

2017-06-05 17:06来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




Section 1





Questions 1-10


Yoga Booking

1. course starting date : June 27

2. customer's address: Swavesey

3. course level : intermediate

4. total payment: 285


morning yoga session:30 minutes of 5. relaxation

food covered: 6. vegetarian food

other activities: walking

               7. swimming

               8. horse riding (book in advance)

               9. tennis (free)

yoga session: held 10. outside

Section 2





Questions 11-12

What are the two things mentioned by the speaker about XXX Orchestra?

A. most players are experienced

B. lose members recently

C. looking for younger players

D. rehearsal twice a week

E. looking for flute players


Questions 13-14

What are the two things about a new program?

A. a guest performer

B. play a new performance

C. one performance will be recorded for TV

D. perform on a tour around local area

E. a piece of music specially written for the Orchestra


Questions 15-20

A. new performers

B. new performance

C. program aimed to children aged over 10

D. hired a new director

E. backstage helper

F. perform outside

G. free performance

H. two tickets for price of one


15. Sky theater          B

16. orange theater       F

17. coco theater         D

18. city player           A

19. xxx theater          G

20. green art theater     E

Section 3





Questions 21-26

21. The course is available for

C. part-time and in work


22. part-time job is only offered to

C. students at working (most of…students from out the city or of farmlands)


23. microbiology science available for

A. full-time and flexible study time 


24. Who are interested in Microbiology courses?

B. people out of campus (住在农村的对这个感兴趣)


25. Why medicine science not open till next year? because

A. lab facilities are not available (没有实验设备)


26. What subject is increasing the quickest?

C. environment science (microbiology)


Questions 27-29

Matching 从表格的大约八门课中选出三个专业相同的必修课

A. Medical science

B. computing

C. mathematics

D. statistics

E. biology

F. medicine laboratory technology

G. medicine introduction


There compulsory courses:  

27. (mathematics) 三年都要学

28. (statistics)第二年都要学

29. (biology)所有学生都要学


Question 30

关于全额scholarship的benefits有三个,有两个已经给出,一个:不需要交学费tuition offered every year,另一个: grant of 1500 cash as a book allowance



Section 4





Questions 31-36

types of fossil

organism and fossil 工具观察fossil

31. preserved remains of fossil parts

32. trace fossil size and form

33. fossil的形成过程buried in the

34. mineral soil fill inside fossil

35. you can see some fossils in the shops or exhibitions

36. buy big fossil is very expensive 


Questions 37-40 Table Completion


function or purpose

note and pen

type of 37. rock

38. tape measurer

note record of something


such as taking 39. photographs

40. locate soft sediment




Passage 1



Content Review

P1 推翻一种常见的认知

The opportunity to choose enhances our lives. It is logical to think that if some choice is good, more is better. And the wealthier a person is, the happier he will be. Yet, recent research strongly suggests that psychologically, this assumption is wrong. In some wealthy countries, people who have more choices are less happy.


P2 一个人调查的一种方法,引出两种人

Schward composed a set of statement-the Schward Maximization Scale-to diagnose people’s tendency to make choices. Thousands of people rated themselves on such statements as “I never settle for second best”. Those who seldom satisfied with their options are called “maximisers” and people who find an item that meets their standard are called “satisficers”.


P3 描述maximisers的表现

Maximisers are the least happy ones. They are more prone to experiencing regret after a purchase. They use a long time to think before making choices. So they are not happy about the decisions they make.


P4 通过问卷调查推测satisficers的表现

Asked people to fill out questionnaire and found those satisficers were more likely to be happy, because they do not think for long time before making decisions.


P5 提出“opportunity cost”

Several factors explain why more choices do not make people happy. High among these factors are “opportunity cost”. The quality of any given option cannot be assessed in isolation from its alternatives. One of the “cost” of making a selection is losing the opportunities that a different option would have afforded. People respond strongly to loses rather than gains.


