

2022-06-01 13:55来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:新航道2022年5月28日雅思考试机经回忆完整版,今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2022年5月28日雅思考试机经回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思小编会在1-2天内更新雅思机经回忆



2022/5/28 Thursday


5月28日 的雅思考试回忆来啦!









1. Date of birth;: 8th November 4987

2. Contact phone number: 07785206439

3. Address: Flat 22A

4. Must have an insurance certificate

5. Require for good location

6. Job of doing some cleaning

7. Check the health

8. Have the job information from the. newspaper

9. Would like to attend an interview firstly

10. Time for interview: best before. 9.50 am







关键词: photo,magazine, feature, product








关键词: gold miner, trees, railway








31in the 1940s, 60% of users used public transport

32. the road used to be crowded and uncomfortable

33. in the 1940s, the car was associated with freedom

34. there are 5 disadvantages of car, the last one is high car taxes

35. until a new government election in 1949

36. driving affects relationships between people

37. driving affect road condition: roads are jammed and pollutedeN

38. in the 1980s and 1990s, more lanes and road directions appeared

39. in this field, it is different from the past: the design of adve rtise ments to attract motorists

40. less business booming development since the creation of shopping mall


Part 1

People & Animal


Work and studies


Collecting things.

Taking photos


Lost and found

Sitting down

Objects / Things





Mobile phone






Old buildings

Meeting places



The area you live in


Street market





Feel bored/Boring things


Time management

Daily study routine

TV program




People & Animal

Describe an interesting neighbor有趣的邻居

Describe a family member you want to work with in the future,想共事的家人

Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about只见过一 次想了解更多的人

Describe a person who contributes to the society对社会有贡献的人

Describe a friend yourealy like to talk to喜欢一起聊天的朋友

Describe a person you like to spend time with喜欢共度时光的人

Describe a person who you fllow on social media社交网络 上关注的人

Describe a famous person you are interested in感兴趣的名人


Describe something that surprised you让你惊讶的事

Describe a time you helped a child - -次帮助小孩子的经历

Describe a contest you would like to participate in想要参加的比赛

Describe something that helps you to focus on study/work帮助你集中注意力的事

Describe an important event you celebrated庆祝过的重要的活动

Describe a time when you were caught in a trffc jam堵车的经历

Describe a positive change you made in your life好的变化

Describe a special day out that didn't cost you much花费甚少的外出日

Describe an occasion that you lost something丢东西的经历

Describe something you do to keep ft and healthy保健方式

Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved未酬 的壮志

Describe a time when you organized a happy event sucessully成功组织开 心活动

Describe a long walk you ever had曾经 有过的远距离步行

Describe a thing you did to learn another language为学 外语做过的件事

Describe a time when you gave advice to others给别人建议

Describe a time you moved to a new home/school搬家/转学的经历

Describe a difcultt thing you did做过的困难的事

Describe an actity you usually do that wastes your time经常做但浪费时间的事

Describe a time you felt proud of a family member/parents为家人/父母骄做的事

Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen等待特别的事

Describe a bike/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go想要的自行车/摩托车/骑车旅行

Describe a time you woke up early早起的经历

Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend与朋友进行的有趣对话

Describe a difcult decision you once made曾经 做过的困难的决定

Describe a good service you received得到过的好服务

Describe a time you gave advice to others给别人建议的经历

Describe a skill that you learmed from older people向更年长者学的技能


Describe something that changed the world positively正面地改变了世界的东西

Describe something that you can't live without(not computer/phone)生活中不能没有的东西

Describe a special cake you received from others收到的特殊蛋糕

Describe an interesting song有趣的歌曲

Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you别人给你的衣服

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend想给 朋友买的礼物

Describe something you received for free免费得到的东西

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood童年喜欢的玩具,


Describe a quiet place where you like to spend your time喜欢去的安静之地

Describe an important river/ake in your country重要的河流U/湖泊

Describe a house or an apartment you would like you live in理想之 家

Describe a place you visited on vacation度假去过且想推荐的地方

Describe a city that you think is very interesting有 趣的城市

Describe a place in a vllage that you visited去过的乡村一隅


Describe a course that impressed youa lot印象很深的课

Describe a rule that you don'tlke你不喜欢的规则

Describe a story someone told you and you remember记得的别人讲给你听的故事

Describe a skill that was difcult for you to leam难学的技能

Describe something you are interested to learn or improve想学的东西

Describe a habit your friend got that you want to develop朋友有且想养成的习惯


Passage 1




1-13 答案暂缺

Passage 2




Questions 14-19

Reading passage 2 has seven paragraphs,A-G.

