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托福口语TPO33 Task1-6文本+题目+范文+MP3下载

2015-11-04 16:56来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


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托福口语TPO33 Task1(题目+解析+范文):Decide on a major field of study

托福TPO33口语task1题目 Question:

A friend of yours wants to go to university next yearbut cannot decide on a major field of study. Whatadvice would you give your friend to help make thisdecision?


I would suggest my friend to ask some collegestudents for help. I mean, they're the ones who arealready involved in these majors, and they shouldhave some first-hand information, like what classesthey need to take, whether they're interesting or not,and if this major is promising. When I graduated from high school, I hesitated betweencomputer science and electronic engineering. I ended up majoring in EE, and find myself hatethis major just because the classes I take are not the ones I thought I might be interested in. IfI had the chance to ask some of the EE students before I entered college, I'm sure I wouldn'thave this kind of issue.

托福口语TPO33 Task2(题目+解析+范文):Eating healthy food


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should receive money for doing household tasks such as cleaning. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.


It's definitely more difficult. Now that fast food is everywhere, I can't help myself from going into those restaurants that serve fried chicken, burgers and pizza. When I don't know what to eat for lunch, I would reach for McDonald's next to my school. I have to admit that they're really tasty, and I can never go wrong with a beef burger combo. However, in the past, there weren't this many choices. Most people who earn a regular salary would cook at home, and it's usually healthier—at least the food wouldn't be so greasy, and there would be more vegetables rather than meat. So I think it is becoming more difficult to eat healthy food right now.

托福口语TPO33 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Bicycle Borrowing Program

Reading Part:

Bicycle Borrowing Program

It’s great that the university has a program wherestudents can borrow bicycles from the gym. However,two changes would make the program moreconvenient. First, the borrowing period should be shortened to four hours maximum so thatmore bikes would be available when students want to borrow them. Second, currently,students who borrow bikes have to leave a cash deposit, which is returned to them when theyreturn the bikes, but I think students should be required to leave their student identificationcards instead, so they don’t have to remember to bring cash.


Susan Lee


(woman) Hey, did you read that letter? What do youthink?

(man) Yeah, I read it. I understand what she'ssaying but I really don't agree with her suggestions.

(woman) How come?

(man) Well, students often need to borrow the bikes for longer periods of time, sometimes awhole day.

(woman) What for?

(man) Well, like, to do stuff off-campus, for instance, my friends and I on the weekends,sometimes we like to ride bikes to the state park outside of town and do some hiking there. Andit basically takes a whole day. It's night time by the time when we get back.

(woman) So if you had less time you wouldn't be able to do that.

(man) Right, and also her other suggestion doesn't seem practical to me.

(woman) The card thing?

(man) Yeah, that's not gonna work. What if you want to enter a campus building? Even thoughyou can get into most of the classroom buildings without a card, there are certain buildings oncampus where you need to show your card to get in, like the library and dining hall.

(woman) Yeah, that's true, so students wouldn't be able to go to any of those places till theygot their cards back.


The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


The student is proposing to change the campus bikeborrowing program. First, he thinks that theborrowing period should be shortened to four hoursso that more students could borrow these bicycles.Secondly, students could leave their student ID cardwhen they’ re borrowing instead of depositing cash.

In the conversation, the man doesn’ t seem to agree with this proposal. First, studentsmight need to borrow bicycles for a longer period of time if they bike off campus. For example,he and his friends would bike to state park on weekends, and it would take a whole day. Soshortening the borrowing time to four hours wouldn’ t be a good idea. Also, sometimes studentsneed their ID cards in order to enter campus buildings, like the library and dining hall. Ifstudents deposit their ID cards, they wouldn' t be able to go to these places, which could bereally inconvenient.

Therefore, the man doesn’ t agree with this proposal.

托福口语TPO33 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Carrying Capacity

Reading Part:

Carrying Capacity

An animal species needs to have enough resources,like food and water, to survive in any givenenvironment. However, because resources arelimited, only a certain number of animals of a particular species are able to survive in agiven habitat. The greatest number a habitat can support is known as the carrying capacity.If nothing happens to disrupt or unbalance the relationship between the animal and itshabitat, the carrying capacity will remain stable. However, a carrying capacity is not fixed. Ifthere is a significant disruption, such as an environmental event that alters the amount ofavailable resources in the habitat, the carrying capacity will change.


Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class.

(male professor) OK, so let's talk about what happened to a certain type of insect, a moth, a red-and-black moth that lives in Europe. These moths eat a plant called Ragwort and they live in fields where the Ragwort plants grow. Now, there was a group of moth that lives in one of these fields and, for many years, there was a lot of Ragwort growing there. So the moth had plenty to eat and the total number of moth in the field stayed pretty much the same.

But then one year it rained a lot less than usual and the Ragwort didn't grow as well. The result was that the moth didn't get enough to eat and many didn't survive but even the ones that did survive didn't lay as many eggs as before. So that year the moth population in the field was quite a bit smaller. The next year, though, the amount of rainfall returned to normal and again many more Ragwort plants grew and, once again, there was a lot available for the moth to eat. So that year the moth population increased and the female moth laid many more eggs than the year before. And now, after all that rainfall and plant growth, there were just as many moth in the Ragwort field as there were before.


