

2020-12-11 13:21来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




Because of climate change,more and more land that was once used to grow crops or provide food for animals is turning to dry,unusable desert land.There are many proposals about how to stop this process,known as desertification.A number of proposals invole growing trees,because trees can help protect soil and provide many other benefits to fight against desertification.Some scientists have proposed that the best way to grow trees in dry areas in danger of desertification is by using a box-shaped device surrounding the young tree.The device collects water that condenses from vapor in the atmosphere and helps the tree to grow.However,other scientists believe that this device will not be successful in fighting against desertification for the following reasons.


First, at a cost of 25 U.S. dollars each, the device would make growing trees aprohibitively expensive process. Meaningful efforts to fight desertification involve growing millions of trees. Some countries most affected by desertification cannot afford to buy devices for millions of trees Second. plans for fighting desertification involve asking local people to installand maintain the devices. People living in some of the areas most affected bydesertification work long days in harsh conditions: sometimes barely managingto provide food for their families. It would be difficult to motivate these peopleto look after trees that cannot serve as a source of food for them.

Third, the device's ability to collect and conserve water is limited. Each oneprovides only enough water to keep a small tree alive. Trees that have outgrown the device have to deal with unforgiving environmental conditions ontheir own. In some places where the devices are being tried, six months canpass without a drop of rain. Once the trees become too big for the device, theymay not be able to survive in such a harsh environment.

According to the reading passage, using the box-shaped devices to grow trees will notbe effective in dealing with disertification. However,in the lecutre,the professoropposes this idea by stating three reasons.

First of all, although as the reading states,such water collecting device is tooexpensive to be adopted in large quantity, the speaker believes that the cost in fact canbe much more reasonable than predicted.Once trees get bigger, the device can beremoved and be reused to grow new tress.Each device can be reused twenty times ormore. Thus,considering the number of trees each device can be used for, the costcould be affordable and acceptable.

Secondly,in the reading passage, it is believed that people will not be motivated tomaintain the device and look after trees that cannot provide food for them. However,the speaker points out that the device can also be used to collect water for other plants,such as vegetables,which means that people could grow more food with installingand maintaining the box-liked devices.Also, when trees grow up, their branches canbe used as fire wood. Therefore, people will be motivated to help with this project.

Finally, the writer claims that the trees that have outgrown device are not able tosurvive in the harsh environment on their own.On the contray, the lecturer arguesthat with the help of the device, the young trees could grow long roots,which willreach down the wet soil beneath the dy desert surface. Being able to reach the watersource underground, the trees could survive without the devices.



2 托福TPO55独立写作题目:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When classmates or colleagues communicate about a project in personinstead of by e- mail, they will produce better work for the project.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


As an age-old aphorism goes,"it is not what you say,but how you say it",Effective communication is imperative to the success of the teamwork no matter in school life or in workplace.Thus,while emails have been the most widely used tool for communication today,co-workers should keep face-to-face communication for better work output.

Admittedly,emails seem to be an efficient and easy way for colleagues to exchangeinformation,especially when issuing notice to all team members. Instead of gatheringtogether in person,what everyone needs is just to check their mail box and read theemail. This helps avoid the possible troubles, such as traveling to the other end of thecity,adjusting the hectic schedule to make it available for meeting. Communicatingby emails is therefore deemed as a shortcut of daily communication in workplace,which allows colleagues to put more time in project itself rather than other irrelevantissues.

However, during the project, there might be more two-way interactions that have timeurgency. In such situation, sending emails is not a good move. When a fast response isneeded, it is really annoying and time-wasting to wait for the recipients to check theemail and make response. Thus,rather than sending emails back and forth, talkingwith someone in person could be more efficient. For example, when making plan forthe project, the members might just need a twenty minutes' discussion face to face tonegotiate every details but it possibly takes a whole day to settle each part down ifthey have to communicat by e-mails.

Moreover, for the quality of communication,team members are suggested to havemore face-to-face interactons. It is inevitable that a lot of inform ation can get lost intranslation when being conveyed by emails. However, when having contact in person,people could not only get a clear understanding of verbal information but also pick upall the implications expressed in speakers' body language.Compared with just readingan“OK' in email, direct eye contact and nodding head could tell more about whetherthe colleagues could really reach a consensus. Once being aware of potentialdisagreement, the members are able to make adjustment immediately to ensure every especially for those with poor fonmal writing skills. Instead,having a discussion inreality,people could ask questions and get immediate explanation,which avoidsmisuderstanding and ensures the accuracy of communication. All of these do pushforward the project in progress smoothly.

In conclusion,for some one-way information transmission, email is regarded as thefirst choice for most of team members,while to guarantee the efficiency for projectplanning and decision making as well as to avoid the misunderstanding andinaccuracy, communication in person should be advocated.









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