berate V. /严厉指责,谴责/scold strongly. He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness.
bereavement N. /丧亲/state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved. His friends gathered to console him upon his sudden bereavement.
bereft ADJ. /失去的,缺少的/deprived of; lacking; desolate because of a loss. The foolish gambler soon found himself bereft of funds.
berserk ADV. /疯狂的,狂暴的/frenzied. Angered, he went berserk and began to wreck the room.
beseech V. /乞求,恳求/beg; plead with. The workaholic executive's wife beseeched him to spend more time with their son.
beset V. /困扰/harass or trouble; hem in. Many vexing problems beset the American public school system. Sleeping Beauty's castle was beset on all sides by dense thickets that hid it from view.
besiege V. /围攻/surround with armed forces; harass (with requests). When the bandits besieged the village, the villagers holed up in the town hall and prepared to withstand a long siege. Members of the new administration were besieged with job applications from people who had worked on the campaign.
besmirch V. /弄脏/soil, defile. The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.
bestial ADJ. /残忍的/beastlike; brutal. According to legend, the werewolf was able to abandon its human shape and take on a bestial form.
bestow V. /给予/give. He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.
betoken V. /预示;表示/signify; indicate. The well-equipped docks, tall piles of cargo containers, and numerous vessels being loaded all betoken Oakland's importance as a port.
betray V. /出卖;背叛/be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly). The spy betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy. When he was taken in for questioning, the tightness of his lips betrayed his fear of being caught.
betroth V. /订婚/become engaged to marry. The announcement that they had become betrothed surprised their friends who had not suspected any romance. betrothal, N.
bevy N. /一群(少女,小鸟)/large group. The movie actor was surrounded by a bevyof starlets.
biased ADJ. /偏见的,偏差/slanted; prejudiced. Because the judge played golf regularly with the district attorney's father, we feared he might be biased in the prosecution's favor. bias, N.
bicameral ADJ. /两院制的(参,众)/two-chambered, as a legislative body. The United States Congress is a bicameral body.
bicker V. /争吵/quarrel. The children bickered morning, noon, and night, exasperating their parents.
biennial ADJ. /两年一度/every two years. Seeing no need to meet more frequently, the group heldbiennial meetings instead of annual ones. Plants that bear flowers biennially are known as biennials.
bigotry N. /固执/stubborn intolerance. Brought up in a democratic atmosphere, the student was shocked by the bigotry and narrowness expressed by several of his classmates.
bilious ADJ. /消化不良,易怒/suffering from indigestion; irritable. His bilious temperament was apparent to all who heard him rant about his difficulties.
bilk V. /骗/swindle; cheat. The con man specialized in bilking insurance companies.
billowing ADJ. /波涛翻滚/swelling out in waves; surging. Standing over the air vent, Marilyn Monroe tried vainly to control her billowing skirts.
新航道上海sat培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,团队一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT考前模考冲刺班 | 40课时 | ¥3800 | 在线咨询 | |
SAT十一特训班 | 6-8人 | 48课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT模考刷题班 | 不限 | 4天 | ¥5800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥31800 | 在线咨询 |
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SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥30800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥21800 | 在线咨询 |
ACT冲刺托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥11800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥1280元 | 在线咨询 |
ACT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥980元 | 在线咨询 |
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