

2018-01-24 14:10来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


以下是新航道 小编年带来的2017年08月26日新SAT北美写作原文,一起来看看此次6月北美写作的原文吧!



Can't Find Skilled Workers? Start an Apprentice Program

In Switzerland, 70% of young people age 15-19 are training for hundreds of occupations. Among German youth: 65%

By Peter Downs Jan. 16, 2014 7:17 p.m. ET

在第二个方框处的论点是 “美国应该用apprenticeship”

1 One key element to a competitive workforce almost entirely overlooked in the U.S. is apprenticeships. These days, American businesses typically want someone else—trade schools, community colleges, universities or even the federal government—to train their future employees. If potential future job seekers haven't been provided with the training they need, many businesses expect job seekers to take all the responsibility on themselves, often taking on serious debt without any guarantee of future employment.

2 Worse, in the face of greater competition, many American employers are slashing training budgets and running employment software that rejects every applicant who doesn't already have the perfect combination of training and experience to perform the job on day one. Then employers lament that job applicants don't already know how to do the jobs that they want them to do. So shortsighted is this attitude that some construction companies that don't support apprenticeship programs complain that companies that do have such programs aren't training enough new workers. Yes, you read that right.

3 This sense of entitlement contrasts sharply with attitudes in some of the world's most competitive countries, where businesses are highly involved in preparing future workers through apprenticeships. In Switzerland, 70% of young people age 15-19 apprentice in hundreds of occupations, including baking, banking, health care, retail trade and clerical careers. In Germany, 65% of youth are in apprenticeships; in Austria 55%. All three countries have youth unemployment rates less than half of America's 16%.

4 Last year, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain all asked Germany to help them set up similar systems. In 1997, Britain introduced a program called Modern Apprenticeships, based on the German model, and enrollment has increased every year. It now stands at 858,900. In 2012, the U.K. added apprenticeship programs for commercial pilots, lawyers, engineers and accountants that are considered the equivalent of a college education.

5 The U.S. is headed in the opposite direction. The number of apprenticeship programs has fallen by one-third in the last decade. With only 330,578 registered apprentices in 2013, the U.S. had less than 40% of the number in Britain, a country one-fifth as populous.

6 There are glimmers of hope that the U.S.—or at least some savvy industries—might be starting to embrace apprenticeship. In St. Louis, technology entrepreneur Jim McKelvey convinced several large employers last year—including Enterprise, Monsanto and Rawlings —that it doesn't take a college education to become good at computer programming. What it takes is working with an experienced programmer.

7 These employers joined with Mr. McKelvey to set up what is essentially an apprenticeship program called LaunchCode. The program takes people with basic programming skills, pays them $15 an hour, and pairs them with experienced programmers for two years to give them the training to secure jobs as coders.

8 Some employers think apprenticeships could also work in other high-tech, high-growth industries. In recent years, the U.S. Office for Apprenticeships has registered new apprenticeship programs in information technology, health care, biotechnology and geospatial technology.

9 There is evidence that such apprenticeships can do more than just train young people for future careers: They can also improve student academic performance. In the few U.S. school districts that have offered apprenticeships, high-school juniors and seniors who have been apprentices have improved in the classroom.

10 In the Bayless School District in suburban St. Louis, for example, students who entered the district's Middle Apprenticeship Program with the Carpenters' Union had better attendance than before entering the program. The mean grade point average for these students was 1.7 at the end of their sophomore year, before they entered the apprenticeship program. By senior year, it was 3.13. They graduated with better attendance and better grades than did a group of similar students who weren't in the program.

11 To the extent that the American business community is involved in education reform, they are typically investing in faddish reforms such as banning tenure, that, even if passed, would do little to ensure the competitiveness of the nation's workforce. If this same money and effort went into pushing for a two-track education system—college or apprenticeship—it would do far more to produce students prepared to compete in the 21st-century economy.

Mr. Downs is the editor of St. Louis Construction News & Review, a construction-trade magazine, and author of "Schoolhouse Shams: Myths and Misinformation in School Reform" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013).

简要分析:本文evidence 和 reasoning 都较为明显

persuasive elements 不很明显但 bitter ironical tone 和 diction (glimmers of hope)可以考虑 ,pathos 也可以考虑




1. 文章较为简单,但是题目难,行号题有变少趋势。

2. 题难体现在:需要反复回看文章。








3. 由于花很多时间回看文章,所以做题时间不够!导致没做完题或者卡点做完题。所以没做完或者卡点做完的,都算是阅读考的还不错的。


小说考回 The sport of the Gods 作者:Paul Laurence Dunbar



词汇题比较简单:strange= unfamiliar

自然科学 Memory in Plants Jan 19th 2014 by 作者: P.H.| WASHINGTON D.C.

When Prince Charles once claimed that he talked to his plants- and that they responded




Memory in plants


词汇题比较简单:claimed= maintained


Why So Cynical?

Asymmetric Feedback Underlies Misguided Skepticism Regarding the Trustworthiness of Others

Detlef Fetchenhauer, David Dunning

First Published January 8, 2010 Research Article

People can be cynical to a fault. They underestimate how often others respond generously to。。。。



People tend to grossly underestimate the trustworthiness of other people. We tested whether this cynicism grows out of an asymmetry in the feedback people receive when they decide to trust others. When people trust others, they painfully learn when other people prove to be untrustworthy; however, when people refrain from trusting others, they fail to learn of instances when the other person would have honored their trust. Participants saw short videos of other people and had to decide whether to trust each person in an economic game. Participants overall underestimated the trustworthiness of the people they viewed, regardless of whether they were given financial incentives to provide accurate estimates. However, people who received symmetric feedback about the trustworthiness of others (i.e., who received feedback regardless of their own decision to trust) exhibited reduced cynicism relative to those who received no feedback or asymmetric feedback (i.e., who received feedback only after they trusted the other person).






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