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2016年10月22日ACT考试写作范文:Impacts of advertising on society

2016-10-24 04:05来源:新航道ACT责编:上海新航道-杨小洁

摘要:2016年10月22日ACT考试已经结束。不知小伙伴们考的怎么样?本次的ACT写作考了一个老题Impacts of advertising on society,具体本次的ACT写作范文,请查看详情!



本次ACT写作题目为【Impacts of advertising on society】。这真是一道老题了。在去年9月份作文改革以来考了三次了,加上10月这次,基本都是在考广告的影响。




For most people, advertisements are nearly impossible to avoid. Whether watching TV, surfing the web, playing a video game or even reading an e-book, we are subjected to a near-constant barrage of advertisements. Some ads, such as commercials on TV or the radio, are direct and overt. Other types of advertising subtler, such as product placement, where the company pays to have its product featured prominently in a TV show or a video game. Given advertising's many forms and its consistent presence in our lives, it is worthwhile considering the influence of advertisements on the individual.

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the cultural significance of advertising.

Perspective One

Without ads, it would be difficult for us to make informed purchasing decisions: Ads not only tell us what products exist, they also help us choose the products that best suit our needs.

Perspective Two

The presence of advertisements is the reflection of our own values. If we we’re not materialistic, commercials would not be effective.

Perspective Three

Ads distort our sense of what is valuable and desirable. They create within us a false need and convince us that the way to fulfill that need is to buy advertised products.




Essay Task

Write a unified, coherent essay about the value of advertising in society. In your essay, be sure to:

clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective

develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples

organize your ideas clearly and logically

communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English

Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of those given, in partial agreement, or completely different.




Since Sao Paolo, Brazil enacted an outdoor ad ban in 2007, an interesting trend towards regulation of advertising in many cities has been considered. The role of ads in society has come under harsh scrutiny as citizens of the world are increasingly subjected to ads that influence us in ways that academia and experts still debate. If caution is not exercised, this trend towards increased ads could lead to devastating consequences.


Economically, it seems logical to cite the growth in revenue and support to small businesses that advertise, but it comes at a cost. Product innovation has arguably been the result of increased consumption worldwide, and ads are credited towards stimulating this by making customers aware of new and better products to advance our quality of living. This trend, while beneficial in the short term for spurring economic activity, has led to the negative consequences. Instead of funding innovation predominantly supporting increased quality of products, investment is increasingly spending on product promotion and new forms of ad tracking and predictive placement technology. Sophisticated ad targeting based on potential customer demographics have gotten so common that may companies can thrive by simply building lower quality products that are intelligently (or misleadingly in some cases) marketed. Consumers need to pay closer attention to what products and companies they support and purchase products from, ensuring not continually reinforce this negative trend.


Furthermore, society suffers from cultural degradation by the unrealized acceleration of materialism that plagues much of the world today. Not only are people exposed to ads on every street corner they walk by, but also cleverly manipulated by product placement ads that subtly show actors or actresses using specific brands or products in movies, TV shows, sporting events, etc. These don’t appear as ads to the unsuspecting consumer, but repeated ad impressions are proven to alter subconscious choices of brand loyalty and influence purchasing decisions. This same logic has crept into the digital space, where even more sophisticated ads follow and target web surfers based on previous clicks and purchases. It’s simply getting out of hand, and if society does not take measures to curb this invasion of ads, it will only get worse.


Ads have also perversely affected the way we see the world, eliminating the argument that “ads are a reflection of our own values”. This simply just isn’t the case. Anorexic supermodels strutting latest fashions, young kids gaining happiness by eating junk food in a commercial, a photoshopped image of a smiling girl losing 100 pounds by taking a breakthrough new weight loss pill, a lonely man finding true love online by paying a matchmaking website – these are the types of manipulative ads that target vulnerable consumers today. They prey upon people’s desires for beauty, happiness and quick fixes to problems. Advertising is not regulated enough in most of the world, and as a result psychological tricks, exaggeration and lies are used deceive the general public.


In summary, damage has already been done to our society due to lack of effective supervision. While it’s necessary to admit the cases where ads benefit society in the form of public service announcements or gaining exposure to product alternatives, the simple fact is that marketers have found ways to game the system and have made advertising perilous in its current form. Collectively, we need to advocate for change and increase oversight in the frequency, type and truthfulness of advertising that we are being subjected to.









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