

2021-11-04 16:12来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




有道词汇题是说演员在convey her anguish,问convey的意思,选项有communicate/conduct/experience,应该选communicate。这道题是一道送分题,OG第1套题里就考过,原题如下:
还有一对询证题是关于那个前辈在哪个方面对narrator的帮助最direct,选的是对career的帮助因为有similar career shift,对应证据是有一段那个前辈提到了他的similarexperience。

是关于一个online news media对人的想法的影响


是Thomas Paul的speech,关于废奴,原文如下:
I have often asked myself, what posteritywould think of the strange contest in which the abolitionists are engaged. Herewe meet, time after time, newspapers are printed and speeches delivered, to prove? what? Why, that a man is a man, and that he is the only human possessor ofhimself. But these propositions are self-evident; and self-evident propositions,we all know, though the most difficult to be proved, are the most easilyunderstood, because they need no proof. The mind sees their truth intuitively,without the aid of reasoning. The attempt to prove them, therefore, would beridiculous, were it not for the consideration of the amazing state of delusionand vassalage to which prejudice reduces the mind when unenlightened by reason. 
The history of every age shows the truth ofthis assertion. At one time, we see Galileo thrown into prison by theInquisition, because he had made some discoveries tending to confirm the Copernicansystem, and forced to purchase his liberty by retracting his opinions. Again,before the sacred page was punctuated, some of the Alexandrian fathers placed apunctuation mark in one of the chapters of St. John’s Gospel. Chrysostum,alarmed at this terrible innovation, denounced it as a heresy; and Epiphaniusdeclared it blasphemous, and the sin against the Holy Ghost. When, therefore,we see the control which prejudice, aided by circumstances and encouraged byself-interest, has in times past exercised over the human mind, and thetenacity with which it has held its deluded victims, stopping up the avenues ofimprovement, clipping the wings of genius, and retarding the progress of truth? when we see the minds whose energies have been crippled, and whose spheres ofaction have been curtailed by its influence ? when we see the tremendous power whichreformers have brought to bear against the prevailing sins of the ages in whichthey lived, the firm opposition they encountered, and the long and arduousstruggles which preceded a better state of things ? we are led, by analogicalreasoning, to believe, that the contest in which we are engaged is not anunnatural one ? that it is not so dissimilar in its character and measures toothers which have been carried triumphantly through ? that the modern championsof freedom do not savor so much of quixotism as their traducers haverepresented ? and that the unfortunate men, whose cause they have espoused,have as just a claim to humanity as their oppressors, and like them have beencreated a little lower than the angels. 
In all moral reforms, too, there is astriking similarity in the various passions, qualities and traits of charactercalled forth. The same zeal and boldness of the reformer ? the same caution,distrust and timidity of the conservative, wincing at this phrase, trembling atthat expression, and whining about ultraism ? the same headlong fury of therabble, who, for want of something better, would fain ‘Prove their doctrinesorthodox By mobocratic blows and knocks’ ?the same rapid speed of truth whenonce elicited by reason and argument ? and the same general results. 
How was it five years ago in regard to thequestion of slavery? A gloom hung over the moral atmosphere, which nothing seeminglycould dissipate, save a miracle from God himself. All saw it, but no one durstexpose his own breast to the pitiless peltings of the gathering storm. Thepulpit and the press, instead of being faithful to their trust, were thepanders to the general lust. But mind, like matter, must have its legitimatescope. How absurd was the attempt of the ancient king to chain the Hellespont! Andyet not more so than the attempt of modern republicans to bridle the human mind.There are always some spirits who will resist such unnatural domination. Andsuch a spirit was found in the father of American anti-slavery.  In that dark hour, he arose to cheer us on ourgloomy pathway. The shafts of criticism, and sarcasm, and denunciation, whichrang against his buckler, told only where he stood up unscathed, in his moraland intellectual might, and bearing down all opposition. The result is wellknown, nor does Mr. GARRISON need any eulogy from me.  
The task of the reformer is far from beingan agreeable one. The hidden springs which are to be touched by him, and setinto motion, are not discernible to common eyes; and, if they were, few wouldknow how to approach or dare to meddle with them. He scatters his truths amongthe body politic, and the effect is electrical. He is greeted at once with smilesand frowns, with blessing and cursing, wit eulogy and abuse. Now he is almoststifled with the caresses of devoted friends, and anon he is exposed to thefury of a blood-thirsty mob. But, if it is melancholy to see some run mad, wehave the gratification to behold others restored to their reason. Much maydepend upon accidental circumstances for the success of the reformer, but moredepends upon himself. In him are found the great qualities of the head andheart. For the burden of proof is upon him, and he is to answer cavils, refute sophistry,and prove his propositions, while slanderers are crucifying his reputation, andassassins are aiming deadly daggers at his heart. All moral reformations havebeen attended with more or less persecution; but the American abolitionistsstand pre-eminently distinguished in this respect. Not that those of theirranks, who have been imprisoned and murdered, can bear comparison numericallywith other reformers. But the light of religious toleration had not dawned uponthe Inquisition; and the dogma, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, is a newlydiscovered truth. But the Americans, with the moral and intellectual light ofthe nineteenth century, should have known better than to shoot down a man forhis faithful advocacy of those burning truths enunciated by their own greatapostle of democracy. They present the rare spectacle of a nation boasting ofequal rights, while a large part of the population are the most oppressed anddegraded beings that crawl on the face of the earth. If they have fled from thefire of tyranny in the old world, it is to light up a still more horrid one inthe new, whose lurid glare serves only to show more distinct-








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