

2015-11-04 15:12来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


托福TPO26口语task1题目 Question:

Think of a book that you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why you are interested in reading this book.


Think of a book you have not read but are interested in reading. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


Harry Potter is the most interesting book that I have ever heard but haven’t read. First of all, it is so full of interesting stories. Although it is such a thick book and cost more than $100, I have been fascinated by this book and chased after the series movie for several years. The story is so interesting that I want to read it again and again and I would like to know anything related to it whether it is about the characters or the stories. Also I believe this novel will open a new world to me. The writer of Harry Potter Joanne Rowling is such a good writer that her imagination will broaden my horizon. Previously I knew very little about the world of wizards but I would like to join a group of Harry Potter fans with whom I can discuss lots about Harry Potter from time to time.


Some people like to have their cell or mobile phone with them at all times. Other people prefer not to bring their cell or mobile phone with them everywhere they go, or they choose not to own one at all. Which do you prefer? Explain why.



1) Is it important for students to have computers?Explain why computers are important to students.

2) If you have questions, do you prefer to turn to theinternet, book, or the instructor?

3) Paper books or audio books?

4) Your school library is planning on replacing all paper books with electronic books. What’s youropinion and why?


A: take cellphone at all times

安全问题—safety reason


联系—communicate with friends

社交—social network

上课会打扰同学老师—disturbing for fellow students and the instructor

不利于健康—bad for health

沉迷游戏—addicted to games

B: not bring cellphone wherever they go

私人空间—give some personal space (e.g. celebrities)

紧急情况下无法联系—hard to reach in emergencies


I strongly agree with the opinion that there is noneed for people to have their cell with them all thetime. The use of a mobile phone should beforbidden in some places, such as library andairplanes. The most common reason for people goingto a library is to find a silent environment to readtheir favorite books without interruption. But if you receive a phone call in the library or justsend out messages, the mobile phone will ring. Though people have personal right to use theirmobile phone, the others are not supposed to be involved in the unnecessary disturbance. AndI do not think it is very polite unless you can turn down the volume. Another place is airplane.As we all know that it is very dangerous to have a phone call in airplane. It may causesinterference between the signals. Therefore, mobile phone should be forbidden in airplanesunless there is a new technique can avoid it.

托福口语TPO26 Task3(听力+解析+范文)

Reading Part:

Advisor Meetings Should No Longer Be

Required At present, students are required to meetwith their academic advisors before the beginningofevery semester. The advisors help students selectcourses andadvise them on graduation requirements.However, I don’t see the point of requiredmeetings, since the necessaryinformation about the courses is already available on theuniversity’s Website, which all students have access to. In addition, eliminating meetingswithadvisors would ease the difficulty that students often have in finding a timeto schedule ameeting when both they and their advisors are free. Sincerely,Amy Williams


Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

(man) Did you see this letter?

(woman) Yeah, why?

(man) Well, I don’t agree. It’s definitely not the samething to just go on the university’s Web site.

(woman) You don’t think so?

(man) No, I mean, sure, the basic information is there, but that’s not all advisors help you with.Sometimes there’re different ways you can meet a requirement f or graduation, like, differentclasses you can take. And if you talk to someone, they can help you figure it out.

(woman) And you can’t get that from just reading what’s on the Web site.

(man) Right, advisors have a lot of expert information so they make it easier for you to see whatyour choices are.

(woman) I see what you mean.

(man) And as for scheduling meetings, I’ve never had that kind of trouble.

(woman) Me neither.

(man) So anyone who does have problems must be waiting to the last minute to set somethingup.

(woman) That’s possible.

(man) I mean, the thing is, if you call or go to the office early enough to set up anappointment, schedules are open. It’s just that if you wait till the last possible day, it’ll beharder cause they already have lots of students scheduled then.


The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

托福口语TPO26 Task3范文

The university decides to announce that the advisers meeting are no longer required because students canget the necessary information about the courses on the university’s Web site.The man holds the opinion that the advisers meeting is necessary. He statesthat students can figure out more information with advisers’ help. Sometimesstudents can not just get everything on the Web site, and advisers’ suggestionwould make it easier for them to see their choices. Meanwhile, schedulingmeetings are not necessary due to seldom of the students have that kind oftrouble, and it hard to set up an appointment because there are often a lot ofstudents.

托福口语TPO26 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Epiphytes

Reading Part:


In rainforests, the canopy produced by the upperlayer of branches may be so dense that few plantscan grow on the shady ground below. Even so, manyplants have adapted to life in the rain forest, developing fascinating strategies for survival.For example, various species known as epiphytes use a host plant as a platform forgrowth.Although epiphytes grow on a host tree, they take no nutrients from the treeitself.Attached to the tree, sometimes 30 or 40 meters high, these aerial plants have access tosunlight but not to nutrients from the soil below. As a result, they have developed unusualmechanisms that have allowed them to overcome this problem.


Now listen to part of a lecture from a biology class.

(male professor)

OK, so a good example of this type of plant, common to the rainforest, is the Urn plant. The Urn plant wraps its roots around the branches of the trees or sometimes around the trunk near the upper part of the tree. They use the tree for support and this allows them to reside high in the trees, in the canopy, where they can get plenty of sunlight.

Now, the Urn plant has a unique shape. It got its name because of the formation of its leaves creates a kind of urn or bowl where it can store water. The Urn plant has rather long stiff spiky leaves. The leaves are slightly overlapping and are tightly rolled into a kind of cone shape or a funnel shape. Its flowers are held on a single stem in the center. Anyway, as I mentioned, the arrangement o f the leaves forms a kind of receptacle or bowl at the base so that it is rainwater collects on the leaves it rolls down into the bowl where it can be stored.

