

2021-01-04 11:18来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





Some people are able to make decisions very quickly, based on their first thoughts.Other people take a lot of time and think carefully before making a decision Which do you think is better? Explain why by using details and examples to support your opinion.


Extending Study Period

The university now schedules one study day at the end of every semester for students to prepare for final exams. I suggest that the university consider extending this study period to three days. Most students have exams in several classes. Having only one study day between the end of classes and the beginning of the final exam period is not enough time to prepare for all of the exams Additionally; having a three‐ day study period will give students extra time to con suit with their professors if they need help or advice before the exam period begins.

Sincerely, Robert Steele.

Now listen to two students discussing the letter. So what do you think of Roberts letter?

Well I don't know how helpful his idea would be. Really?

Yeah Students should be studying all throughout the semester, not waiting until a few days before exams.

So you don't think we need this.

Right.It's just gonna encourage students to wait and do all of their studying at the end of the semester. And you just can't learn it all in a few days.

Okay But what about the other point he mentioned?

Oh that I don't think that's the best time to be asking professors questions about the courses.

Why not? Well, professors are really busy during that period with grading homework assignments and preparing the exams. They might not have time to answer students' questions. It would be pretty hard to make appointments with professors at that time. Don't you think?

Um Yeah They might just not have enough time.

The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Root Communication

All plants need water in order to grow. In desert environments, however, water is especially scarce. One way that some desert plants attempt to secure an adequate water supply is by maintaining a certain distance between themselves and other plants that might try to compete for the same water They maintain this distance through a process known as root communication. That is, the roots of one plant communicate with the roots of another plant in order to control the amount of distance separating them In this way: the communicating plant is able to protect its precious water supply.

Now listen to part of a lecture in a botany class.

Ok, so here's one example of this. Researchers have been studying a particular plant that lives in the desert. It's called a creosote plant. Now, when you look at creosote plants, you notice something unusual about them right away. You see that they're spaced far away from other plants. And as it turns out, there's a reason for that. Um Like other plants, a creosote plant has a root system underneath the ground that provides the plant with access to the water the plant needs to survive. Um And the creosote plant has a special way of protecting the space around its roots. more specifically of protecting the water in the space around its roots.

What it does is uh whenever the roots of other plants start growing too close, the roots of the creosote release a chen1ical. And When the roots of the other plants come into contact with this chemical, they stop growing toward the creosote roots and start growing in some other direction away from the creosote plant. So in a way, the creosote roots with this chemical they release are telling the roots of the other plants, this is my space and my water and the other plants get the message and move away. So this way, the roots of the creosote plant always have plenty of space around them. And in a dry desert climate, that's a big advantage.

Using the example of the creosote plant from the lecture, explain how root communication helps desert plants to survive.

#4 Number six, in this question, you will listen to a short lecture. You will then be asked to summarize important information from the lecture. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak Listen to part of a lecture about a marketing strategy in a business class.

So we've been talking about strategies stores use to increase sales of their merchandise, to sell more of their items. What I wanna talk about now is one particular strategy, which is using what's called a second interest. A business wants to sell one product, so they offer a second product or service the second interest for free if you buy the first one. Basically the store gets customers to buy stuff by offering them something else that interests them as a bonus. Ok. So a second interest can lead to immediate sales of the first product, or it can be used to help retain customers to keep them coining back to the store to buy additional merchandise. So let's see how a second interest helps immediate sales. Offering a free bonus helps convince people who may be undecided about whether they want to purchase an item. So for instance, a store that sells computers may use this strategy by offering a deal. If you buy their newest model of computer, you get a free video game you can play on the computer. The customer who isn't quite sure whether they want to buy the computer will be more likely to buy it, because the free video game asshole interests them. Now, a second interest can also be used to increase sales by helping a business retain customers, keep them coining back, so they'll continue to buy merchandise from you in the future. For instance, the computer store could offer free computer lessons to its customers on a regular basis. Maybe once a n1onth, customers can come into the store for a lesson. Free lessons keep customers coming back in. So the store maintains contact with its customers. as a result, since there in the store often anyway, whenever they need something computer related like a printer or in cartridge, they're more likely to buy it from that store.

Using the two examples from the talk: explain how a business can increase sales by creating a second interest.

相关推荐:托福TPO57阅读Passage 3原文+真题+PDF下载(第二部分)



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