P6 提出“regret”

Just as people feel sorrow about the opportunities they have forgone, they may also suffer from regret about the option they settle on. People with high sensitivity to regret are less happy, less satisfied with life, less optimistic and more depressed. Those people with high regret sensitivity tend to be maximisers.


P7 举theater例子

People were offered to the tickets to a local theater company. Some were offered the tickets at full price and others at half price. Researchers kept track of how often the ticket purchasers attended the play, and found that full-price payers were more likely to show up than the half-payers. The reason was that full-price buyers would experience more regret if they did not use the tickets because not using the tickets would be a big loss to them.


P8 作者建议

To increase sense of happiness, we can decide to restrict our options when the decision is not crucial. For example, making a rule to visit only two stores when shopping for clothes.


Questions & Answers

Questions 1-4 Match each description or deed with the correct category, A-D.

A. “maximisers”

B. “satisficers”

C. neither “maximisers” nor “satisficers”

D. both “maximisers” and “satisficers”

1. rated to the Maximisation Scale of making choices    D

2. do not take much time before making a decision      B

3. are likely to regret about the choice in the future      A

4. choose the highest price in the range of purchase     C


Questions 5-8 T/F/NG

5. In today’s world, since the society is becoming wealthier, people are happier. (F)

6. In society, there are more maximisers than satisficers. (NG)

7. People tend to react more to loses than gains. (T)

8. Females and males acted differently in the study of choice making.(NG)


Questions 9-13 Multiple Choice

9. The Maximisation Scale is aimed to

A. know the happiness when they have more choices.

B. measure how people are likely to feel after making choices.

C. help people make better choices.

D. reduce the time of purchasing.


10. According to the text, what is the result of more choices?

A. People can make choices more easily.

B. Maximisers are happier to make choices.

C. Satisfiers are quicker to make wise choices.

D. People have more tendency to experience regret.


11. The example of theater ticket is to suggest that

A. they prefer to use more money when buying tickets.

B. they do not like to spend more money on theater.

C. higher-priced things would induce more regret if not used properly.

D. full-price payers are real theater lovers.


12. How to increase the happiness when making a better choice?

A. use less time

B. make more comparisons

C. buy more expensive products

D. limit the number of choices in certain situations


13. What is the best title for Reading Passage 1?

A. Reasoning of Worse Choice Making

B. Making Choices in Today’s World

C. The influence of More Choices

D. Complexity in Choice Making

Passage 2



Content Review




Questions & Answers

Questions 14-18



Questions 19-23



Questions 24-26

mound, water, fans

Passage 3


Ancient Viruses

Content Review

A  Alaska’s snowless season is lengthening. People are worrying about the warming weather may result in that hurricanes and typhoons will reach the places where they never arrived and the flood may swallow all the fertile land. A famous researcher (Roger) claimed that virus, bacteria and fungi may survive under the ice sheet.


B  He found that a virus named ToMV has a tough protein coat, so it has survived under the ice sheet in Greenland for more than 14,000 years.


C  A kind of human influenza has been also discovered under the ice sheet. Fortunately, it is weaker than ToMV.


D  This discovery cannot convince all the scientists. But the famous researcher is confident at his.


E  If virus can survive under the ice, how they moved to all over the world. It’s safely concluded that they move with the help of migrating birds, dusts, water and sea creatures.


F  Most virus under the ice are located in the North part of earth, because human are more prevalent in the north hemisphere.


G  But not all the virus can survive through hibernation. It’s still possible that human influenza virus may survive longer in the process of freezing.


H  If all the ice melt, the ancient virus thaw out, humans, plants and marine animals will be victims because herd immunity has diminished. And scientists worry about that the ancient virus may mix with new ones to become supervirus.