OK, so its unique shape helps it gather and store water. It also helps to gather other nutrients. This is because insects, dead leaves from other plants or other debris land on the leaves and then get washed down into the stored water. Gradually they decompose. The chemical break-down creates a nitrogen-rich food source in the stored water. So, the water supply contains a kind of liquid fertilizer that can be released to the plant whenever it needs the food.


Using the example of the Urn plant, explain how epiphytes have adapted to life in the rain forest.


The urn plant wraps its roots around the branches ofthe trees or sometimes around the trunk near theupper part of the tree. They use the trees forsupport. And this allows them to reside high in thetrees, in the canopy, where they can get plenty ofsunlight.Now, the urn plant has an unique shape, and it helps the urn plant gather and storewater, it also helps it to gather other nutrients. This is because insects, dead leaves from otherplants or other debris land on the leaves and then get washed down into the stored water.Gradually, they decompose so that the water supply contains a kind of liquid fertilizer, thatcan be released to the plant whenever it needs it.

托福口语TPO26 Task5(听力+解析+范文):Play guitar with his friends

Listening Part:


Listen to a conversation between two students.

(woman) Hey, Steve, I hear you started a band.

(man) Yeah, I play guitar and some friends and I gottogether to start making music. We’ve beenpracticing a couple of months and I think we’re ready to have a concert.

(woman) Great, are you gonna have the show soon?

(man) Yeah, hopefully sometime in the next couple of weeks. We’re all pretty busy but I thinkwe can squeeze in a show before summer starts and everyone goes away.

(woman) Cool! Where’s it gonna be?

(man) We wanted to do it in the campus auditorium. We play rock and roll. It’s kind of loud soit’d sound great in there. Problem is the auditorium’s already booked for the next fewweekends.

(woman) So what are you gonna do?

(man) Well, there are no weekends left before summer but there is an opening next Wednesdaynight, we could do the show then.

(woman) That could be good, I mean, concerts are usually on the weekends, but it’ll besomething fun for people to do in the middle of the week.

(man) Yeah, that’s true. It’s just that, well, there’ll probably be a smaller audience on aWednesday which might be kind of disappointing.

(woman) Well, yeah

(man) But there is one other option. We’re friends with people in another band. They’re gonnabe performing in the auditorium next Saturday. And they actually said they’d be willing to letus perform with them.

(woman) Wow! That’s really nice of them.

(man) Yeah, we’d play for a little while and then they’d play the rest of the night as scheduled.

(woman) Sounds good.

(man) Yeah, only catch is we wouldn’t have much time to perform so we wouldn’t be able to doall the songs we’ve been preparing.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which solution you wouldrecommend. Explain the reasons for yourrecommendation.


The man is going to play guitar with his friends andstart making music, after several months’ practicingthey will have a concert. However, the problem isthat the auditorium is already booked for the nextfew weekends, and there are no weekends left beforesummer. Thus, there’re two solutions. One is thatthey need to do the show next Wednesday night. The other one is, they are going to performwith their friends next Saturday, the only catch is, they won’t have enough time to play all thesongs. Therefore, I recommend that they would better to choose the first solution for whichthey would have their own audience.

托福口语TPO26 Task6(听力+解析+范文):A product’s container

Listening Part:


Listen to part of a lecture from a business class.

(female professor)

When consumers are buying a product, most of thetime they’re not buying just the product itself,they’re also buying the container the product comes in. So the design of the container is veryimportant. It can be the deciding factor when consumers are trying to decide which brand ofthe product to buy. So, let’s talk about a couple of ways product containers can be designed toappeal to consumers.

One important design goal is to make the container as user-friendly as possible, asconvenient to use as possible. Take, for example, when companies started using plasticcontainers for condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. In the past, theseproducts came in glass containers with lids you had to screw off. And then you had to eitherpour the ketchup or mustard on your food which could be messy or scoop it out with spoon.But flexible plastic containers were much more convenient to use and so they were moreattractive to consumers. You just held the container over your food, gave it a little squeezeand out came the ketchup or mustard, uh, much faster and easier than having to remove a lidfirst.

Another important design goal is to give the container a pleasing appearance so thatconsumers will feel comfortable displaying it in their homes. Take, for example, a company thatsells cookies. Instead of selling their cookies in a plain cardboard box, they might sell them ina nice metal box. And they might decorate that nice metal box with beautiful pictures of somekind. That way when consumers present the cookies to guests, for example, they look nice, theylook classic. Attractive containers like that can make a product much more appealing toconsumers.


Using the examples from the talk, explain two waysthat a product’s container can be designed toappeal to consumers.


According to the lecture, the professor talks about acouple of ways that a product’s container can bedesigned to appeal to customers. The first way is tomake the container as user-friendly as possible, asconvenient to use as possible. Take, for example,when companies started using plastic containers forcondiments, such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. In the past, these products came inglass containers with kids you had to screw off, which could be troublesome and messy. Butflexible plastic containers were much more convenient to use. And so they are moreattractive to consumers. Then professor mentions another way, giving the container apleasing appearance. For example, cookies in a nice metal box with pretty pictures of somekinds is more popular than which sells with a cardboard box. Attractive containers can make aproduct more appealing.

相关热点: 托福tpo口语







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托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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