Which paragraph contains the fllowing information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.

14 why chemically cleaning gaffti may cause damage. D

15 the benefit of a precautionary strategy on the gentle removal C

16 the damaging and accumulative impact of graffiti on the community E

17 the need for different preventive measures to be taken to cope with graffiti C

18 a legal proposal made to the owner of the bullding against grafft B

19 the reasons for removing raffti as soon as possible. 暂 缺


Questions 20-21

Choose TWO ltters, A-E

Write your answers in boxes 20-21 on your answer sheet.

Which two statements are true concerning the removal of gafiti?

A cocktail removal can be safer than water treatment

B small patch trial before applying a large scale of removing

C Chemical treatments are the most expensive way of removing

D there are risks for both Chemical and medication method

E mechanical removals are much more applicable than Chemical treatments

Questions 22-23

Choose TWO letters,AE.

Write your answers in boxes 22-23 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO of the fllwing preventive measures against rafti are mentioned effectively in the passage?

A organize more anti-graffiti movements in the city communities

B increase the police patrols on the street

C Build a new building with material repelling water

D insalling more visible security cameras

E Provide a whole new surface witha chemical coat



Questions 24-27

Complete the Summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage 2.

Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answerWrite your answers in boxes

24-27 on your answer sheet.

Ancient graffti is of significance and records the ..... of details life for that period.The police can recognize newly committed incidents of graffiti by the signature which is all..... that they are familiar with.Operatives ought to comply with relevant rules during the operation,and put on the suitable 2..... Remowal of grafti from a new type of coating surface can be much more convenient than using ....


Passage 3


The Discovery of Refraction折射的原理


The Discovery of Refraction

When light travels from one medium to another, it generally bends,or refracts. The laws of refraction gives us a way of predicting the amount of bending. Refraction has mamy applications in optics and technology.A lens uses refaction to form an image of an object for many dfferent purposes such as magnification A prism uses refraction to form a spectrum of colors from an incident bea m of light.Refraction also plays an important role in the formation of a mirage and other optical ilusions The aw of refraction is also known as Snell’s Law named

after Willbrord Snellwho discovered the law in 1621.Although Sne's sine law of refraction is now taught routinely in undergraduate courses the quest for it spanned many centuries and involved many celebrated scientists.Perhaps the most interesting thing is that the first discovery of the sine law made by the siteenth-century English scientist Thomas Hrriot(1560-1621 has been almost completely overlooked physicists despite much published material describing his contribution.

A contemporary of Shakespeare, Elizabeth lJohannes Kepler and Galile Galileo Thomas Harriot(1560-1621) was an English scientist and mathematician.His principal biographerJWShidey, was quoted saying that in his time he was"England's most profound mathematician, most imaginative and methodical experimental scientst".As a mathematiclan, he contributed to the development of algebra and introduced the symbols of">"and"<"for "more than"and“ less than."He also studied navigation and astronomy.On September 17.1607.Hariot observed a cometater identified的Hailey-s, With his painstaking observations, bter workers were able to compute the comer' sorbit Harriot was also the first to use a telescope to observe the heavens in England He made sketches

of the moom in 1609,and then developed lenses of increasing magnification.By April 1611he had developed a lens with a magnification of 32. Between October 171610 and February 26,1612he observed the moons of Jupiter which had already discovered by Gailileo. While observing Jupiter' s moon she made a discovery of his own:sunspots which he viewed 199 times between December 8 1610 and January 181613.These observations alowed him to figure out the sun's period of rotation.

c He was also an early English explorer of North America He was a friend of the English courtier and exlorer Sir Walter Raleighand trwvlled to Virqinia a5 a scientific observer on a colonising expedition in 1585.On June 30,1585 his ship anchored at Roanoke Island off Virginia .On shore Harriot observed the toppgrphy flora and fauna. made many drawings and maps and met the native people who spoke a language the Englsh clled Algonquian. Harriot worked out a phonetic transcription of the natiwe people's speech sounds and began to learn the language which

enable him to converse to some extent with other natives the English encountered.Harriot wrote his report for Raleigh and published it酷A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Vinginia in1588. Raleigh gave Harriot his own estate in Ireland and Harriot began a survey of Raieigh”s lrish holdings. He also undertook a studly of bllistics and shilp design for Rleigh in advance of the Spanish Armadas arival.

