

2015-11-04 16:04来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



托福口语TPO29 MP3百度网盘下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJH2eVp

托福口语TPO29 Task1(题目+解析+范文):The most rewarding job or career

托福TPO29口语task1题目 Question:

Which of the following jobs or careers do you think would be most rewarding?

University professor

Environmental scientist

Newspaper journalist

Choose one career and explain why you think it would be most rewarding.Use details and examples to support your answer.


Personally speaking, I think the university professor is the most rewarding job. And I have a couple of reasons for this. First, I think the duty of university is to impart knowledge. University professors cultivate talents for our country and can enjoy the accomplishment of educating, and at the same time, the university professor can enlarge his own scope of knowledge. Secondly, being a university professor can always keep young mentality. Because university professor always stays with young people and can be benefited by young spirits. Besides, university professors have fixed holidays compared with other jobs, which allow them to have a good rest and an adjustment of life. So that’s why I think the university professor is the most rewarding job.

托福口语TPO29 Task2(题目+解析+范文):Study in public places


Some people like to study in public places wherethere are other people around. Others prefer to studyin places where there are few or no people around.Which kind of place do you prefer? Explain why.


Personally speaking, I prefer to study in public places where there are other people around. First, I think people can share some study materials or resources with each other freely in public places, and they don’t have to worry about disturbing other people. Besides, they also can exchange their thoughts or ideas to expand their sight of view. Secondly, I think studying in public places can increase efficiency. Because when you meet some difficult problems which you cannot solve on your own, you can get other people’s help when you study with others together. But if you study alone, you just get stuck when you meet problems, and can’t move on. So that’s why I prefer to study in public places.

托福口语TPO29 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Remove Old Bicycles from Campus

Reading Part:

Remove Old Bicycles from Campus Racks

I noticed that there are bicycles locked to the campusbicycle racks that have not been moved for a longtime. I think the university should remove thesebikes from the racks and dispose of them. I recommend this action because,first of all, theywill not be missed by anyone, since they apparently havebeen forgotten b y their owners. Moreimportant, removing the bikes would helpto free up space on the racks, thereby benefitingpeople who are actually using their bikes and need places to park them.


Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

(woman) He’s totally right about this, you know?

(man) Well, I agree they should do it, but maybe it’snot fair.

(woman) What? Just assuming no one wants them? Well, judging from the conditions some ofthem are in, I think it’s probably a safe assumption. I mean, some are missing parts likehandlebars or wheels, and others are really rusty like they've been left outside in the rain foryears.

(man) Yeah, the ones with missing parts sure don’t look like they are being used but

what if some are?

(woman) Well, to be sure, the university could always attach notes to them and say give theowners two weeks to remove them or they’d be removed by campus security.

(man) Yeah, that’ll probably work.

(woman) Anyway, it’ll be really big help if they were gone.

(man) Oh, I know

(woman) Because, I mean, especially like in front of the dining hall, there are lots of them thereand it can be really hard to find a space. All the spaces are always taken there.

(man) Yeah, it’s bad. Lots of people ride bikes these days.

(woman) And since the university doesn't allow us to tie them to signposts, or fences oranything like that to park them, I always have to lock mine up in another building and walkover to the dining hall cause there’s hardly ever a space.


The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion


The writer of the letter suggests the university remove old bicycles from the racks, because they have been missed by their owners and this measure can save a lot of spaces for people using bikes. The woman in the conversation totally agrees with the proposal. First, she says that these bicycles have lost some parts such as handle bars or wheels, and many other bikes are rusty because of the rain. Or the university can attach notes on them to remind their owners to take them back, or they will be removed by the security. Secondly, the woman says thatthese old bikes take up a lot of spaces, and it is very difficult for other students to find a place to park. She always has to park her bike in anotherbuilding, which is very inconvenient. So that’s why she agrees with the proposal.

托福口语TPO29 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Scatter Hoarding

Reading Part:

Scatter Hoarding

Many animals live in environments where food isplentiful during certain times of the year andscarce during other times of the year. In suchenvironments, some animals collect and prepare food when it is plentiful, then hoard it –store it – for future use. Some types of hoarders engage in scatter hoarding. Unlike othertypes of hoarders, scatter hoarders do not store the food all in once p lace; instead, theyscatter it – divide it up and hide it in many different places. Later, at a time when food isscarce, the hoarders return to these hiding places and recover the food.


Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in abiology class.

(male professor)

OK, so we sometimes see this with animals that livein parts of the world where it gets very cold in the winter. For example, in the NortheasternUnited States, there’s a species of squirrels that does this. This squirrel, like many species ofsquirrel, loves to eat nuts. Nuts are one its primary sources of food. Now, nuts are verydifficult to find in the winter. But in the autumn, they are lying all over the place because that’swhen they fall from the trees.

So, what this squirrel does is in the autumn it spends a lot of time finding nuts. After it finds anut, it prepares it. It takes off the outer shell and cleans it. This preparation may in some wayhelp preserve the nut and or may make it easier to eat later on. The squirrel then digs a littlehole in the ground and buries the nut. In one autumn, this squirrel may bury hundreds ofnuts.

