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托福TPO2 独立写作题目+范文

2016-05-19 10:53来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


托福TPO2 独立写作题目:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



With some changes of social values nowadays, the importance of always telling the truth in relationship is questioned among the public. However, as far as I am concerned, I still strongly believe that always telling the truth is the most important consideration in relationships. Generally, telling the truth helps to build up and maintain trust for work and love.

First of all, always telling the truth creates trust between clients and companies, between employers and employees, and among colleagues. For instance, when I was an intern at an insurance company, I heard from my manager about an event which caused a lot of loss to our company. There was a client whose car was hit in an accident. According to his contract with our company, he could receive little insurance payment. However, in order to get more money, this client lied to prevent our employees from investigating the scene. He took the pictures of his "broken" car, and he changed some details of the pictures on his computer for exaggerating his loss in that accident. As a result, our company paid him a great deal of money. Later, our company realized the scandal and accused him for his crime. He finally got severe punishment and lost support from all insurance companies. Although this client was punished for his misdeeds, our company suffered great loss in the whole case. Therefore, telling the truth is the most important consideration in at work, for it not only helps to build up trust between new business partners, but also maintain trust during the cooperation, which brings more benefits and convenience at work. Telling lies at work may badly effect the cooperation at work, or even make oneself involve in more serious troubles.

Secondly, love also requires telling the truth. Love is a kind of fantastic affection which brings two strangers together or even leads them to be a couple. Therefore, telling the truth is the most important consideration in this relationship, because it creates and maintains trust between lovers or couples, which can keep their love or marriage for longer time. It is quite common that one of the lovers tells lies to the other, which destroys their love or even their marriage. If a man meets a female friend by himself in the evening, but he tells his girlfriend or wife that he worked overtime, the result may turns out rather terrible when his girlfriend or wife knows the truth later. This man may tell a white lie to avoid some meaningless quarrel, but this actually triggers more misunderstanding. Therefore, telling the truth at first-time is more appropriate and correct to maintain a relationship, especially the relationship of love. Telling the truth should always be the most important consideration in love. And the worry about its results can be removed by the techniques of telling the truth.

It is understandable that some people think that always telling the truth may hurt people's feelings. If a doctor tells his patient the truth that he is diagnosed with cancer, this patients may lose his hope and give up his life easily. In this circumstance, telling the truth seems not appropriate. However, if telling the truth more euphemistically, the patient may accept his disease more easily. Nevertheless, telling the truth to the patient's family is still a right decision. Therefore, telling the truth is still a very important consideration in relationships.

All in all, always telling the truth is the most important consideration in relationships, for it creates and maintains trust among people, which brings more harmony and peace to the whole society.











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