

2022-12-07 13:41来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑17完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用新的剑17可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思17Test1听力part3原文及答案解析的信息,一起来看看吧。

剑17完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用新的剑17可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思17Test1听力part3原文及答案解析的信息,一起来看看吧。


DIANA: So, Tim, we have to do a short summary of our work experience on a farm.

TIM: Right. My farm was great, but arranging the work experience was hard (Q21). One problem was it was miles away and I don’t drive. And also, I’d really wanted a placement for a month, but I could only get one for two weeks.

DIANA: I was lucky, the farmer let me stay on the farm so I didn’t have to travel. But finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn’t easy (Q21).

TIM: No, they don’t seem to have websites, do they. I found mine through a friend of my mother’s, but it wasn’t easy.


TIM: My farm was mostly livestock, especially sheep. I really enjoyed helping out with them. I was up most of one night helping a sheep deliver a lamb … (Q22)

DIANA: On your own?

TIM: No, the farmer was there, and he told me what to do. It wasn’t a straightforward birth, but I managed. It was a great feeling to see the lamb stagger to its feet and start feeding almost straight away, and to know that it was OK.


TIM: Then another time a lamb had broken its leg, and they got the vet in to set it, and he talked me through what he was doing. That was really useful.

DIANA: Yes, my farm had sheep too. The farm was in a valley and they had a lowland breed called Suffolks, although the farmer said they’d had other breeds in the past.

TIM: So were they bred for their meat? (Q23)

DIANA: Mostly, yes (Q23). They’re quite big and solid.

TIM: My farm was up in the hills and they had a different breed of sheep, they were Cheviots.

DIANA: Oh, I heard their wool’s really sought after.

TIM: Yes. It’s very hardwearing and they use it for carpets.

DIANA: Right.

TIM: I was interested in the amount of supplements they add to animals’ feed nowadays. Like, even the chickens got extra vitamins and electrolytes in their feed.

DIANA: Yes, I found that too. And they’re not cheap. But my farmer said some are overpriced for what they are. And he didn’t give them as a matter of routine, just at times when the chickens seemed to particularly require them (Q24).

TIM: Yes, mine said the same. He said certain breeds of chickens might need more supplements than the others, but the cheap and expensive ones are all basically the same.


TIM: So did your farm have any other livestock, Diana?

DIANA: Yes, dairy cows. I made a really embarrassing mistake when I was working in the milk shed. Some cows had been treated with antibiotics, so their milk wasn’t suitable for human consumption, and from Laokaoya website, it had to be put in a separate container. But I got mixed up, and I poured some milk from the wrong cow in with the milk for humans, so the whole lot had to be thrown away (Q25). The farmer wasn’t too happy with me.

TIM: I asked my farmer how much he depended on the vet to deal with health problems. I’d read reports that the livestock’s health is being affected as farmers are under pressure to increase production. Well, he didn’t agree with that, but he said that actually some of the stuff the vets do, like minor operations, he’d be quite capable of doing himself (Q26).

DIANA: Yeah. My farmer said the same (Q26). But he reckons vets’ skills are still needed.

DIANA: Now we’ve got to give a bit of feedback about last term’s modules – just short comments, apparently. Shall we do that now?

TIM: OK. So medical terminology.

DIANA: Well, my heart sank when I saw that, especially right at the beginning of the course. And I did struggle with it.

TIM: I’d thought it’d be hard, but actually I found it all quite straightforward (Q27). What did you think about diet and nutrition?

DIANA: OK, I suppose.

TIM: Do you remember what they told us about pet food and the fact that there’s such limited checking into whether or not it’s contaminated? I mean in comparison with the checks on food for humans – I thought that was terrible (Q28).

DIANA: Mm. I think the module that really impressed me was the animal disease one, when we looked at domesticated animals in different parts of the world, like camels and water buffalo and alpaca. The economies of so many countries depend on these, but scientists don’t know much about the diseases that affect them (Q29).

TIM: Yes, I thought they’d know a lot about ways of controlling and eradicating those diseases, but that’s not the case at all (Q29). I loved the wildlife medication unit. Things like helping birds that have been caught in oil spills. That’s something I hadn’t thought about before.

DIANA: Yeah, I thought I might write my dissertation on something connected with that (Q30).

TIM: Right. So …



对应原文:But finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn’t easy

答案解析:Tim首先提到他遇到的两个困难,交通问题和实习时间(分别对应B选项和C选项)。但Diana并没有遇到这些问题,因此它们不符合题干上both Diana and Tim的限定,通通排除。Tim说完之后,Diana表示不太容易找到合适的农场申请,而Tim也提到it wasn’t easy。A选项initial contact对应finding,suitable对应right sort,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:I was up most of one night helping a sheep deliver a lamb … It wasn’t a straightforward birth

答案解析:Tim说,他最开心的事情就是一天晚上帮助绵羊分娩。B选项difficulty对应not straightforward,giving birth对应deliver,由此确定其为正确答案。录音中虽然确实提到老烤鸭雅思治疗一只断腿的绵羊,但这项工作是由兽医完成的,Tim只是在旁边学习,因此排除A。


对应原文:TIM: So were they bred for their meat?

DIANA: Mostly, yes



对应原文:he didn’t give them as a matter of routine, just at times when the chickens seemed to particularly require them



对应原文:I got mixed up, and I poured some milk from the wrong cow in with the milk for humans, so the whole lot had to be thrown away

答案解析:Diana将牛奶放错了容器,因此不得不扔掉。A选项属于无中生有。B选项错在accidentally(她不是不小心扔掉了牛奶,而是不小心放错了,导致必须将其扔掉)。C选项made a mistake对应mixed up,storing milk对应poured some milk(或者上文中的seperate container),由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:some of the stuff the vets do, like minor operations, he’d be quite capable of doing himself



对应原文:I’d thought it’d be hard, but actually I found it all quite straightforward

答案解析:Tim说,他一开始觉得这门课很难,但后来发现其实挺简单的。A选项easier对应quite straightforwad,expected对应had thought,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:there’s such limited checking into whether or not it’s contaminated? I mean in comparison with the checks on food for humans – I thought that was terrible



对应原文:Diana: The economies of so many countries depend on these, but scientists don’t know much about the diseases that affect them

TIM: Yes, I thought they’d know a lot about ways of controlling and eradicating those diseases, but that’s not the case at all



对应原文:I thought I might write my dissertation on something connected with that

答案解析:Diana表示,她后面可能针对该方面写自己的学位论文。C选项further study对应dissertation,由此确定其为正确答案。







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