behemoth N. /怪物;怪兽/huge creature; monstrous animal. Sportscasters nicknamed the linebacker "The Behemoth."
belabor V. /嘴贫,过度的说;谩骂/explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; attack verbally. The debate coach warned her student not to bore the audience by belaboring her point.
belated ADJ. /推迟的,延期的/delayed. He apologized for his belated note of condolence to the widow of his friend and explained that he had just learned of her husband's untimely death.
beleaguer V. /攻击;使烦恼/besiege or attack; harassed. The babysitter was surrounded by a crowd of unmanageable brats who relentlessly beleaguered her.
belie V. /掩饰,造成假象;矛盾/contradict; give a false impression. His coarse, hard-bitten exterior belied his inner sensitivity.
belittle V. /蔑视,使渺小/disparage or depreciate; put down. Parents should not belittle their children's early attempts at drawing, but should encourage their efforts. Barry was a put-down artist: he was a genius at belittling people and making them feel small.
bellicose ADJ. /好斗的,好战的/warlike. His bellicose disposition alienated his friends.
belligerent ADJ. /好斗的,好斗嘴的/quarrelsome. Whenever he had too much to drink, he became belligerent and tried to pick fights with strangers. belligerence, N.
bemoan V. /哀叹,悲伤/lament; express disapproval of. The widow bemoaned the death of her beloved husband. Although critics bemoaned the serious flaws in the author's novels, each year his latest book topped the best-seller list.
bemused ADJ. /困惑的,发呆的/confused; lost in thought; preoccupied. Jill studied the garbled instructions with a bemused look on her face.
benediction N. /祝福/blessing. The appearance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a benediction.
benefactor N. /恩人,赞助人/gift giver; patron. Scrooge later became Tiny Tim's benefactor and gave him gifts.
beneficial ADJ. /有用的/helpful; useful. Tiny Tim's cheerful good nature had a beneficial influence on Scrooge's onceuncharitable disposition.
beneficiary N. /(遗产)受益人/person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will. In Scrooge's will, he made Tiny Tim his beneficiary. everything he left would go to young Tim.
benevolent ADJ. /慈善的/generous; charitable. Mr. Fezziwig was a benevolent employer, who wished to make Christmas merrier for young Scrooge and his other employees.
benign ADJ. /良性的,好的;和蔼可亲的/kindly; favorable; not malignant. Though her benign smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem a sweet little old lady, in reality she was a tough-minded, shrewd observer of human nature. benignity, N.
bent ADJ; N. /先天的/determined; natural talent or inclination. Bent on advancing in the business world, the secretary-heroine of Working Girl has a true bent for high finance.
*bequeath V. /遗赠,(代代)相传/leave to someone by a will; hand down. Though Maud had intended tobequeath the family home to her nephew, she died before changing her will. bequest, N.
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