推荐写积极的发展,这种做法避免了因为买到了别人不喜欢的礼品而产生的资源浪费。人们可以拿着钱自己安排,去买自己想买的东西或者花在其他自己想花的方面。







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雅思全程班(A+B+C段)20-30人班 20-30人 192课时 ¥13800 在线咨询
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雅思强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿班 6-10人 152 ¥28800 在线咨询
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雅思全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
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