首页>托福>写作>2021年4月10日托福独立写作真题范文 |关于省钱

2021年4月10日托福独立写作真题范文 |关于省钱

2021-04-13 13:34来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年4月10日托福独立写作真题范文 |关于省钱,每次考试后新航道托福小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆,如想获取历年托福写作真题解析可添加微信号:shnc_2018,找新航道老师索取。





Your friend is going to reduce the living expenses.

Which of the following way would you recommend to your friend and why?

- Find a roommate that can share the living expenses.

- Buy the new technology products less frequently.

- Shop for less expensive food to cook at home.


Going through the three options, reduced shopping for new tech products may be crossed off the list immediately. it does help to save money—in fact, perhaps thousands per year; however, if this friend of mine is not a tech fan, who chases the latest updates of tech products, it would not help much since such shopping is not a regular thing. At this point, the choice has been narrowed down: to find a roommate or to cook at home, and I would not recommend home-sharing.






Home-sharing can destroy the life of this friend. This is as serious as it sounds. It is never easy to find a person who you feel comfortable with under the same roof, and a wrong person can cause sufferings. Some people may think that for the sake of the reduced rent for sure, the reduced utility bills perhaps, and even the reduced petrol cost if the two persons can carpool, they would have tolerance to the wrong person. But to think is easy and to actually have the tolerance is not. Not only would the wrong co-tenant make the home-sharing life unpleasant on the mood, they would even increase living expenses.






My personal experience teaches a lesson that the tenant may have bad hygiene, making the common area of the house—the kitchen in particular—messy, greasy and dirty. The tenant also may have a wasteful lifestyle in the use of electricity and gas, and the bill-sharing situation would be reversed: it would be my friend, instead of the tenant, who shares the utility bill for the other--let me be clear: my friend would have no intention of taking advantage of the other person and certainly would not want to be taken advantage of. In this situation, if the extravagant co-tenant pays for only half of the usage—and this is the most likely allocation, since the usage by each individual in the house would not be precisely calculated, my friend would be paying more than his fair share. At this point, in what ways does home-sharing reduce the cost of living? As for the carpool, as is thought to be another benefit, what if the person is always a free rider?




So, I would recommend home-cooking and less eating-out or take-aways. First, unlike home-sharing, where the friend of mine would depend on another person, home-cooking saves money without that my friend would need another person’s help. 此处注意,其实并不需要就这句话里提及的比较展开讨论,因为这个点已经非常清楚无需赘述。

Second, cooking at home can be considerably economical compared with eating out or buying take-away food. 这里需要把considerably economical的具体情况展开,三句到四句话就足够了。




So, if my friend is going to reduce the cost of living, my advice is to economize on eating. And I am strongly opposed to sharing accommodation.









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