

2018-10-09 13:39来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:2018年10月6日北美SAT阅读真题回忆—第四篇是一篇 历史双篇对比文章,具体解析和回忆如下:涉及话题--美国在一战时期的imperialism(帝国主义)两篇文章对于美国在20世纪初推行帝国主义政策持相反观点,原文1选自Albert Beveridge的演讲:The March of the Flag, 作者强烈支持美国帝国主义政策的推行,认为领土的扩张对于美国来说是一个神圣的使命,其中出现了大量的appeal to emotion和排比的经典考法,

2018年10月6日北美SAT阅读真题回忆—第四篇是一篇 历史双篇对比文章,具体解析和回忆如下:

涉及话题--美国在一战时期的imperialism(帝国主义)两篇文章对于美国在20世纪初推行帝国主义政策持相反观点,原文1选自Albert Beveridge的演讲:The March of the Flag, 作者强烈支持美国帝国主义政策的推行,认为领土的扩张对于美国来说是一个神圣的使命,其中出现了大量的appeal to emotion和排比的经典考法,原文2选自William Bryan的(The Paralyzing Influence of Imperialism),同样使用了一种经典的写作手法来反对美国推行帝国主义政策,支持Philippine Islands的自治。

原文1:The March of the Flag

It is a noble land that God has given us; a land that can feed and clothe the world; a land whose coastlines would inclose half the countries of Europe; a land set like a sentinel between the two imperial oceans of the globe, a greater England with a nobler destiny.

It is a mighty people that He has planted on this soil; a people sprung from the most masterful blood of history; a people perpetually revitalized by the virile, man­producing working­folk of all the earth; a people imperial by virtue of their power, by right of their institutions, by authority of their Heaven-directed purposes-the propagandists and not the misers of liberty.

It is a glorious history our God has bestowed upon His chosen people; a history heroic with faith in our mission and our future; a history of statesmen who flung the boundaries of the Republic out into unexplored lands and savage wilderness; a history of soldiers who carried the flag across blazing deserts and through the ranks of hostile mountains, even to the gates of sunset; a history of a multiplying people who overran a continent in half a century; a history of prophets who saw the consequences of evils inherited from the past and of martyrs who died to save us from them; a history divinely logical, in the process of whose tremendous reasoning we find ourselves today.

Therefore, in this campaign, the question is larger than a party question. It is an American question. It is a world question. Shall the American people continue their march toward the commercial supremacy of the world? Shall free institutions broaden their blessed reign as the children of liberty wax in strength, until the empire of our principles is established over the hearts of all mankind?

Have we no mission to perform no duty to discharge to our fellow man? Has God endowed us with gifts beyond our deserts and marked us as the people of His peculiar favor, merely to rot in our own selfishness, as men and nations must, who take cowardice for their companion and self for their deity-as China has, as India has, as Egypt has?



原文2:The Paralyzing Influence of Imperialism

IF IT IS RIGHT for the United States to hold the Philippine Islands permanently and imitate European empires in the government of colonies, the Republican Party ought to state its position and defend it, but it must expect the subject races to protest against such a policy and to resist to the extent of their ability.

The Filipinos do not need any encouragement from Americans now living. Our whole history has been an encouragement, not only to the Filipinos but to all who are denied a voice in their own government. If the Republicans are prepared to censure all who have used language calculated to make the Filipinos hate foreign domination, let them condemn the speech of Patrick Henry. When he uttered that passionate appeal, "Give me liberty or give me death," he expressed a sentiment which still echoes in the hearts of men.

Let them censure Jefferson; of all the statesmen of history none have used words so offensive to those who would hold their fellows in political bondage. Let them censure Washington, who declared that the colonists must choose between liberty and slavery. Or, if the statute of limitations has run against the sins of Henry and Jefferson and Washington, let them censure Lincoln, whose Gettysburg speech will be quoted in defense of popular government when the present advocates of force and conquest are forgotten.

Someone has said that a truth once spoken can never be recalled. It goes on and on, and no one can set a limit to its ever widening influence. But if it were possible to obliterate every word written or spoken in defense of the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, a war of conquest would still leave its legacy of perpetual hatred, for it was God Himself who placed in every human heart the love of liberty. He never made a race of people so low in the scale of civilization or intelligence that it would welcome a foreign master.




2018年10月6日北美SAT阅读真题回忆第三篇:Pleasant to the Touch




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