

2020-12-18 16:22来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


1 托福TPO56口语原文


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?lt is important for children to learn to draw or paint.Use details and examples to explain your opinion


Students Need Campus Snack Shop

l think the university should open a snack shop on campus-a snack shop that wouldbe operated entirely by our students. A student-run snack shop would benefitstudents in two ways. First,it would create a number of job opportunities forstudents Second, the store would be a convenient place on campus to buy food,providing students with a fast;easy place to get snacks at any time of the daySincerely, Julia Wilson

Now listen to two students discussing the letter. Did you see juliu' s letter?

Yeah l did and?

l'm all for it.Yeah?

Yeah.Jobs like that provides students with great ,work experience, experience theycan use in the real world.

Like what?

well,l mean basically they'd be running a business. They learn how to do it all.Makeup staff schedules keep track of inventory order supplies,make sure thebuilding is maintained.

Yeah l guess you could learn a lot.

yeah stuff you can really use when you graduate,especially if you're thinking ofstarting your own business.

ok Yeah l can see that.But her second point doesn't make a lot of sense to me.lmean we have a nice cafeteria. What's wrong with eating there?

Well lt is a nice cafeteria, but sometimes the lines are really long and you just don'thave time to ,wait.

Yeah That's true.

especially if all you want is like a cup of coffee or a quick sandwich or something.That's true.But if you have a car.

yeah if you have a car which a lot of students don't, you can drive to one of thestores in tow-n, but still the closest ones, like a 15 minute drive. So round trip, ittakes at least a half an hour.

and that's time you could use for studying.Exactly.

The man expresses his opinion about the letter writer's proposal. Briefly summarizethe proposal Then state the man's opinion and explain the reasons he gives forholding that opinion.


Task Partitioning

Different species of insects have different ways of organizing the essential tasks thatneed to be completed in order for them to survive.One way of accomplishing thisprocess is through task partitioning. Insect groups that use this method divide,orpartition, their work into several different stages that are ordered and performed ina fixed sequence by different groups of workers. An important benefit of thistechnique is increased efficiency,since the workers performing each task arespecialized, which saves time and energy

Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class.

Ok. Now, a good example of this is leaf cutter ants. They use this kind of system whenthey need to get food leaves to their nest. What happens is that they're separatedinto three different groups,and each group has a different pa1i in the process oftransporting food back to the nest.So the first group, their job is to climb up a treeand start cutting off pieces of leaves. But instead of carrying the leaf pieces backdown the tree, the ants just let go of the pieces, so they fall down to the groundbelow.And After a while,all these leaf pieces collect in a pile at the bottom of thetree.Then there's a second group of ants waiting to help. This second groups job is tocut the leaves down into smaller,more manageable pieces that are easier for themto carry.Then they take these smaller pieces of leaves to a place that's part way backto the nest.Finally, the last group of ants takes over, and they have the job of actuallybringing the leaf pieces back from the trail to the nest.The system works well sinceeach ant has a specific job to do, the work gets done faster than if they were allworking independently.

And Since none of the ants has to keep climbing up and down a tree, they can all dotheir jobs without tiring out too soon.

Explain how the example of leaf-cutter ants illustrates the concept of task partitioning.


Number six, in this question, you will listen to a short lecture. You will then be askedto summarize impo1iant Ilnformation from the lecture.After you hear the question,you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak Listen topart of a lecture in a history class.

Okay, so we've been talking about various factors that have changed the unitedstates economy. And one especially important factor was the development ofrailroads. When the railroad system expanded throughout most of the united states,it fundamentally changed the way business was done in this country.For one thing,expansion of the railroads enabled companies to start selling their goods all acrossthe country. Since trains could now transport merchandise all over the w1ited states,companies could now sell goods to consumers pretty much anywhere in the country.For example, there was a big company that's old clocks. The company started in a bigcity, and before the development of the railroads, the company could only sell itsclocks to people who lived in or near that city.But when the railroads expanded, thecompany could load its clocks onto trains and have them delivered to all parts of thecountry. Railroads also changed business in the us by making it possible to openfactories in new locations. Many factories had machines that were powered bycertain raw materials, like coal, and railroads made it possible to transport those rawmaterials to areas of the country where they weren't found naturally. a goodexample is some factories in the southern united states. In certain parts of the south,there wasn't much naturally occurring coal. So before the expansion of the railroads,there weren't many factories there, because there were no raw materials like coal toprovide power for the factories machines. But after railroad lines were built in thesouth, coal could be brought in from other parts of the country. So new factorieswere able to open there.

Using the examples from the lecture, explain two ways the railroad system changedbusiness in the United States

2 托福TPO56口语参考答案



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