2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季part1:Flowers&Barbecue&Special costumes

发布时间:2021-05-08 14:51

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季part1:Flowers&Barbecue&Special costumes,对于即将参加雅思考试的同学们来讲,很有必要收藏练习起来哦。

2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季 新的口语试题来了


话题1、What kinds of flowers do you know?

参考回答:I just know some common flowers, such as lilies, roses, tulips, orchids, and sunflower. These are all the annual flowers. They are positive, and the cultivation locations must have adequate sunlight. If lacking sunlight, they easily lead to dysplasia and leggy.

话题2、Are there any flowers that have special meanings in China?

参考回答:Yes, of course. In China, many flowers have special meanings. For instance, the peony, which is a common type of flower in China, represents fortune. And the plum blossom, which is another type of flower in the northern part of China, symbolizes iron will.

话题3、Have you planted any flowers?

参考回答:Yes, I did that before. I vividly remember that I planted the sunflowers with my bros last spring. And, you know, we did that in the yard. That is really interesting. In that July, they grew tall and were in bloom.

话题4、Have you sent flowers to others?

参考回答:Of course, I often send flowers to others. In my country, people give each other flowers on occasions such as traditional festivals or when on a date, because flowers always represent something special. For example, roses represent love and lilies represent wishes.


话题1、Do Chinese people like barbecue?

参考回答:Yes, of course. Most of us like barbecue. We enjoy the delicious outdoor barbecue, at which meat, fish, or other food is cooked on a rack over an open fire or on a special appliance. Family or friends get together. It is a chance to have a chat and have a picnic.

话题2、What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

参考回答:Seafood is my favourite, especially shrimps. They are low in calories and fat. They are natural and healthy food. I’m not really into barbecued pork because I think it is a bit too fat. 

3  2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题:Special costumes

话题1、Do you like to wear special costumes?

参考回答:Sometimes in my mind but never in real life. You know, in real life, everyone wants to be the one favoured by their parents, teachers and friends. However, the other self in the heart wants to be the totally different one. I really appreciate the courage of those who can wear special costumes in their daily life. I hope someday I can do it as well.

话题2、Did you try any special costumes when you were young?

参考回答:I never have the initiative to try any special costumes in my real life just like what I mentioned above. However, when I was in primary school, I played an ancient role dressed in a special costume in a stage drama, which was my only experience if my memory served me.

话题3、When was your last time to wear special costumes?

参考回答:As I said earlier, I played an ancient role dressed in a special costume in a stage drama. It was nothing fancy but it seems so nostalgic now when I think back to this memory. Life at school required very little effort and we had no worries and no responsibilities.

话题4、Do you ever buy special costumes?

参考回答 :No, although I really appreciate the courage of people who wear special costumes in their daily life, I can only think of it in my mind. Maybe someday in the future when I am independent in finance, I will buy special costumes I like and keep them in my wardrobe.

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2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季 新的口语试题来了
2021年5月-8月雅思口语话题变题季part1:Flowers&Barbecue&Special costumes