

2022-04-29 17:08来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:在背诵词汇的时候很多考生对于一些同义词很容易记乱套 ,尤其是在使用的时候不知道该用哪一一个 词,接下来小编为大家整理了托福考试中常用的同义词练习题,供大家学习,如有托福培训需求,可以在线咨询客服。

在背诵词汇的时候很多考生对于一些同义词很容易记乱套 ,尤其是在使用的时候不知道该用哪一一个 词,接下来小编为大家整理了托福考试中常用的同义词练习题,供大家学习,如有托福培训需求,可以在线咨询客服。

021. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

The word "maintain" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) improve

(B) monitor

(C) preserve

(D) restore maintenance

022. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.

The word "considerable" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) thoughtful

(B) substantial

(C) relational

(D) ceremonial

023. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.

The word "enactment" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) establishment

(B) performance

(C) authorization

(D) season

024. Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.

The word "Staggering" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) specialized

(B) confusing

(C) various

(D) overwhelming

025. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.

The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) developing

(B) ruined

(C) complicated

(D) fragile

026. Some botanists hypothesized that the living cells of plants acted as pumps. But many experiments demonstrated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights.

The word "demonstrated" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) ignored

(B) showed

(C) disguised

(D) distinguished

027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water moving from inside the plant in unbroken columns that extend from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water.

The word "extend" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) stretch

(B) branch

(C) increase

(D) rotate

028. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant from city centers than they were in the premodern era.

The word "vast" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) large

(B) basic

(C) new

(D) urban

029. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas.

The word "sparked" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) brought about

(B) surrounded

(C) sent out

(D) followed

030. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years-lots that could have housed five to six million people.

The word "potential" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) certain

(B) popular

(C) improved

(D) possible

031. The quality of preservation is outstanding, but what is even more impressive is the number of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos.

The word "outstanding" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) extensive

(B) surprising

(C) vertical

(D) excellent

032. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have been reported from 6 different levels of the shale in a small area around Holzamden, suggesting that a specific site was used by large numbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time.

The word "site" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) example

(B) location

(C) development

(D) characteristic

033. The quality of preservation is almost unmatched, and quarry operations have been carried out carefully with an awareness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.

The phrase "account for " is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) record

(B) describe

(C) equal

(D) explain

034. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.

The words "a supremacy" in line 9 are closest in meaning to

(A) a suggestion

(B) an improvement

(C) a dominance

(D) a development

035. A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.

The word "myriad" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) noticeable

(B) many

(C) loud

(D) unusual

036. Each one was virtually a stone town, which is why the Spanish would later call them pueblos, the Spanish word for towns. These pueblos represent one of the Anasazis' supreme achievements. At least a dozen large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chico Canyon in northwest New Mexico.

The word "supreme" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) most common

(B) most outstanding

(C) most expensive

(D) most convenient

037. They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals, perform ritual dances, settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the younger generation.

The word "settle" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) sink

(B) decide

(C) clarify

(D) locate

038. Then, to connect the pueblos and to give access to the surrounding tableland, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces.

The word "ascending" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) arriving at

(B) carving

(C) connecting

(D) climbing

039. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

The word "solemn" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) simple

(B) serious

(C) short

(D) silent

040. Certain films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.

The word "composed" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) selected

(B) combined

(C) play

(D) created

The word "scores" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) totals

(B) successes

(C) musical compositions







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托福入门段(A段)(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 80课时 ¥17800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿 152课时 ¥33800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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