

2015-11-04 15:45来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


托福口语TPO27 Task1(题目+解析+范文):A popular actor, musician, or artist

托福TPO27口语task1题目 Question:

Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artistwhose work you do not admire.Explain why you donot like this person’s work. Use specific details andreasons in your response.


I’d like to talk about a Taiwanese pop singer. Thereare lots of rap parts in his songs, and this is one ofthe main reasons why I don’t like him—that I’m not abig fan of rap music. For most of the time I don’tunderstand what he is trying to say in his songs.They simply don’t make sense to me. The other thing is that he likes to show off a lot. I mean,he boasts a lot and he is too talkative for me to appreciate his personality. There's this onetime that I watched a ceremony he hosted, he almost talked the whole time, which was evenkind of embarrassing for his partner.

托福口语TPO27 Task2(题目+解析+范文):Choose a university


Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Parents should be involved in theprocess of helping their children to choose auniversity. Use specific reasons and details in yourresponse.


As for me, I think though parents should be involved when kids are choosing a university, they should not decide which university their kid attends. Firstly, kids have their own preference and interests. I mean, by the time when they're about to attend college, they've grown into an adult, and they know how to make choices. So parents can't decide whether they attend a small college or a big one, or whether they attend college near their hometown or in a city far away from home. Secondly, kids are more likely to enjoy the life in the college they selected on their own, which is actually a good thing for their future.

托福口语TPO27 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Switch to Electronic Textbooks

Reading Part:

Switch to Electronic Textbooks

The university will begin switching from traditional-bound textbooks to electronic textbooks early nextyear. University students will be able to download thecontent of their required textbooks to a reading device and read the material directly from thedevice’sscreen. While the cost of the device is around $200, it is a one-timeexpense.Considering the rising cost of textbooks, students will save money in the long run sincepurchasing electronic books for their classes is much less expensive than buying regulartextbooks.Furthermore, the university believes the device will be an effective study aidbecause it is simple to operate and offers features such as highlighting of textand note-taking.


Now listen to two students discussing the article.

(woman) Oh, no, did you see this?

(man) Yeah, why? You don’t like the idea?

(woman) Not at all!

(man) How come?

(woman) Well, the cost, for one thing, they are just not being realistic.

(man) Even compare to the price of textbooks?

(woman) Well, sure, textbooks aren’t cheap, but do you think people are only gonna use onedevice the whole time they are at university? What happens if yours breaks? You have to buy anew one. Or they come out with some fancy new features. Wouldn't you want to get a new onethen?

(man) Yeah, I see what you mean. A lot of people would probably want to replace theirs withthe latest version.

(woman) Right! Maybe even every year and that can add up.

(man) True, but, don’t you agree it’ll make studying and preparing for classes a lot easier?

(woman) I don’t think everybody is gonna think it’s so great.

(man) What do you mean?

(woman) Well., it’s only helpful if it’s easy to use and, well, this thing is pretty small. It’s onlyabout 18 or 20 centimeters tall.

(man) Oh, really? So that means the screen’s pretty small.

(woman) Right, and I heard that the key pad or control buttons, they are small, too. So if youhave normal-sized fingers, it’s not so easy to select an item or get it to function right, youknow, to do stuff like highlighting or underlining.

(man) I hadn’t thought of that.

(woman) So what good are all those fancy features if it’s hard to use them? Besides, I like theold-fashioned way of studying material: writing notes on the page and underlining orhighlighting important sections of the book. I’m more comfortable with that.


The woman expresses her opinion about theuniversity’s plan. Briefly summarize theplan thenstate her opinion and explain the reasons she givesfor holding that opinion.


The university is planningon switching all paper books to e-books. Firstly, they think that it helpsstudents save money. Secondly, the electronic device they use is an effective study aid since it's easy to operate and offers lots of features. In the conversation, the woman doesn't seem to like the idea. Firstly, he thinks that although textbooks are not cheap, the electronic device won't save money,either. This is because if the device breaks down or there comes out features, studentswould wanna buy a new one. Secondly, the device is pretty small with the little key pad and control button. So it's actually not easy to use. Plus, the womanprefers old-fashioned way of study, such as highlighting or underlining on apaper book.

托福口语TPO27 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Swarm Intelligence

Reading Part:

Swarm Intelligence

Some insect species live in large groups, or“swarms.” Such swarms typically include severalthousand individual insects. Living in swarms allowsthese insects to accomplish complex tasks together through complex behaviors. Thebehavior of the insects as a group demonstrates a greater level of complexity than thebehavior of individual group member s. This complex group behavior is called swarmintelligence. With swam intelligence, each insect performs a simple instinctual behavior thatis repeated by other individuals that results in a complex behavior. Insect swarms are able toaccomplish tasks that individual insects would not be able to achieve.


Now listen to a lecture on this topic in a biology class.

(male professor)

OK, we can see a great example of this with ants. Ants live in large groups called colonies. They normally move together to get to food sources. And sometimes when the ants are moving toward food source, they’ll encounter, find an obstacle in their path. So, for instance, let’s say a large number of ants are walking on a tree toward some food on a branch. But when they reach the end of the branch they are walking on, there’s a wide space between that branch and the next one, the branch with the food on it. Now, none of these ants alone can cross this wide space to get to the other branch with the food. So, how did they solve this problem?

