

2017-09-01 17:58来源:互联网作者:上海管理员





Talk about a social or political event that is celebrated in your country. Describe the event and explain how people in your country celebrate it. Use details and examples in your explanation.


Speaking of a social or political event that is celebrated in my country is an educational reform back in 1987. The reason why it is of great significance is that it truly opens a new door for lots of talents in all walks of life and they had the opportunity to acquire self-achievement since then. For instance, before 1987, all people in China were encouraged to learn Russian rather than English because at that time China maintained a closer tie with Soviet Union and the government wanted to put this relationship to the greatest extent. In this case, people who are proficient in English language didn’t have even the slightest chance to play their part. However, after 1987’s educational reform, the leaders put much emphasis on English because they wanted to establish a connection with those more advanced western countries. Under this circumstance, the English professionals had the chance to bring their advantage into full play and changed their fate ever since. In short, the 1987’s reform in education is the very big event that my country usually celebrates.




Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with. Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


This is a quite complicated question. It really depends on the very motive behind your making friends. If you want to improve yourself, it is much better to get in touch with a wide range of friends and acquaintances because by having access to a wider and more diverse social network, you could make progress in various aspects, like you may be capable of meeting people who are older than you and they could offer you the wisdom of their life experience. Nevertheless, if you would love to vent your emotions, a small and closer friend is always a better choice. When being in front of your close buddies, you just can be yourself and don’t have to care too much about what you say and do. Everything that you express and convey wouldn’t hurt any of your practical interest. It’s just a way of relief and relaxation. Therefore, to be with which sort of friends is up to your true need.



阅读部分:Response to the Plan for an Additional Lighting System

I oppose the university’s plan to purchase an additional outdoor lighting system. The university says it would make our historic campus more attractive by illuminating our buildings at night. However, the university would spend an extra $1,000 per month for electricity. Instead, I recommend the money be used to complete the library renovation project as quickly as possible.

That’s not the only reason we shouldn't get the new system. These powerful lights would brighten the sky as well as the buildings and seriously interfere with the use of our astronomy equipment. Our academic mission must come first - and the practice of astronomy is done best when the sky is darkest.

—R. N. Heinrich, Professor of Astronomy

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In the reading, one professor proposes that the school shouldn’t spend money purchasing a new lighting system because of two reasons. The first reason is that this new lighting system is too costly and this amount of money could be used to do other meaningful things. The second is that this new system is too bright and it may interfere with school’s academic project. In the listening, the man approves of the professor’s proposal. The first reason is that it is better for the school to spend the money finishing the library renovation, which is more urgent. And secondly, the students and their astronomy professor are recording a comet through a telescope. If this system is installed, it will make the sky at night too bright and the whole recording would be impossible to finish. Therefore, because of these two reasons the man agrees with the professor’s proposal letter.




State-dependent Memory

When learning something new, people are aware (consciously or unconsciously) of the environment in which their learning takes place. This learning environment includes the physical setting, the time of day, and even the people who are present during learning. Studies have shown that when people later need to remember information they have learned, their ability to do so is affected by their current environment. If the environment is the same or similar to the original learning environment recall - the ability to remember - will be easier and more successful. Psychologists refer to this as state-dependent memory.

托福口语TPO50-听力音频下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfPAdpD 密码:7o1w

范文:In the reading, it talks about state-dependent memory, which means that a person’s ability to remember is easier and more successful if the environment is the same or similar to the original learning environment. In the listening, the professor gives out one example to illustrate this title. When the professor was in middle school. He and his friends were asked by their teacher to do an oral presentation on tropical plants. So they spent the whole morning memorizing all the names and information about the plants in their classroom. However, when they got back home and wanted to continue their preparation for their next morning’s presentation they found it quite hard to remember the plant details because the professor’s families were watching television and it was not as quiet and easy-to-concentrate as in their classroom so they started getting a little bit worried. However, surprisingly, next morning when they went back to the classroom and did the speech, everything turned out being very smooth. And this case demonstrated how the environment will affect our ability to remember things.




Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

托福口语TPO50-听力音频下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfPAdpD 密码:7o1w


In the conversation, the student is facing a problem that he is taking advanced chemistry course this semester but it takes him so much time that he doesn’t have any time left for his weekly editorial on school newspaper. There are two solutions. He could choose either to change the frequency into one editorial every two weeks or to take a less challenging course – basic chemistry. As far as I’m concerned, the former is a better choice since as a student it is much more important to put one’s focus on academic performance. Not writing editorials on school newspaper or writing less wouldn’t hurt him a lot. Instead, if he gets a low score on his course, he may not get a promising career after graduation and what’s worse he may not even graduate from his university, Therefore, because of this reason I suppose that the first solution is better.



Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two different protective adaptations.

托福口语TPO50-听力音频下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfPAdpD 密码:7o1w


In the lecture, the professor talks about two different protective adaptations. There are two key points. The first key point is a defensive adaptation. Take turtle for example. A turtle has a hard shell covering its back and vital organs. And if it feels threatened, a turtle could fold its neck and legs into its hard shell so that they are all protected from its predators. The second key point is an offensive adaptation. For instance, a porcupine has lots of sharp needle-like quills which could scare its enemies to step back because they see how other predators are hurt by porcupines’ threatening quills and they don’t want to risking being treating in this way again. Therefore, by giving out these two examples, the professor illustrates two different protective adaptations.









相关热点: 托福tpo口语







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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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