

2021-03-19 17:56来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





In modern society, technology has brought us amazing surprises everyday. Someone claims that modern technology is creating a single world culture. I completely disagree with this statement. I will list some of my reasons here.

Firstly, I believe that modern technology has improved multi-culturalism and the communication between cultures. With modern communication technology such as TVs and phones, we can see what people at the other end of the world is doing, and with a modern airplane, we can travel to every corner of the world. This will greatly help us understand the cultural diversity of this world, and we will learn to appreciate the cultural difference of people from different part of the earth. Secondly, modern technology increases the communication between cultures. Eastern people can learn good virtual from western culture such as politeness and self-cultivation; and western people can also learn a great deal of good virtual from eastern culture such as modesty and filial pity of one’s parents. By communication, one culture can learn from other culture and evolve.

Thirdly, modern technology helps us to preserve our cultural relics and world treasures, and discover our culture in the past. We can also explore and discover more about our past, and have a better understanding of now and the future. For instance, Xi’an is famous for its figures of warriors and horses buried in the emperor’s tombs. In the modern world, we explore some of these tombs so that we would understand the remote and longstanding culture of Qin Dynasty in China’s history.

Indeed, modern technology has shorten the distance between cultures, and made this world smaller. But we cannot say that it is creating a single world culture. On the contrary, with the help of modern technology, we find this world more and more diversify and colorful.


I strongly agree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture. Modern technology like computer and internet is bringing people together, and making the world getting smaller.

First of all, with the development of modern technologies such as computers, English is becoming  the most important language in the world, and the importance of other languages is getting weaker  and weaker. Admit or not, the most common language used today on the internet is English, this  makes English becomes the one and only most important language in the world. On the other  hand, computers can cross the barrier of human language. No matter where people are, and no  matter which language people speak, they always use computers the same way, and basicly they  are using the same kind of software packages, like Windows Operating Systems and word  proccessing software packages. Computer language is also a universal language. Programmers from different part of the world can work in the Silicon Vally. Although they might have difficulties in communication in English, they have no problem at all writing programs with Java,  or C++.

Besides, the development of the internet is uniformizing people's life style. Internet is being used  in almost every corner the world. People are doing almost everything with the internet, like getting  all sorts of information, shopping online, paying for their bills and checking their balances in the  online bank. Over 90 per cent of people in the world use the same kind of internet browser - MS Internet Explorer, and almost every internet page looks like the same, although they use different language and design. People from all over the world are doing the same thing each day on theinternet, and their living habit is becoming closer and closer with each passing day.

In addition, modern technolgy has facilitated the communications among people from all over the world, and therefore result a single world culture. For instance, people can chat with a friend or a stranger who lives abroad on the phone, internet, and they can also see and listen to him/her through a camera and a microphone just like face to face. This helps one culture learns from other culture, and bring the world together. Before people can see each other through TV, they used to wear their local costumes; nowadays T-shirt and blue jeans have become a universal custom for people. This is a concreate example that modern development is creating a single world culture. Based on the points discussed above, we can see why I agree with that modern technology is creating a single world culture.


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