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托福TPO16 独立写作题目+范文

2016-05-19 16:11来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


托福TPO16 独立写作题目:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



Actually there are two main ways of travelling – travelling on your own and being led by a tour guide in group. Sometimes when we plan for a trip, it is always hard for us to choose between these two methods. Meanwhile, I would prefer be led by a tour guide while I am travelling around. There are several benefits of being led by someone who is acquainted with the place you go and of being in a group.

Being led by a tour guide in group can offer us convenience during our vacation. Usually we are not familiar with the landscape, the direction and the customs of our destination. Sometimes if we travel abroad, we may even know nothing about the language and thus cannot turn to anyone for help. I still remember when I travelled to Italy; I knew no Italian at all and found it hard to stay in this foreign country, let alone enjoy myself! Finally I found a travel agency and then followed the group. The tour guide offered me a lot of convenience during my stay in Italy and finally I went back home safe and sound.

In addition, following a group also guarantee a deeper understanding of the culture in your destination. Almost all the tour guides have received formal training in the local history and

culture. Actually every time we stay in a group with a tour guide, he will always tell you the customs and the detailed history of a site of interests. Therefore, by staying with the group and listening to the tour guide, we will learn more about our destination without much effort.

Moreover, being in a group with a tour guide will make you safe during the whole vacation. Actually this point of view is the most important in my point of view. The tour guide is familiar with the country or the city we visit and thus we can hardly get lost. Staying in group makes us less likely to be focused by some bad people. All of us want a safe tour. As a result, the best way to guarantee safety is to stay in group with a tour guide.

All in all, thought we might lose some freedom by staying in a group with a tour guide, this way of travelling still can be well-rounded because it offers us convenience, deeper understanding and safety. Under this circumstance, I want to state that the best way of travelling is to be with a group and to be guided by a person who is familiar with our destination.











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