

2017-06-24 20:01来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上一篇文章,我们分享了:托福独立+综合口语TPO40(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载),本篇文章,新航道托福 继续和大家分享托福独立+综合口语TPO41(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)。托福独立+综合口语TPO41音频百度网盘下载链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boJYqhp

  上一篇文章,我们分享了:托福独立+综合口语TPO40(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)本篇文章,新航道托福 继续和大家分享托福独立+综合口语TPO41(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)。托福独立+综合口语TPO41音频百度网盘下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1boJYqhp

  托福TPO独立口语41 TASK 1范文:

  题目:Talk about a famous person that you admire. Explain why you respect this person.

  话题:a famous person

  托福TPO独立口语41 TASK 1范文:

  The famous person I admire most is George Washington who is the father of the United States. First, he is a great military genius. It's him that led the American army defeated the British colonists. Without his military talents, the USA would take probably more than 8 years to get rid of British colonial rule. In addition, he showed great virtue in his refusing to become an emperor .Besides, he is also a very considerate leader. During the war of independence, he spent lots of time in visiting and comforting the wounded soldiers which hugely enhanced morale in the army.


  托福TPO独立口语41 TASK 2

  题目:Some people believe it is important for university to provide funding for student entertainment, such as movies or concerts on campus. Others believe that university money should only be used for academic purposes. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

  话题:University funding distribution

  托福TPO独立口语41 TASK 2 范文:

  In my opinion, the money should be used in entertainment rather than academic purpose. The reasons are as below. To start, college life can be really stressful, students have so many classes and assignments each day, so a little movies or concerts can do a lot good to them. Help them easy up and remain a better mood. So it’s a good way to balance their study and life. Furthermore, it’ll be healthier to spend their leisure time doing such entertaining things, otherwise, they may stay at their dorm or hang out in the library, which is a little boring, and if the university can hold some interesting events, it’ll be a good way to kill time.


  托福口语TPO41 Task3(听力+阅读+题目+范文):Final Project

  Reading Part:

  Final Project

  The final project for this course will be an oralpresentation. Students must work with an assignedpartner to select a topic and complete all relatedresearch for the project. The partners will orallypresent their research to the class during the last twoweeks of classes. This project will provide students with the opportunity to discover therewards and challenges of working with another individual, an experience that will help them infuture endeavors Furthermore, these presentations will benefit the entire class: when studentsshare their discoveries with the class, they enable other students to learn from their work.


  W : I don't know about this.

  M : Why not? Sounds OK to me.

  W : Thing is depending on someone else makes menervous. My roommate had to do a project like thisand the other girl didn't show up to meetings, didn't do any research. My roommate had to doeverything herself.

  M : That's a drag. I guess if your partner is irresponsible, you are out of luck.

  W : Exactly. It hurt her grade. I don't want the same thing to happen to me. Right now I, mmore concerned with getting a good grade even though I know that's not the lesson theprofessor has in mind.

  M : Still it'll be good to listen everyone's stuff.

  W : Well I don't know. I mean at the end of the semester. People are focusing on studying forexams.

  M : Yeah.

  W : Who has time to put something like this together when they are busy studying?

  M : True.

  W : I can't image anyone would be able to really do a good job with it and everyone would beso preoccupied by then that they probably won't listen anyway. I think the professor is gonnabe disappointed and students, well, we'II all just be frustrated by the whole thing.


  The woman expresses her opinion of the assignment. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

  托福TPO综合口语41 TASK 3范文:


  The final project of the woman’s course will be an oral presentation which is presented by the students and an assigned partner. And the woman holds a negative view towards the announcement. The first reasons she gives is that depending on someone else is not that reliable and she may get a low grade. And the tragedy happened to her roommate whose partner didn’t show up or do any research. And the second one is based on the fact that by the end of semester, everyone will be busy with their exams, they don’t have enough energy to do a good job with it and the others won’t listen anyway, and it may disappoint the professor. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion.


  托福口语TPO41 Task4(阅读+题目+范文):Primacy Effect

  Reading Part:

  Primacy Effect

  When people form opinions about a person or asituation, those opinions are likely to be based onfirst impressions, on an initial assessment of theperson or situation. In other words, the opinions wehave of people or situations tend to be based muchmore on the first information we team about themthan on information we learn later. This tendency is called the primacy effect. Researchersbelieve that the primacy effect occurs because after people have made an initial judgment, they tend to notice evidence that supports that judgment, and disregard or fail to noticeevidence that contradicts it.


  Using the two examples from the professor's lecture, explain what is meant by “the primacy effect" andhow it can affect our opinions.

  托福TPO综合口语41 TASK 4范文:

  高分词汇:reinforce, from time to time, unreliable, incompetent, performance


  In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that how primacy effect be used in real life. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples in his speech. The first one is that during his first week as a laboratory assistant, he made a good suggestion to his boss and it worked pretty well. And after that, his boss regarded him as a star employee even though he made some mistakes from time to time. The other one is that his colleague made a big mistake and lost some important data, and it cost the lab some time and money to fix it. So after that the boss decided that she was unreliable and incompetent. But actually she was really good at her job maybe even better than the professor himself. However their boss could only noticed her mistake based on the performance of her very first week. And that's the two examples the speaker presented to explain his idea.


  托福口语TPO41 Task5:Discussion

  托福TPO综合口语41 TASK 5范文:

  Question:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to theproblem. Briefly summarize the problem then statewhich solution you recommend and explain why.


  In this conversat ion, the woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that staying on campus during the semester break, and the dorm is always closed, so she needs to find a place to stay for two weeks. And the man offers her two possible solutions. One is staying with her friends who live in an apartment not too far from campus. The other is the woman can get special permission to stay at the dorm. And if it were my choice, I would choose the latter one, because her friends will be on vacation and they may party too much and the woman will have to get up early in the morning and work all day, so she needs a quiet environment to sleep well. Although staying at the dorm will not as cheap as staying with her friends, at least it’ll guarantee her a good environment that suits her situation.



  托福TPO综合口语41 TASK 6范文:

  题目: Using points and examples from the talk , explain why play is important for a child‘s development 。


  In the lecture, the professor provides two reasons to illustrate the theory that play is important for kids to develop in an emotionally healthy way. The first one is that play helps children feel more in control. Since small children have to depend on adults, so they often feel helpless, uneasy and anxious. But when they play, they can be in control. They can decide which toy they’re going to play and how to play with it. Sometimes they take building blocks and make a building out of them and without any help. Another reason is that play gives children a safe way to explore certain urges and desires. For example, kids may take the urge to be destructive, so by being destructive during play, their parents won’t get upset. Like some kids will build a tower and smash it all down. And that's the two reasons the speaker presented to explain the theory.

  以上是新航道托福培训 分享的关于托福独立+综合口语TPO41(听力+阅读+题目+mp3音频下载)的信息.更多托福TPO下载托福TPO在线模考 ,请:https://sh.xhd.cn/toefl/tpo/

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托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
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