摘要:1. 永远要记得回读原文,不要依靠自己的回忆以及自己之前学习过的知识来做题;2. 你的每一个答案一定要由原文中的单词或句子来支撑;3. +5原则,如果给你行号了,需要向上向下多读5行来做具体判断;
1. 永远要记得回读原文,不要依靠自己的回忆以及自己之前学习过的知识来做题;
2. 你的每一个答案一定要由原文中的单词或句子来支撑;
3. +5原则,如果给你行号了,需要向上向下多读5行来做具体判断;
The author mentions “an impish Christ child with charmingly flushed cheeks” (lines 56-58) in order to
A. Provide an example of the fresco’s lifelike figures
B. Describe Giotto’s naturalistic style.
C. Rescue Cavallini’s name from obscurity
D. Suggest that it could help solve the “St. Francis Legend.”
Mr. Strinati has grand ambitions
for his discovery. He hopes that in a
50 few years the fully restored fresco will
not only rescue Cavallini’s name from
obscurity, but also upend the
widespread notion that the first flowers
of the Renaissance budded in Florence,
55 not Rome. For the fresco’s lifelike
figures—in particular, an impish
Christ child with charmingly flushed
Cheeks—suggest to Strinati that
Cavallini may have anticipated some
60 of the extraordinary naturalistic
innovations that have long been
credited to the Florentine artist Giotto.
对于这道题来说,如果只是读56-58行,是没有办法做出来的,需要你向上向下多读几行,然后理解清楚这句话所在的整个的Context之后会有更好的选择。当我们向上读可以看到fresco’s lifelike figures的时候,基本上明白了,56-58是lifelike figure的一种,所以A没什么问题。有些同学会容易错选B,注意原文说的是 been credited to,是指人们认为,所以不能无法确认是百分百的Giotto的风格,所以B错误。
每篇文章后面的题目顺序是基本差不多的,先是Passage Level的问题,包括问你整篇文章的Main point, Structure, Main Concern, the author’s tone, the author’s assumption;然后再是一些Sentences Level的问题,会问你一些Rhetoric,或者Logic的问题,目前新的SAT有时候会给你一些行号让你索引,有些题目则需要你从你的记忆中去索引具体的细节,此外还包括一些Vocabulary Level的题目,主要是一些Vocabulary in Context的问题;最后几题有可能又会回到Passage Level。
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. Argue against a general misconception about insight
B. Recommend to the scientists the great approach of using “insight” when solving problems
C. Discuss the better way to solve a problem
D. Explain the reasons for difference between insightful moments and passively solving problems
我们先预判一下,我们已经确定了这篇文章是Informative—summary 的文章类型,那么我们可以非常明确的预判了,那么很容易排除ABC(都是Argumentative的文章才会用的单词—argue against, recommend, discuss),那么选出D是比较容易的
排除法 (POE: Process of Elimination):
Based on the passage, which choice best describes the relationship between the fresco cycle titled the “St. Francis Legend” and the artist Giotto?
A. The fresco cycle established Giotto as the founder of the Renaissance.
B. Cavallini was originally thought to be the fresco cycle’s artist, but many art historians now believe it was Giotto.
C. Giotto was originally thought to be the fresco cycle’s artist, but some art historians now believe it was Cavallini.
D. Giotto painted the fresco cycle to capture the story of his life with narrative zest.
Moreover, the Aracoeli fragments
may provide a critical new clue in a
65 decades-old battle concerning the "St.
Francis Legend," the 1296 fresco
cycle at Assisi, universally recognized
as one of the foundations of the
Renaissance. For centuries, the 28-
70 scene cycle--which recounts the life
of the saint with a narrative zest and
compositional depth that leave the flat
tableaus of the Byzantines era far
behind--was attributed to Giotto. But
75 since the 1930's, various scholars have
questioned this judgment, claiming
that the Assisi cycle doesn't resemble
Giotto's other work. Now, the Aracoeli
discovery is ammunition for Italian art
80 historians who believe that Cavallini
might actually be the primary creative
force behind the "St. Francis Legend."
首先我们对这道题做一下预判,这道题需要把整个第6段读完才可能给出一个恰当的解释,基本上我们可以预判答案为: for centuries…大家都以为这个legend是Giotto做的,但是现在很多科学家相信是Cavallini做的。带着这样的预判,我们扫一下选项哪个正确。
选项A: Go too Far. 文章没有提到Giotto是founder of the Renaissance. 文章只是说”St. Francis Legend” is a foundational piece of art in the Renaissance。这两者显然是不一样的。
选项B: Contradictory. 这个比较容易排除。
选项D: Contradictory. 与B一样比较容易排除。
的选项(BC: Best Choices):
(1) 你发现不止一个选项正确,因为两个选项都讲了其中的一个方面,即选项都是你要选择的选项的某个子集;
(2) 你发现没有一个选项合适,都跟你的预判相差太大,所以导致选择不出答案;
我们看一下来自于Cavallini Passage的题目
The passage most strongly suggests that the Renaissance
A. began in the 1930s.
B. had roots in neither Rome nor Florence.
C. began in numerous Italian cities simultaneously.
D. featured naturalistic styles of painting.
我们之所以不选择C,是因为C在原文中根本就没有提到Other Places(可能学过欧洲史的同学认为它是对的),所以不去选择C;而最终选择D,D的信息在文章的55-62行有提到过。
1. 保证文章中有证据来支持你的选项,虽然有些选项也使用了原文中的一些单词和句子,但是使用了这个单词的另外的含义;
2. 不要过度推理:如果有个选项,你要想选择它的话,需要增加很多假设、额外推理或利用外部知识等,那么这样的选项就不要选择。
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