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托福口语TPO32 Task1-6文本+题目+范文+MP3

2015-11-04 16:46来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




托福口语TPO32 Task1(题目+解析+范文):The benefits of group study

托福TPO32口语task1题目 Question:

Students often like to study with others in a group.What do you think are the benefits of group study?Give at least one benefit. Explain your reasons.


Actually I’m a big fan of group study. It gives me achance to talk to group members, and this is reallybeneficial. For example, when doing a math project,I like to study with a group, especially when some ofthem are math junkies, r m not a math person, so rd love to learn about different approaches to solving a particular problem. It helps me learnfaster, and it' s much more efficient than finding a tutor, Also, doing group study is a greatchance for me to meet new people. I used to study with a group in my literature class, and allof us ended up being really close friends and we hang out a lot.

托福口语TPO32 Task2(题目+解析+范文):Doing household tasks


Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Children should receive money for doinghousehold tasks such as cleaning. Use specificexamples and details to support your opinion.


I think it' s a good idea, since it' s a good way to get kids motivated so that they could really get involved in these tasks, My parents used to pay me to wash the dishes, they didn’t’ pay me much though, but I became really locking forward to doing the dishes after dinner. Also, kids would have the chance to learn to manage their own savings. For me, I was pretty happy about the fact I got to have my own money and I learned to save it for different things: whether I would use it to make small purchases or save the money for a relatively longer period of time and buy something pricy.

托福口语TPO32 Task3(听力+解析+范文):An Airport Bus for School Breaks

Reading Part:

An Airport Bus for School Breaks

Students who fly home for the winter and springbreaks need to get to and from the airport, which is ahalf-hour drive from campus. I think the universityshould run a free bus service for students between campus and the airport during the breaks.This would help the students, since there is no public transportation between campus and theairport. In order to provide service to the airport, some of the buses that normally run betweencampus buildings when classes are in session could run between the school and the airportduring the school breaks.


Laura Johnson


Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

(woman) Did you see this, Jim? What do you thinkabout her idea?

(man) I think it’d be great. It’d make things muchless expensive cause our campus is located outside the city. If you can’t get a friend with a carto give you a ride, there is no other way to get to the airport. And your only choice is to take ataxi.

(woman) I know. I’ve had to take a taxi before and it’s pretty expensive.

(man) Yeah, like thirty or forty dollars which is a lot especially for students.

(woman) Yeah, definitely

(man) And I think it would work what she’s suggesting. I mean, there is less need for buses oncampus during that time to take students between the buildings.

(woman) You mean because classes are over then?

(man) Yeah, exactly, there might some final exams still going on but regular classes won’t bemeeting. There are much fewer students left on campus and they don’t need to get aroundcampus that often.

(woman) Yeah, I guess they’re just making occasional trips to take exams or go to the library orgym or whatever.

(man) Right, it shouldn’t cause any problems for anyone who still needs to get around campus.


The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


The students propose to run free bus service betweenthe airport and campus during school breaks. Firstshe thinks that there* s no public transportationbetween these two places, Secondly, she proposesthat the buses that run between campus buildingscould run between school and the airport during these times.

In the conversation, the man thinks this is a great idea. First, he thinks that it’s gonna savemoney for students. The campus is outside of the city, and if students can’t get a ride fromtheir friends, then there1 s no way for them to go to the airport; and taking a taxi can be quiteexpensive. Secondly, he thinks that there* s less need for buses on campus during schoolbreaks because regular classes don’t meet at these times, If students don’t get around campusthat often, it wouldn’t actually cause any problems.

托福口语TPO32 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Choice-Supportive Bias

Reading Part:

Choice-Supportive Bias

People often make decisions by considering theadvantages and disadvantages of each option.

However, after a person selects an option, there is atendency for that person to exhibit the choice- supportive bias. After selecting an option, aperson may begin to favor that option. Without being fully aware of it, people who exhibit thisbias tend to focus on and remember only the advantages of the option they selected. As timepasses, they will overlook the option’s disadvantages, eventually even forgetting them.


Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a Psychology class.

(male professor) OK, so an example of this from my own life: five or six years ago, I was helping a friend of mine decide on a house to buy. He had been in the market to buy a house and he had it narrowed down to this one house that he was interested in.

What he really liked about this house was it had an excellent location. It was in a great place that was actually in the same part of town where he was working right up the street from his job. So he wouldn’t have far to drive to get to work which he really liked.

However, the downside of this house was that it was smaller than what he was hoping to buy. He wanted to buy sort of a big house and this house just wasn’t that big. So it was a tough decision. But my friend eventually did decide to buy the house.

And a few years after he made the purchase, I remember, we were talking about the decision and why he decided to buy the house. He told me, well, of course, it was because of the house’s location. He told me how happy he was with the fact it was so close to his work, how great it was only few minutes from his job. I said, “Yes, but, what about its size? Do you still think the house is kind of small?” And he looked at me kind of surprised, “Small? What do you mean small?” Like he didn’t know what I was talking about. The house’s size, a couple of years after buying it, just didn’t seem to be on his mind anymore.


Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrate the choice-supportive bias.


Choice supportive bias is a tendency that after people make a choice, they would favor that option and only remember the advantages of their choice, and overlook or even forget the disadvantages of their decision.

Just like the example of the professor' s friend. He was looking for a house to buy, and he found this house with a great location because it’s close to his workplace. However, the house was smaller when he wanted to buy a bigger one, He eventually bought the house. After a few years, when he was asked about the house, he said that he was really happy about the fact that the house is close to his work, and the size issue was hardly on his mind, which means he only remembered the advantages, and forgot the disadvantages of his choice.

托福口语TPO32 Task5(听力+解析+范文):Writing 3 papers

Listening Part:


Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) I don’t know about you, but, I’m really lookingforward to summer break.

(woman) I can’t even think that far ahead. I’ve got somuch to do before the end of the semester. I’ve been feeling pretty stressed out lately.

(man) Why? What’s going on?

(woman) Well, I just have so many assignments. I’ve got three major research papers to do andthey all due, basically, at the same time, in two weeks.

(man) Wow! Three? That is a lot. And research papers take a lot of time.

(woman) Right, and between my job and classes, there just aren’t enough hours in the day toget them all done.

(man) Well, is there anything you could cut from your schedule, I mean, you’re working part-time in an office in town, aren’t you? Why don’t you just reduce your hours there for a while, atleast till you get the papers done.

(woman) Well, I guess I could tell my boss I need to cut back on my hours for a couple ofweeks, uh, but I don’t know, I haven’t been working there very long. I don’t want to make abad impression by asking for time off already?

(man) What else could you do?

(woman) Well, another option is I could get an extension on one of the papers. I asked one ofmy professors about it, my History professor, and she said it would be OK if I handed the paperin a week late. So, I guess I could just concentrate on getting the other two papers done first

(man) Oh, that’s great.

(woman) Yeah, only she said she’d have to take a few points off the grade for the paper since itwould be late, you know, to be fair to the other students.

(man) Oh, that’s a drag. So what are you gonna do?

(woman) Uh, I don’t know yet.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


There are two solutions, First she could reduce her work hours,

Second, she could get an extension from the professor for one of her papers.

Personally, I think the first solution is a better choice. This is because if she chooses the second solution, then the professor would take points off the grade, and this would influence her overall GPA. However, the first solution is much better. Even though she hasn't been working there for long, if she talks to her boss about her special situation, I’m sure her boss would understand and wouldn't blame her on anything. After all, she’s probably not the only one that needs to reduce work hours because of finals. Therefore, I suggest her to go for the first solution.

托福口语TPO32 Task6(听力+解析+范文):Roads can affect the environment

Listening Part:


Listen to part of a lecture in an EnvironmentalScience class.

(female professor) Roads, paved roads areeverywhere and sometimes seem like part of thenatural landscape. But, of course, roads are not part of nature and, if fact, road constructioncan have harmful effects on the environment and seriously impact both animal life and plantlife.

One harmful environmental effect of roads is that they contribute to the movement of plantspecies from one area to another. This causes problem for existing plants, plants alreadygrowing in that area because when a new plant species gets into an area where it wasn’tgrowing before, the new plants compete for resources with existing plant life. For example, thishappened in California with a weed called the yellow star thistle. What happened was the starthistle’s seeds got stuck to the tires of cars driving down the road and the seeds weredistributed to new areas. This put the star thistle in competition for natural resources, likewater, with the original plant life of the area. That made it harder for the native plants tosurvive.

Also roads, especially major highways, can act as barriers and divide up an animal’s habitatinto smaller ones where there is not enough food to support the population. These busyhighways, with cars speeding past day and night, act like boundaries that animals are afraid tocross. So, they sometimes get shut in on a small piece of land where there isn’t enough food tosupport them. This is a serious problem for animals that need access to large expanse of land tolook for food. For example, there are these foxes called Kit foxes that live in the southwesternUnited States, They hunt small animals like mice and squirrels which are spread out over largeareas of open grasslands. And now, because of these roads, the Kit fox population hasdeclined significantly because now they don’t get enough food.


Using the examples of the star thistle and the Kit fox,describe two ways roads can affect theenvironment.


There are two ways roads can affect the environment. The first way is that they contribute to movement of plant species, and new plants compete for resources of other native plants. For example, when the yellow star thistle is stuck to tires, it would be distributed to a new area where it competes for water, so that if s hard for native plants to survive. The second way is that they become barrier for animals. Animals are afraid to cross highways, so they’re shut in small areas where they can’t get enough food. This is hard for animals that need food which are spread over a large expansion of land. For example, kit foxes hunt for mice that are spread out in a large expansion of grassland, When road is constructed, their numbers declined because they can’t get enough food.








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