2017.11.18托福考试独立写作预测 2017-11-15
2017.11.11托福考试独立写作预测 2017-11-08
缩短耗时的通用技巧,托福写作“上分”秘籍! 2017-11-07
2017年10月14日托福独立写作解析+参考范文 2017-11-06
10月29日托福独立写作题目:Students are eligible for graduation when they have completed satisfactorily all the academic requirements of their degree program as specified by their major department, th...
2017年9月24日托福独立写作题目:High school graduates usually have two months’ break before they go to college or university. The high school now requires all the graduates to do one of the followin...
2017年9月17日托福独立写作题目:A lot of high school students now cheat more than before in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most...
今天上海新航道托福培训班小编要分享的是2017年9月9日托福独立写作真题+解析+参考范文.原题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement
2017年8月26日托福写作(下午场)原题如下:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around t...
时隔1个月,终于来了场炸裂的托福考试,而且跟上个月最后一天考试一样,分上午场下午场。下午场的出现就是因为大陆报考人数实在多,官方不得已才违背 “午睡之后人必变蠢不宜考试” 这一定律(嗯,不要想了,这定律...
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