Here’s how: one ant walks forward until it reaches the end of the branch and then automatically holds onto the branch with its back legs. Then it stretches its body forward into the open space. Now, this comes naturally to ants and it’s a simple action. So then the next ant walks to the end of the branch and right across the first ant’s body. Then it holds onto the first ant and then it stretches its body out into the open space, just a little bit closer to the branch with the food on it.

Then, one after another, other ants do the same thing until enough ants connect together to form a bridge between the two branches. Pretty amazing, huh? The connected ants hold this position allowing the rest of the ants in the group to cross over this bridge of ants to reach the food.


Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the concept of swarm intelligence.


Swarm intelligence is a phenomenon that insectsas a group will demonstrate greater complexitythan the behavior of an individual member. Theresult is they may perform some complex tasksthat an individual insect can’t complete. Just like theexample of ants.When a large group of ants walk on a tree in search of some food, they findthat there's a wide space between the tree and the food. Any single ant alone can't cross thespace. Therefore, what they do is that one ant walks forward to the end of the branch andholds onto the branch, and then it stretches its body forward so that the next ant can walkacross it. The next ant does the same thing. Then one after another, they form a bridge so thatthe rest of the ants can cross over to reach the food. So this is how swarm intelligence works.

托福口语TPO27 Task5(听力+解析+范文):A time conflict

Listening Part:


Listen to a conversation between two Englishprofessors.

(man) Hi, Nancy, is something the matter?

(woman) Oh, I just realized that I’ve got a schedulingconflict tomorrow.

(man) What is it?

(woman) Well, the poetry class I’m teaching meets at 4 o’clock. My students have a test nextweek so tomorrow’s class is the review session. It’s important.

(man) OK?

(woman) The other thing is my cousin’s retirement party. But I just realized it also starts at 4o’clock. I haven’t realized it was starting at the exact same time as my class.

(man) Oh, no! Well, I’m free tomorrow at 4, if you want, I could cover your class for you. Leadthe review session.

(woman) Really? What a generous offer!

(man) I wouldn’t mind. I mean, I haven’t taught poetry for a few years. I am a little rusty.

(woman) Well, I have some materials prepared and you could certainly use them. So it mightbe tough but you could do it.

(man) I’ll try anyway.

(woman) Well, my other option is to go to the class. Do the review session myself and arrivelate at the retirement party.

(man) So you could prepare your students for the test yourself.

(woman) I could and I know it’d be good for my students. It’s just that I’d miss a lot of theparty. My cousin and some others are giving speeches and I think it’ll be really interesting. It’llbe a shame to miss it.


Briefly summarize the problem the professors arediscussing. Then state which of the two solutionsform the conversation you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


The woman’s problem is that there is a time conflict between her poetry class she needs to teach and her cousin’s retirement party. One possible solution is that she could ask the male professor to cover the class for her. The other solution is that she could teach the poetry class herself and arrive late at the party. I personally suggest her to second solution. This is because her cousin's retirement party is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and she wouldn't have another chance to attend it if she missed this one. As for the poetry class, although the male professor hasn't been teaching poetry for years, he could probably handle the class with his teaching experience and the materials provided by the woman. Therefore, I'd suggest her to go for the second solution.

托福口语TPO27 Task6(听力+解析+范文):Roman cities

Listening Part:


Listen to part of a lecture in a history class.

(female professor)

So, most cities of the ancient world tended to besmall, often limited to the banks of a river. They hadvery little means to expand. These old cities couldn’t really cross natural barriers like rivers orbe located very far from water sources. But Roman cities, on the other hand, grew much larger.How did this happen?

Well, for one thing, the Romans had more advanced technology. Let’s look at a couple ofRoman developments that allowed its cities to expand.

One development that’ll allow Roman cities to grow was their advanced building materials. TheRomans developed a special kind of concrete, a building material that would harden underwater. And this concrete made new kinds of structures possible. Take their bridges forexample. Because of this special concrete, they could build better bridges, bridges that couldgo across wide rivers, bridges that were big enough to transport equipment and materials withwagons and carts. So with these strong bridges, Roman cities could grow on both sides of theriver, creating larger cities than would have been possible otherwise.

Another development that helped Roman cities expand was an improved way to move freshclean water. People need access to fresh water and the Romans created an especially effectiveway to bring it to them. They built structures called aqueducts. Now, aqueducts are series ofopen channels, waterways that stretch from water sources high in the mountains to cities. Theywere carefully planned and built so the steady drop in altitude provides the steady flow ofwater to cities. These aqueducts could move tremendous amount of water over great distancesand even bring fresh water to places far from rivers. Because of this, people could have cleanwater for drinking and bathing without being located near a river. So cities were able to growlarger in new locations.


Using the examples from the lecture, explain two developments that allowed ancient Roman cities to expand.


There are two developments that allowed Roman cities to expand. The first development was that they had an advanced building material, which is concrete that hardens under water. So the Romans could build bridges that cross wide rivers, and transport wagons and cars. Therefore cities were able to grow on both sides of the river, which created bigger cities. The second development is an effective way to move clean water. They could build Aqueduct, a channel, to create a steady flow of water. So this structure could move water over a great distance. So people could have clean water without needing to be located near the river. Therefore, the cities could grow much bigger.







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托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班 20-30人 192课时 ¥13800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福入门段(A段)(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 80课时 ¥17800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿 152课时 ¥33800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福一对一 1 按需定制 ¥980元 在线咨询
托福免费试听课 ¥0元 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
小托福课程 6人 54小时 ¥20800 在线咨询
小托福考试技巧进阶课程 30 ¥9800 在线咨询


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