

2017-04-24 16:03来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





  Do you enjoy dancing? (Why/Why not)

  (You need to react to the question, first.)

  Yes I do, I really love (like) dancing. No, I don’t love….

  Definitely, I am very fond of dancing. Not really, I am not very fond of…

  Certainly, I am very interested in dancing. No, I don’t think I am interested in…

  Of course, I am very passionate about dancing.

  Yes, I enjoy dancing.

  I am very excited about dancing.

  (Then elaborate on the answer)

  Why/why not?

  It is a time that you can forget about yourself and relax your mind and body. It also gives you a great deal of inner satisfaction. I think it is a great way to release your stress.


  I think it’s the best way to enjoy your time with your friends. You can get close to them and strengthen your friendship.

  I believe, dancing is a wonderful way to exercise your body. It involves vigorous physical activity and burns a lot of calories. The only way I exercise is by dancing, and that keeps my body fit.

  This is a very good way to show your talent before others. I am quiet a good dancer and I get a lot of appreciation from people. That gives me great confidence and enhances my personality.

  I don’t think I have the talent to dance. I look very awkward when I dance and it gives me very little satisfaction.

  I don’t have an opportunity to dance. In fact, I live in a very orthodox culture and dancing is not very popular here. The only people who dance are the professional dancers and it is not very common among ordinary people. However, I love watching other people dance.

  Has anyone every taught you how to dance? (Why/Why not)

  Not in the recent past. But when I was a small girl, I went to a dance school in my village, where I learned some classical dance. I also learned folk dance from a teacher in my regular school during that time.

  No, no one has ever taught me how to dance. I learned dancing by watching videos and dancing with my friends. It is not very difficult to learn simple dancing and I learned it in a very informal way.

  Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country?

  We have a number of traditional dances in my country, both classical and folk. A very popular classical dance form in my country is Bharathanatyam. You need many years of training to master this dance. It is usually staged during festivals and cultural programmes. It has a very ancient origin and was patronised by kings in the olden times. Dancers perform with graceful and rhythmic movements and in rich and colourful costumes.

  A very popular dancing in my country is a folk dance called ‘Thiruvathira’. This is very a special dance from my state of Kerala. It is usually performed during the festival season of Onam. Women in groups of eight or ten, dance in a circle, around a lighted traditional lamp. The movements are simple and graceful and the costumes are also very simple.

  Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future? (Why/Why not)

  I think so. Traditional dancing will be very popular in the future. A lot of parents now send their children to learn traditional dancing and children automatically develop a liking for this type of dancing. Apart from that, there are a lot of competitions in schools and colleges in traditional dancing. Again, foreign tourists show a lot of interest in traditional dancing. So there is great possibility that traditional dancing will be popular in the future.

  No I don’t think so. In the future more and more people will be interested in modern dancing, both western and Indian. So traditional dancing will lose its charm for people. Moreover, traditional dancing requires many years of training and dedication and many people don’t have time for that. It is also an expensive affair. Again, traditional dancing has a very small audience. So I think traditional dancing will become less popular in the future。

  以上,就是 上海雅思培训机构 的老师为你带来2016年1月9日雅思口语part1范文!另外,我们还提供相关的阅读,欢迎大家参考:2016.1.9雅思口语part1范文:Teamwork







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