

2017-06-24 19:31来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


  上一篇文章,我们分享了:托福口语TPO39(独立+综合)文本+听力MP3音频下载,本篇文章,新航道托福 继续和大家分享托福独立+综合口语TPO40(听力+阅读+题目+范文+mp3音频下载)托福口语TPO40的音频下载,百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYnZUSs

  托福独立口语TPO40 Task1:Country and Culture

  题目:Talk about a country or culture that you would like to learn more about. What is the country or culture and why would you like to learn more about it.



  The country I want to learn more about is definitely America. And there are a couple of reasons to list. The most important thing is that, you know, the USA is the freest country in the world, so it must be really nice of living there, and since I want to have that kind of experience, so I’d like to learn more about it first. Furthermore, I’ll go to the postgraduate school in the USA, so I suppose it’s good for me to understand what that country looks like or feels like, in that case, I can fit in my school life better. So that’s why I want to learn more about America.


  托福独立口语TPO40 Task2:Printed Materials

  题目:Some people think that materials printed on paper, such as books and newspapers, will one day be replaced by electronic versions of those materials. Others believe that printed materials will always be popular. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.



  Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that printed materials will never be replaced by the electronic ones. The first reason and also the most important one I wanna say is that, printed materials like books and newspapers actually are a kind of culture throughout the whole world which represents the wisdom of our ancestors. What’s more, although electronic devices are convenient nowadays, the screen of it is bad for our eyes, we should never stare it for too long. And it’ll have radiation too. So for the sake of our health, that’s why I insist that the printed materials will always be popular.


  托福综合口语TPO40 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):University to Create a Lounge for Commuter Students

  Reading Part:

  University to Create a Lounge for CommuterStudents

  Many students at our university do not live indormitories. These students live in town or in thesuburbs and travel to campus every day. Theuniversity has decided to provide these commuter students with a special lounge the studentcenter-with couches, chairs, and a television. University officials hope that this lounge-a place tosocialize and relax-will give commuter students some of the same advantages that dormitoryresidents now have. An important additional feature of the lounge will be a bulletin board onthe wall for posting and sharing information that may be especially useful to commuterstudents and their particular needs.


  W : Hey, it' s nice that they're gonna do this.

  M : It' s not a bad idea,but do you think they'llaccomplish what they are hoping?

  W : Sure. I mean the dormitories all have their ownlounges. And think about how much time studentsspend there and how many people they meat.

  M : Yeah. I got to know a lot of people in my dorm during my first semester Just watching TVand taking study breaks in the lounge.

  W : Right. Those dorm lounges are really essential to students'life. And I met peoplethere.They really helped me with my schoolwork too. Students who leave off campus don't haveanything like that.

  M : That's true.

  W : Plus, I like the idea of posting stuff. You know, things like notices from students who wannaget together with other students to share car rides to campus.

  M : Yeah. Ride shares information could be helpful.

  W : Absolutely. If students knew about ride shares, they could save money getting intocampus, coz a few of them could travel in one car.


  The woman expresses her opinion about theuniversity’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan thenstate her opinion about the plan and explain thereasons she gives for holding that opinion.

  托福综合口语TPO40TASK 3


  The school has implemented a new policy that create a lounge for the commuter students. And the woman holds a positive view towards the announcement. The first reason she gave is that the lounge is very central to student life, and the people there could actually help her with her school work. Students who live off campus don’t have anything like that. And the second one is based on the fact that the woman likes the idea of posting stuff. Things like notices from students who want to get together with other students to share car rides to campus. And it could save a lot of money for students because a few of them could travel in one car. Therefore, she agrees with that opinion.


  托福综合口语TPO40TASK4(阅读+题目):Agonistic Behavior

  Reading Part:

  Agonistic Behavior

  Within certain animal species, conflicts sometimesarise over resources such as territory or food. Toresolve these conflicts, two animals of the samespecies may engage in agonistic behavior. With thistype of aggressive behavior, the animalsparticipate in a physical competition thatdemonstrates which animal is more powerful. While each animal attempts to prove its strengthin the competition, it typically does so without harming the other animal once the winner isestablished, that animal gains access to the desired resources, while the weaker animalsurrenders and leaves the area.


  Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates agonistic behavior


  In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory about agonistic behavior. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave an example about two rattlesnakes in his speech. In the example, scientists saw two rattlesnakes had found the same hole and both of them wanted to eat the food there. And what happened was the two rattlesnakes faced each other and made themselves as tall as possible. And then they began pushing each other and trying to control one another. But in this process, neither of those two rattlesnakes was trying to hurt each other. And the snake which could have easily bitten the other one, it didn’t, and let it go. Finally the winner got the food. So this example justify the agonistic behavior which is the certain animals species just simply want to show off the power of themselves in the regard of territory or food and prove their strength in the competition.




  Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which solution you wouldrecommend Explain the reasons for yourrecommendation

  TASK 5


  In this conversat ion, the woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that whether she should go to see the play with her classmates tonight. Because she has a history test tomorrow morning and if she went to the trip tonight it’ll leave her no time to study. And the man offers her two possible solutions. One is she could do the studying after she get back from the play. The other is go to see the play by herself some other night and prepare for the test tonight. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former one, because if she were to go to see the play by herself, she would have to pay for the ticket and the most important thing is she would have no company to go there and discuss the play with. So if she were to go there tonight with the whole class, not only she could save some money but also it would be a really interesting experience.


  托福口语TPO40 Task6:Strategies Salespeople


  Using points and examples from the lecture, explaintwo strategies salespeople use to address customerconcerns.

  TASK 6


  In the lecture, the professor provides two strategies to illustrate a theory that how important a good salesman needs to talk to customers effectively and get their products sold. The first one is that he should point out something special about the product. For example, if a customer says the computer is expensive in an electronic store, the salesperson should mention how fast the computer is, and how much work it can get done within a short time. The second one is that demonstrate something about the product, actually use it in front of the customer. For instance, if the customer were to express the concern about whether the laptop is portable enough, the salesman should address this concern by unplugging the computer and putting it into the carrying case to show the customer how easy it is to transport. And that's the two strategies the speaker presented to explain the theory.


  以上是新航道托福培训 分享的关于托福独立+综合口语TPO40(听力+阅读+题目+mp3音频下载)的信息.更多托福TPO下载托福TPO在线模考 ,请:https://sh.xhd.cn/toefl/tpo/

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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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小托福考试技巧进阶课程 30 ¥9800 在线咨询


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