

2021-03-26 19:16来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Nowadays, more and more communities for old people are founded everywhere all over the world. When you walk in a department store, you will find that more and more products for old people have been put on the shelves. The population of old people in the world is growing rapidly, and the reason is people are living longer now. There are several explanations for this phenomenon.

First, under the development of science and technology, it’s obviously the standards of living have been improved a lot. People work less and relax more these days than ten years ago. More entertainment has also been provided, hence people have more chances to entertain and keep a good mood everyday, which is essential for being healthy and living longer.

Moreover, highly developed health system is another significant factor for people to live for a long time. As the governments put more fund for health expenditure, more people are saved from the torture of illness.

Further more, the improvement in medicine also plays an important role. There’s an undeniable fact that after people discovered the mysteries of gene, more and more newly developed medicine cured a lot of illness that can’t be cured before. Besides all these explanations we discussed above, there are also many other reasons. But the main causes of people’s longer life is the development of science and technology, efficient health system and improvement in medicine.


Success can be perceived and achieved in many different ways. Some people believe being different holds the key while others attribute success to finding common grounds. I’d go for the former view because success depends on knowledge, experience and social circle.

First off, the acquisition of knowledge is a matter of individuality. The best problem-solving method varies from person to person. A strategy may work perfectly fine for one person, but would turn out to be counterproductive for another. Take my roommate for instance. He is usually spotted rushing from library to laboratory, from classroom to tennis court, burning mid-night oil to hit books before finals, and end up with straight A’s through every semester. Taking him as a role model, I started to follow suit. I signed up for various learning groups and it wasn’t long before I got more than I could handle on my plate and stretched myself too thin, eventually stressed out. It seems to me working around the clock may serve him well, but I’d suffer if I take it too far.

Second, there is no single way to success. When taking on a challenge, people who want to make a difference would think outside the box, trying out novel ideas and steering away from conventional routines. As Steve Jobs once put it, innovation distinguishes a leader and a follower. Being different and creative gives you what it takes to lead the tide. This gives them an edge to rise above the unpredictables. On the other hand, those who imitate and never bother to innovate are bound to be crowded out. For example, young people have a tendency to go abroad to widen their horizons. They believe such experience can cultivate critical thinking and offer different perspectives, which are essential in opening up job prospects after graduation. So when you choose a path less traveled, you are more likely to stand out and outshine the ordinary.

Lastly, people who are different from each other stand a better chance of long-lasting relationships. Sure, most people believe birds of a feather flock together; people sharing much in common are supposed to get along. But let’s face it, if two hot-tempered friends get into a fight, chances are they’d end up yelling, cursing or even calling names. Neither of them is willing to budge or meet halfway. If they stay mad at each other, the friendship would probably get stuck in a dead end. But if you try to think differently and stand in the shoes of your friend, you might handle the quarrel more properly. When people realize they are one of a kind, so is everybody else, they won’t force their own ideas on others and would think twice before offending people that are different from themselves.

To sum up, being different offers a unique way of learning, out-of-ordinary experience and better interpersonal relationships, all of which contribute to a more successful life.


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