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Describe a time you went to a crowded place

2017-08-29 11:31来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2高分范文:Describe a time you went to a crowded place。

  雅思口语高频话题:Describe a time you went to a crowded place.

  You should say:

  when you went there

  what the place was

  what you did there

  and explain why you went there/how you felt about the crowded place.


  The most crowded place I had ever been to was the Great Wall, which is located in Beijing, the capital of China. I went there on National Day in 2007 .During National Day, most Chinese people will have 7 days off, and they will choose to travel The Great Wall is a popular tourist attraction and as the old saying goes, ”One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. For this reason, even many foreigners will go to climb the Great Wall The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world, and it is built by ancient Chinese people to protect Chinese northern borden The Great Wall I went to was called Badaling Great WalL I tried my best and finally reached the top of it During the process, I wanted to give up many times, but I kept telling myself that I could make it When I was standing on the top and appreciating the splendid views, I felt all my efforts deserved. The process of climbing the Great Wall is just like the process of going through your life journey, during which you may encounter a lot of difficulties. Never give up and finally you will make it.


  Do you like large places?

  What event will attract many people in China?

  What place will attract many people in China?

  What do you think is the most important thing of an event?

  What problem is betterto be solved through group work?

  Do people like crowded places in China?



  Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.

  You should say:

  Where it was;

  When you went there;

  What you did there;

  And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place.

  Ok, well the first place that came to mind when I saw this topic was the Beijing Metro, because I remember it being unbelievably crowded, so that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about.

  And as for when I went there, well it was actually pretty recently, I suppose probably only about two or three weeks ago, so it’s still pretty fresh in my memory.

  And regarding what I was doing there, well basically, I was on my way to see a friend who lives in Beijing, and she had told me that by far the best way to get around the city was using the subway, simply because the roads were so congested. So I took her advice, but it was a huge shock when I actually got into the subway station and saw just how many people there were. I mean, I knew that there would be a lot of people, but I never expected to see that many!

  Although looking back on it now, I suppose what made it worse was the fact that I was travelling during rush hour, so it was a lot more crowded than I’m sure it would have been during off-peak times. And when I saw how packed the train was when it was pulling into the station, I remember thinking there was no way I was going to be able to get on. But I was in a bit of a hurry, coz I was actually already running late, so I had no choice really but to join the huge queue of people waiting. Anyway, I did somehow manage to make it onto the train, but I was pressed up against people on all sides, so it was pretty uncomfortable to say the least! I mean, it was absolutely heaving, and I literally couldn’t move at all!

  Thankfully though, I didn’t have too far to travel, coz if I remember correctly, I was only on the train for about 4 stops. And when I finally got off, I remember feeling incredibly relieved, and also very grateful that I didn’t have to go through the same experience every day.

  So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say!


  it’s still pretty fresh in my memory = I can remember it pretty clearly

  I was in a bit of a hurry = 我有点赶时间了

  I was already running late = 我已经晚了

  it was absolutely heaving = 急死人了!

  So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say! = 所以嗯,该说的差不多就这些吧!










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