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剑桥雅思10Test1口语Part3话题范文:skills and abilities

2017-05-16 20:01来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑桥雅思10Test1口语Part3话题范文:skills and abilities

剑桥雅思10Test1口语Part3话题范文:skills and abilities

  1. What skills and abilities do people most want to have today? Why?

  参考 答案 1 I’ d imagine the ability most people want nowadays is the ability to make huge piles of money without any real effort. A lot of people I talk to have aspirations towards owning various things, like a certain car, or a house in a certain neighbourhood or any other number of status symbols, but I’ m not sure they recognise that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and once they get their Saab 12 series or whatever, they’ ll just start lusting after the 13 series almost right away.

  参考 答案 2 I think the skills most people want are related to work and discipline. I think most people would like to have the ability to work a job well and contribute to a healthy, harmonious society. Also, people need to have the ability to put up with employers who don’ t really outline the requirements for a task and then underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete the task. A worker needs the ability not to hate these kinds of people.


  2. Which skills should children learn at school? Are there any skills which they should learn at home? What are they?

  参考 答案 1 I don’ t think there should be a set of skills all children learn in school – instead, I think more emphasis should be placed on figuring out what each child is geared towards and what they have a natural aptitude for. That, however, is probably a pipe dream considering the insane amount of time and money that would have to go into a program like that. So we should probably just teach children how to cook, manage money and maintain their mental and physical health at home and stop worrying about what they learn at school.

  参考 答案 2 Children should all learn basic mathematics and languages in school. Business is the most important part of the world today and any child who isn’ t taught how to work hard and usefully is going to be at a disadvantage when they leave school. Therefore, children shouldn’ t be taught useless things like literature or the arts in school or at home, only how to make money.


  3. Which skills do you think will be important in the future? Why?

  参考 答案 1 Well, the future is unknowable, so it’ s a pretty tough question to answer. For all we know, speaking dog could be a valuable skill in the future. Or perhaps society will collapse and we’ ll have to re- learn forgotten skills like hunting, subsistence farming and hand- to- hand combat. But then, maybe we’ ll continue on our current trajectory and taking photos of food and uploading them to social networks will be taught at PhD level at Oxford University by 2030.

  参考 答案 2 I think the same skills that are useful today will continue to be useful in the future – business skills such as accounting and finance will always be useful, since history shows that the world doesn’ t really change much.


  4. Which kinds of jobs have the highest salaries in your country? Why is this?

  参考 答案 1 The kinds of job with the highest salaries in my countries tend to be those in which knowledge is most guarded. For example, law. The basic idea of each law is pretty straightforward, but to successfully argue for or against it requires you to have an intimate knowledge of all the cases which make reference to it. These case files are usually only available to either lawyers or law students, or otherwise come at a hefty fee to access. Finance as well – no- one really knows what they’ re doing or whether a certain financial instrument will have the desired effect, but acting like you know and being able to use the correct terminology goes a long way towards selling the product, which in turn goes a long way towards making it a success. Therefore, the highest paid jobs tend to be feedback loops. Or football. That pays pretty well too.

  参考 答案 2 The jobs with the highest salaries in my country tend to be the most useful kinds of jobs, such as businessmen and research scientists who are working to make products even better. This is because they contribute the most to society and should be rewarded for doing so.


  5. Are there any other jobs that you think should have high salaries? Why do you think that?

  参考 答案 1 I think street sweepers should have a high salary – anyone connected with keeping the social living environment clean, basically. If those jobs were over- subscribed, the people doing it would naturally be under a lot more pressure to perform and our cities would be a hell of a lot nicer than they are now. Although now that I think about it, people would probably litter more out of jealousy.

  参考 答案 2 I think society rewards people fairly right now – I don’ t think there are any other jobs that should be paid well. In fact, I think other jobs, such as teachers in the humanities or street sweepers should have their salaries reduced, since they don’ t contribute to business and generate little wealth for a society.


  6. Some people say it would be better for society if everyone got the same salary. What do you think about that? Why?

  参考 答案 1 If everyone got the same salary, everyone would be an office worker. There would be no- one working the more demeaning or disgusting jobs, like sewer workers or waiters. Similarly, there’ d be little incentive to do the more demanding jobs like a doctor or electrical engineers. On the other hand, there’ d be more people doing vocational work and actually being happy with their jobs, so we’ d have a society where happy people die at 26 due to easily curable diseases or massive sewer explosions.

  参考 答案 2 I think giving everyone the same salary is the worst idea in the world. At the moment, society rewards people based on their worth. If a CEO got the same salary as a basic worker, it would be terrible because the CEO would feel really bad and the worker would feel really good – this is clearly unfair. Without CEOs providing leadership, the world would be a terrible place and businesses would all collapse.


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