D Harriot kept reqular correspondence with other sclentits and mathematicians especially in England but also in mainland Europe notably with Johannes Kepler. About twenty years before snell’ s discovery Johannes Kepler(1571-1630)had also looked for the law of refraction, but used the early data of PtolemyUnfortunately Ptolemy's data was in rror, so Kepler could obtain only an apoximation which he pulished in 1604 Kepler later tried to obtain additional experimental results on refraction and corresponded with Thomas Harriot from 1606 to 169 since Kepler had heard Harriot had arried out some detiled experiments. In 1606. Harriot sent Kepler some tables of refraction data for dfferent materials at a constant inident angle but didn't provide enough detail for the data to be very useful.Kepler requested further information, but Harriot was not forthcoming, and it appears that Kepler eventually gave up the orrespondence,frustrated with Harrio's reluctance.

E Apart from the correspondence with Kepler there is no evidence that Harriot ever published his detailed results ornrefraction.His personal note show ever reveal extensive studies signifiantly predating those of Kepler Snell and Descartes. Harrlo carried out many experiments on refraction In the 1590sand from his notes it is clear that he had discowered the sine law at least as early as 1602 Around 1606 he had studied dispersion in prisms (predating Newton byaround 60years) measured the refractive indices of different liquids placed in a hollow qlass prism studied refraction in crystal spheres, and correctly understood refractin in the rainbow before Descartes.

F As his studies of refraction Harriot's discoveries in other felds were langely unpublished during his lfetime and until this century Harriot was known only for an account of his travels in Viginia published in 1588, and for a treatise on algebra published posthumously in 1631. The reason why Harriot kept his results unpublished is undearHrriot wrote to Kepler that poor health prevented him from providing more information, but it is also possible that he was afraid of the seventeenth century'" s English reliqious establishment which was suspicious of

the work carried out by mathematicians and scientists.

G After the discovery of sunspotsHarrior's scientific work dwindled.The cause of his diminished productivity might have beena cancer discovered on his nose.Hariot died on July 2.1621in London but his story did not end with his death.Recent research has revealed his wide ange of interets and his genuinely original discoveries.What some writers describe a his thousands upon thousands of sheets of mathematics and of scietific observations" appeared to be lost until 1784 when they were found in Henry Percy's country estate by one of Percy's descendants. She gave them to Franz Xaver Zach, her husband" $ son' $ tutor, Zach eventually put some of the papers in the hands of the Oxford University Press but much work was required to prepare them fo

publication and it has never been done. Scholars have begun to study them and an appreciation of Harriot’s contribution started to grow in the second half of the twentieth century.Harriots study of refraction is but one example where his work overlapped with independent studies carried out by others in Europe but in any historical treatment of optics his contribution rihtuly deserves to be acknowledged. feltsbro.


Questions 27-31

Re ading Passage 3 has 7 paragraphs A-G

Choose the correct heading. for, paragraphs B-E and G from the list of headings below.Write the correct number i-x in boxes 27-310n your answer sheet

List of Headings

i A misunderstanding in the history of science ii Thomas Harriot's biography

iii Unknown reasons for his unpublished works

iv Harriot's 1588 publication on North America studies v Expedition to the New World

vi Reluctant coo peration with Kepler

vii Belated appreciation of Harriot's contribution

viii Religious pressures keeping him from publishing ix Correspondence with Kepler

x interests and researches into multiple fields of study

Example Answer

26. ParagraphA i

27.Paragraph B

28.Paragraph c

29.Paragraph D

30.Paragraph E

31.Paragraph G


Questions 32-36

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 32-36 on your answer sheet.

Various modern applications base on an image produced by lens uses refraction, such as 32.

magnification And a spectrum of colors from a beam of light can. be produced with33. a prism/prisms Harriot travelled to Virginia and mainly did research which focused on two subjects

of American 34. land and language After he also enter upon a study of flight dynamics and 35.Ship design for one of his friends much ahead of major Europeancompetitor. He un dertook

extensive other studies which were only noted down personally yet predated than many other great scientists.One resultfor examplecorrected the misconception about the idea of 36.(the)

rainbow refraction/refraction in rainbow


Questions 37-40

Look at the following researchers(listed A-D)and findings Match each researcher with the correct finding

Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any researcher more than once.

A. Willobrord Snell

B. Johannes Kepler

C. Ptolemy

D. Galileo E.Harriot

37. discovered the moons of Jupiter D

38.distracted experimental calculation on refraction B

39.the discovery of sunspots E

40.the person whose name the sin law was attributed to A








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