2018年9-12月雅思口语Part1高频话题-Morning Routine.以下是新航道雅思培训团队教研团整理的高分范文,烤鸭可以参考哦!
剑桥雅思13Test2雅思口语Part1话题+范文1. Are you happy to be the age you are now? [Why? /Why not?]参考答案1Yes, for sure. I'm really happy to be18 because I think this is the best age in my life.I can do anything I want and know my future is still in front of me. This may change when I get older, but for now. I love it.参考答案2To be honest, not really. You know, I'm currently a university student studying International Business Management and the workload is huge, actually phenomenal would be a better word. So, I think right now, it isn't too brilliant, but I'm hoping the near future is better.
剑桥雅思13Test1雅思口语Part1话题+范文1. Where do you usually watch TV programmes/shows [Why?/Why not?]参考答案1 I usually watch TV programmers online, because I can find every TV programmes online, and it is very convenient and easy to watch. I can select what I want to see,and also can pause it wherever I what参考答案2 well, I suppose most of the time I will watch TV in my bedroom.It's nice and peaceful there, so I'm not bothered by my parents if I'm watching one of avourite series.
雅思口语Part1范文话题参考模板:Dream in childhood(童年的梦想)