
发布时间:2021-05-08 15:17

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年5月-8月雅思口语变题季part2:智力游戏,对于即将参加雅思考试的同学们来讲,很有必要收藏练习起来哦。

2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季part1:Flowers&Barbecue&Special costumes

话题1、Describe a (jigsaw, crossword, etc) puzzle you have played

参考范文:"I’m going to talk about the jigsaw puzzle. It consists of many pieces that have unique shapes. When you place the pieces in the right places, they fit snugly. Eventually, all of them in their correct locations will form the final big picture. I usually choose jigsaw puzzles that paint breathtaking sceneries or quirky cartoon characters.

The difficulty of the puzzle depends on several factors. The number and shape of pieces and the overall colour scheme determine the difficulty. A challenging one will have a few thousand pieces or very similar colours that cover most of the picture.

Usually, I spend five to ten hours completing a thousand-piece puzzle and the longest time I have taken to complete one puzzle is roughly twenty hours. The duration varies a lot depending on how tough it is.

Putting together a jigsaw puzzle feels like a roller-coaster of emotions to me. When I face an obstacle in fitting the pieces together, I tend to feel frustrated and exasperated. I normally must convince myself to complete it. When I successfully finish it though, I always feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The harder the puzzle is, the greater this sense of achievement I feel. Overall, this is a hobby I am happy to invest my time in.


话题2、Why do parents let their children play puzzles?

参考范文:Undoubtedly, puzzles can act as an ideal channel and platform to release their stress and kill boring time. In addition, the puzzles give their children a golden chance to step away from electronic devices, which is an absolute blessing.

话题3、What kinds of puzzles improve people's intelligence?

参考范文:Most of the puzzles can because they can foster different abilities to observe objects, coordinate hands and eyes, solve the problem and read as well as spell. In fact, many experiments have proved that doing puzzles can sharpen their minds and improve their intelligence.

话题4、Why are detective stories attractive to people?

参考范文:It is well known that curiosity is the nature of all humans. Therefore, when they hear about some mysterious stories, most of them intend to get to the bottom of the mystery no matter how much time and efforts they dedicate to it. Not to mention that when they solve some puzzle which has been plaguing them for ages, they would gain a great sense of achievement and satisfaction.

话题5、Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel?

参考范文:"Usually, the original novel is far better than the on-screen version. Once a filmmaker decides upon settings and characters, we’re limited to seeing those characters and settings through their eyes. However, 500 different readers of the same book may have 500 different ideas of a character’s appearance. The novel gives us space to imagine what the characters look like and sound like based on our own creativity. The televised version of “Game of Thrones” actually does a good job of relating and editing down the story – perhaps better than the book does. But that situation is rare. 


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2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季 新的口语试题来了
2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季part1:Flowers&Barbecue&Special costumes