But it doesn't just dig a big hole and put all the nuts in it and cover them up. No, it digshundreds of holes all over the place. And it puts just one nut in each hole. Now, why would it dothat? Well, probably primarily because even if other animals happen to find some of the holes,some of the nuts, the squirrel will still have a lot of other holes with nuts in them so it’ll stillhave enough food to survive the winter.


Explain how the example from the professor ’s lecture illustrate the practice of scatter hoarding.


The passage gives the definition of scatter hoarding, which means that some animals store food by dividing food into different places in order to survive food-scarce season. In the lecture, the professor gives the example of a kind of squirrel. This kind of squirrel collects a lot of nuts in autumn which is a season of nuts harvesting. It spends a lot of time collecting and preparing the nut. Because it is hard for it to find nuts in winter. Then it digs small holes on the ground and buries the nuts in the hole to preserve food. But it doesn’t put all the nuts in one hole. It digs a lot of holes and put just one nut in one hole.Because even other animas find some nuts of them, the squirrel still have other nuts to help it survive the winter.

托福口语TPO29 Task5(听力+解析+范文):She is very tired

Listening Part:


Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) How’s it going, Marie? Weren’t you away thispast weekend?

(woman) Yeah, I flew out to see my family in Bostonfor the weekend, just got back from the airport actually. What a mess! My flight was delayedseveral hours cause of the bad weather.

(man) Oh, yeah, there was that big storm out East, huh?

(woman) Right, so I was at the airport like all night waiting for my flight to leave. I wassupposed to arrive back to campus last night, but, instead, I got in early this morning.

(man) You must be exhausted.

(woman) I am. I hardly got any sleep, just a short nap on the plane. And I am supposed to, Ican’t believe it, I am supposed to give a presentation in my history class today, an hour fromnow.

(man) What kind of presentation?

(woman) It’s a ten-minute presentation on a paper I wrote. And then there’s an answer, aquestion-and-answer session afterward, where the professor and other students ask mequestions about my history paper and stuff.

(man) Well, I bet if you told your professor what happened, how the flight was delayed and youdidn’t get any sleep, I bet your professor would let you do the presentation on a different day.

(woman) Yeah, she’d probably let me reschedule. I just don’t know if I want to put it off. I’vegot a lot of other stuff coming up, big assignments.

(man) Oh!

(woman) I could just give the presentation today, I mean, I did prepare a lot for it last week.So, I don’t know, maybe I should just grab a cup of coffee or something and go through with it.

(man) Well, if you feel OK with that.

(woman) Well, I’m definitely tired. I wouldn’t be as quick or sharp as I normally am but I’ve gotan hour to go over my notes and the coffee should help wake me up.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which of the two solutionsfrom the conversation you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

第 4 页:TPO口语-范文

The woman’s problem is that she is very tiredbecause she hasn't got a good sleep last night, butshe has to give a presentation in an hour. The firstsolution is that she can talk to the professor andexplain the reason. Maybe the professor will allow herto reschedule the presentation. The secondsolution is that she can try her best to give the presentation. I personally prefer the secondsolution. Because firstly, she says that she will have a lot of other tasks to do. If she put offthe presentation, maybe it is difficult for her to find another proper time to give the speech.Secondly, if she has prepared enough for the presentation, she still can make a goodpresentation even though she is very tired, and the coffee also can help a lot.

托福口语TPO29 Task6(听力+解析+范文):A company can diversify

Listening Part:


Listen to part of a lecture in a business class.

(female professor)

OK, so, of course, businesses want to sell as many oftheir products as possible. Often a business sellsmostly one type of product. But sales of this product may stop increasing because mostpotential customers have already bought it. In this situation, many companies will try todiversify, um, to develop or diverse product in order to increase sales. There are a couple ofefficient ways that a company can diversify using some of their existing resources.

One way a company can diversify is to use an existing technology, uh, technology that theyalready have to develop a new product. If a company already has some machines andtechnology to make a certain product, sometimes it can efficiently use that same technologyto make a different product. For example, a company that makes televisions might start makingcomputer monitors because the technology used to make these two products is very similar. Sothe company can use its existing technological resources to make the monitors. But with themonitors, it can reach new customers, people that wouldn’t buy television screens, likebusinesses that need to buy monitors for their employees’ computers.

Another way a company can diversify is to try to appeal to its existing customers, itscustomer base with a new product. One of a company’s most important resources is its existingcustomers and these customers might have other needs that the company could fulfill with adifferent product. For example, a company that sells skis might have a large customer basethat enjoys winter sports like skiing down snowy mountains. So they might start making skijackets. The same customers that buy skis would also need warm ski jackets to wear while theyare skiing. And since they like the company’s skis, they might be more likely to buy the jacketswith the company’s name on them.


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two ways a company can diversify.


In the lecture, the professor talks about twostrategies for companies to diversify their productsin order to increase sales. The first strategy is to usethe existing technology to develop new products. Theprofessor gives the example of a television company.The television company also can produce computermonitor because the technology for both television and computer monitor is very similar. So thecompany can reach new customers by developing new products. The second strategy is toappeal to existing customers by new products. The professor gives the example of a skicompany. The ski company must have a lot of customers who like skiing very much. So thecompany also can produce some ski jackets to meet these customers’ other demand. Becausethese customer are likely to buy the company’s ski jackets with the same brand.







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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福入门段(A段)(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 80课时 ¥17800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿 152课时 ¥33800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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