Explain the concept of carrying capacity using theexample of the moth and Ragwort.


Carrying Capacity is the greatest number of animalsa habitat can support. This number usually remainsstable, but it might change when there’ s significantdisruption.

Just like the example of moths. Moths eat a kind ofplant called Ragwort. The moths live in a place where there is a lot of Ragwort, and the totalnumber of moths that live there generally stays the same over the years. However, one year, itrained less, and Ragwort didn’ t grow well. So many moths didn’ t survive because there wasn’t enough to eat. Also, female moths didn’ t lay as many eggs. Therefore, the population ofmoths decreased. The situation returned the next year, and Ragwort grew a lot better. As aresult, the number of moths increased, and female moths laid more eggs.

Now there are as many moths as there was before.

托福口语TPO33 Task5(听力+解析+范文):Cover her shift

Listening Part:


Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) Tina, I'm so glad I bump into you.

(woman) Hey, Bob, what's up?

(man) Well, you know how I told you I could work foryou tonight? Cover you shift at the dining hall later?

(woman) Yeah, thanks so much for that. Friday night dinner shifts are tough to find substitutesfor.

(man) Well, actually,

(woman) Oh, no! Don't tell me something came up and you're canceling?

(man) Um, yeah, I'm afraid I forgot tonight I've got a music rehearsal for the bend I'm in.

(woman) Music rehearsal?

(man) Yeah, I play keyboards for Little Rock Band here on campus and we've got practicetonight to prepare for a concert we're doing that's coming up. It's really kind of important.

(woman) Well, I don't know what to do now because I already made plans to go to the school'splay with some friends tonight.

(man) Oh!

(woman) Yeah, and there's no way I can find someone to work my shift now. It's so lastminute.

(man) I'm really sorry, Tina.

(woman) Well, I guess I could cancel my plan to see the play. Go see it another time by myselfsince my friends are seeing it tonight. I think it's playing for another week. (man) Or, you know,I guess I could talk to the band leader explain to him that I can't make the band practicetonight.

(woman) Yeah?

(man) Yeah, I mean, it's my fault I forgot and I want to do the right thing here since I did sayI'd work for you. It's just that some of the songs are new to me and tonight's our last practicebefore the concert. I don't want to sound bad at the show.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which of the two solutionsfrom the conversation you would recommend.Explain the reason for your recommendation.


The woman has a problem that she can’t find anyone to cover her shift tonight. She is going to see a school play with her friends, and she has already asked the man to cover for her. However, the man has a band rehearsal which is really important. He probably can’t cover her shift.

There are two solutions for her. First, she could cancel her plan of seeing the school play with friends. The other solution is that the man could possibly talk to the band leader and see if he could miss the rehearsal. I personally think she should go for solution one, because it might not be appropriate for the man to miss his rehearsal since it’s their last practice before their concert. If he missed this rehearsal, he might sound bad at the concert. As for missing the school play, although it can be a little bit disappointing, she could at least make it up next week since the play would still be on. Plus, if she talks to her friends about her special situation, I’ m sure her friends would understand, and wouldn’t blame her for not joining them.

托福口语TPO33 Task6(听力+解析+范文):Advantages of franchising

Listening Part:


Listen to part of a talk in a business class.

(female professor) OK, so last time we were talkingabout the processes of starting up a business on yourown. And how new business owners often encountera lot of obstacles. But one way to get an easier start is through franchising. That's when there'salready a well-known, established company and you open up a new branch of that company ina new location. Your new business will be a part of the larger established company with thesame name and it'll be run just like the other branches of that company. Let's discuss someadvantages of franchising.

Now, one great advantage of franchising is that the company provides training to you and all ofyour employees. They teach you about all the aspects of the business and you're given a plan tofollow for success. So, you don't have to do the training yourself or come up with your ownbusiness plan. For example, if you're opening up a new division of a restaurant that sells pizza,say. Somebody from the company will come to the restaurant that you're opening and they'lltrain you and your employees in how to prepare the pizzas, how to take food orders, pluseverything about how to operate the restaurant so it'll be run exactly like all the otherrestaurants in the company.

Another advantage of franchising is the established customer base because your business willhave the same name as the company that's already well-known. It'll already have loyalcustomers following. So when you open a new division people will want to come because they'llbe confident of its quality. So, again, let's say you're opening a new restaurant, a pizza place.The restaurant is already well-known because it has such good pizza. So when you open yourown restaurant with the same name in a new location, people know your pizza's going to bereally good, too. They'll go to your restaurant because they already trust they'll have a goodexperience there.


Using the professor’s example of the pizza restaurant, explain two advantages of franchising.


There are two benefits of franchising.

First, the established company would providetraining. They would teach the new company aboutall aspects, and the new business would have a planto follow. For example, if someone wants to open apizza restaurant, somebody from the establishedcompany would give him trainings on how to prepare the pizza, how to take orders and how tooperate. This makes things much easier.

Secondly, the new business will have an established customer base because it uses the samename as this established company, and customers are more likely to have confidence aboutthe quality of their product. For the same example, if this pizza restaurant is already well-known for its good pizza, then when it opens up a new branch restaurant, people already knowits pizza is good, and would go to this restaurant to eat.









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