

2021-03-27 13:26来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to do one project first and then begin to do another than to do several projects at the same time.



Some people feel that they can do multiple projects at the same time. However, I feel that starting and completing one project at a time is the ideal way to work.

To begin with, concentrating fully on something can be difficult, so it is better to focus on only one thing at a time. In other words, a person should start and finish a project before doing the next in order to concentrate better. There was a time when I had to write two term papers in one week.I took each task one by one and finished the first before starting the second.I ended up getting good scores on both papers.I doubt that would have happened had I written them simultaneously. Finishing one paper before starting the other clearly helped me on those assignments.

I have noticed that confusion often occurs when a person tries to do more than one project at a time. This confusion typically results in poor outcomes for whatever the person is doing. As an example, my friend once had to give both physics and chemistry presentations at school on the same day. He waited too long to prepare them and had to work on them together. He eventually confused physics terms with chemistry terms, so he naturally got bad grades on both presentations. Doing two things at the same time can only lead to confusion.

Lastly, the final result of a project will definitely be better if a person works on only one thing at a time. By working on just one project, the person can give maximum effort on it. I remember preparing for tryouts for the soccer team while also studying for my midterms. I failed to do my best in either task. As a result,I was not picked for the school's soccer term, and I got low scores on my midterms as well. If I had chosen just one thing and then focused on it exclusively, my chances of succeeding would have been much greater.

All in all, completing one project or task before starting another is the ideal course of action to give one's best, avoid confusion, and attain the best results. It is better to wait to finish one project before starting another anew.



Most people are so busy that there is occasionally too much to do, so they must work on several projects at once. In fact, there are actually many advantages to working on two or more projects simultaneously as opposed merely to doing them one at a time.

Nowadays, there is simply not enough time to work exclusively on one project, so people must often take on two or more tasks together. Indeed, by doing several projects at once, a person can actually save time. For example, once I had to write an article for my school newspaper and study for a Chinese test.I decided to do them both together, so I listened to my Chinese lessons on a CD while writing the article.I did well on the test and submitted the article on time. Sometimes, one can save time by doing activities together and still do them well.

By working on several things at once, I find that I can focus more on the tasks at hand. This serves to enhance my performance, thereby letting me do work better and quicker. Last semester,I had to study for two tests and write a paper on the same night.I was worried about all this work, so I concentrated solely on my schoolwork.I turned off my cell phone, shut down my computer, and stayed in my room until I had completed all those tasks. Being focused exclusively on those projects enabled me to ignore the unimportant things and focus on what was crucial.

Lastly, while doing several things at once can be stressful, doing so successfully can be rewarding. By showing you are capable of multitasking, you can prove you skills and abilities to others. For instance, I volunteer at my school's library. The librarian once asked me to do two things simultaneously; catalog all the new books and complete a plan for a reading project for children. I managed to finish both jobs on time, which impressed the librarian so much that she recommended me for a summer job at the local library. Showing people you can do good work will always benefit you in the future. In conclusion, doing several projects at once can save time, enhance one's performance, and be rewarding in the benefits one receives. While multitasking might not be for everyone, I have found it to be an enjoyable and beneficial experience.








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