Questions & Answers

Questions 27-33 Matching

27. reference to the storing of virus     D (原文中第四段有提到)

28. an opposing theory to Rogers opinion     G (原文中第七段有详细描述)

29. an example of a long-lived virus     B (第二段描述了存活了很长时间的MoTV病毒)

30. effects of global warming     A (文章段描述了气候变暖可能导致的结果)

31. possible ways in which virus moved to all over the world     E (第五段详细讲了病毒可能移动的各种方式)

32. geographical reason of the virus location     F (第六段讲解了病毒为什么多冻结在北半球的冰层下)

33. types of virus have been discovered in the last decade     C (第三段先讲了发现的各种病毒,最后提到也发现了人类流感病毒)


Questions 34-40 Complete the note below

34. a kind of virus survived for so many years because of its tough protein coat

35. a virus discovered is weaker than MoTV, but still dangerous, that is human influenza

36. there are two ways to collect the virus and one of that is melting

37. the way to kill the virus called hibernation

38. if the ancient virus thaw up, it will be contagious because herd immunity has diminished

39. humans, plants, and marine creatures will fall victim if the ancient virus come back

40. scientists worry about supervirus


Task 1

Type of questions



The charts below show reasons given by undergraduates and postgraduates for choosing to study at Parker University.



Task 2



Type of questions



Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Part 1

People & Animal


Pop star












Vegetables and fruits




Music//Musical Instruments

Newspaper and magazine



Emails and Letters


Work or study




  Part 2&3

People & Animal

Describe a person that moved home.搬家的人

Describe an interesting neighbour.有趣的邻居

Describe a famous person that you are interested in.名人

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.幸福的婚姻


Describe an experience that you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.禁用手机

Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with.不同意的决定

Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop.优质服务

Describe a time you had to wait for something special to happen.等待特别的事情

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school.搬家、转学

Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood.童年趣事

Describe something you want to do for a long time but you havent done yet.想做的事


Describe a kind of foreign food you have had.外国食品

Describe a time that you had a free gift.免费礼物

Describe your favourite piece of clothing.喜欢的衣服

Describe an important invention which has changed our life.重要的发明

Describe a kind of vegetable or plant.植物


Describe a quiet place.安静的地方

Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming.游泳胜地

Describe a city youve been to.去过的城镇


Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future.未来假期

Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study).一个计划

Describe a kind of weather you like.喜欢的天气

重点话题Sample Answer


1. Are jewelleries popular in China?

Girls normally wear all kinds of jewelleries such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, ear-rings or ear studs. Honestly, adequate and proper jewellery and ornaments elevate a girl’s image and add extra charm to her. And when the jewelleries are expensive ones, her status and identity will be shown and more confidence will come automatically to her. Besides, on some special occasions like a banquet or a business meeting, which require ladies to be dressed elegantly, jewelleries prove to be necessary and vital companions.

Generally boys don’t wear jewelleries. But that was in the past. Nowadays, boys enjoy having their ears pierced and wearing one or two ear rings. It is beyond me. Maybe they feel cool when they have some ear rings on.


2. What type of jewelleries do you like?

Well, platinum and silver ones are good enough to me. Such materials are elegant and economical. Besides, these materials won’t cause inflammation to skins easily. You can simply wear them all day. Pearl ones are good too especially the milk white ones. They are elegant and gentle and wearing them always make you feel graceful.

I love rings, especially those big and hook ones with a skeleton or a hawk or some scare faces. Sometimes, I feel they make me feel I am the boss of Mafia. It’s so cool.


3. Have you sent jewelleries as gifts?

Definitely. Last June when it was my girlfriend’s birthday, I got her a rose gold necklace. It was a gorgeous one I should say. The necklace was made of gold particles, very small ones, whose diameters, I think, were only less than one millimetre. And the pendant, a heart shaped ruby, was gorgeous too. It cost me a fortune but I was glad she loved it.


4. Are jewelleries expensive in China?

That is interesting. Each product can come in different prices according to its design, brand and material.

For a ring, if it is a hand made one but with famous brand and material of diamond and a marvellous design like, aurora, you will always pay more for a ring. On the contrary, the price won’t be too high.

In general, if you buy one jewellery from a big supermarket or a specialty store, the price varies from several hundreds to unbelievably high. On the other hand, some accessory stores provide beautiful and cheaper ones, qualities of which can’t be guaranteed though.



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