

2017-05-02 09:47来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


  在备考SAT阅读 考试的过程中,很多同学都遇到了类似词汇、语法等等巨大的阻碍,那么怎样才能快速的提高自己的阅读技巧呢?



  (1) 2008.01-S2-5

  Because all members of this organization are idealists, they___ any assertion that political enterprises should be purely_____。

  A. ignore, universal

  B. criticize, visionary

  C. condemn, benevolent

  D. denounce, pragmatic

  E. condone, indulgent

  (2) 2008.01-S5-15

  “You see,” he explained, “I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out die useful ones.”

  “But the solar system!” I protested.

  “What the deuce is it to me?” he interrupted impatiently. “You say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.”

  Q:The friend’s attitude toward the acquisition of knowledge as described above is best characterized as

  A. open-minded

  B. pragmatic

  C. delighted

  D. disillusioned

  E. apathetic

  (3) During the late nineteenth century in the United States, many people thought it improper for a woman to be a professional artist. Alice Barber Stephens got around this prejudice: she succeeded as a book and magazine illustrator by creating art and conducting business with publishers and authors from borne. She sold engravings to national magazines and illustrated the books of many novelists, including Louisa May Alcott and Nathaniel Hawthorne. As a young woman, Stephens studied at the Pennsylvania School of the Fine Arts, a member of the first class to admit women. She petitioned for nude drawing classes for women, later instituting such a class at an art school for women. She also founded an organization that fought prejudice against women artists.

  Q:Which of the following best characterizes Alice Barber Stephens?

  A. materialist and aesthete

  B. perfectionist and egotist

  C. pragmatist and activist

  D. dreamer and revolutionary

  E. celebrity and philanthropist

  (4) The painting couldn’t glow, as it wanted to—it needed a vast, empty room and a great distance in front of it. One day, I hoped, I’d take it back to Cumberland and find a house there where it could settle happily. But when, after thirty years, we found that house, the painting was failed again. The walls were no bigger and neither were the rooms. So I sold the painting and bought another, smaller Sheila Fell.

  It was a terrible mistake. The moment the painting had been taken away I realized how stupid I’d been. So it had been overwhelming, too large, too dramatic to contain in either house but I shouldn’t have let that matter, I should have found a way to keep it.

  Q: “It was a terrible mistake” because the narrator:

  A. had no other souvenirs of Cumberland

  B. allowed pragmatic concerns to override her fondness for the painting

  C. did not realize how valuable the painting would become to collectors

  D. felt that she had betrayed Sheila Fell’s trust

  E. was unable to appreciate the smaller Sheila Fell painting


  "High-speed interstellar travel is so demanding of resources and so hazardous that intelligent civilizations don't attempt it.” And why should they attempt it, when radio communication can supply all the information they might want?

  Q: “radio communication” is cited as a

  A. complex interaction

  B. technological relic

  C. common occurrence

  D. practical alternative

  E. dramatic advance






  tact-tag(接触):contact, tactile, intact-contagious;

  tect-teg(接触):detect,protect-integrity, integral;

  tinct-ting(保持):distinct-distinguish extinct-extinguish;



  tract-trag(拉):tractable, subtract, detract-trager

  pict-pig: picture, depict-pigment

  lect-leg(选择,读):elect,select,lecture,collect,collective, neglect,dialect,eclectic(-legitimize,legitimate,legible,elegant,allege,privilege, elegant;negligent, negligible(lect-lig音变体+形变体的结果)




  luct-lug (悲伤),reluctant-lugubrious


  doct-dog(形变体)-dox(音变体)理论:doctor/doctrinaire—dogma, paradox, orthodox, heterodox

  sanct-sang(神): sanctity, sanctuary—sanguine

  point-punct(音变体)-pung(形变体)点,用针尖刺: punctual, punctilious, compunction— expunge, pungent


  (1) 2005版OG3-S3-23:

  If the new art is not accessible to everyone, which certainly seems to be the case, this implies that its impulses are not of a generically human kind. It is an art not for people in general but for a special class who may not be better but who are evidently different.

  Before we go further, one point must be clarified. What is it that the majority of people call aesthetic pleasure? What happens in their minds when they “like” a work of art; for example, a play? The answer is easy. They like a play when they become interested in the human destinies that are represented, when the love and hatred, the joys and sorrows of the dramatic personages so move them that they participate in it all as though it were happening in real life.

  And they call a work “good” if it succeeds in creating the illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appear like living persons. In poetry the majority of people seek the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet.

  Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.

  It thus appears that to the majority of people aesthetic pleasure means a state of mind that is essentially indistinguishable from their ordinary behavior. It differs merely in accidental qualities, being perhaps less utilitarian, more intense, and free from painful consequences. But the object toward which their attention and, consequently, all their other mental activities are directed is the same as in daily life: people and passions. When forced to consider artistic forms proper—for example, in some surrealistic or abstract art—most people will only tolerate them if they do not interfere with their perception of human forms and fates. As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominate and the story of John and Susie grows elusive, most people feel out of their depth and are at a loss as to what to make of the scene, the book, or the painting. A work of art vanishes from sight for a beholder who seeks in that work of art nothing but the moving fate of John and Susie or

  Tristan and Isolde.

  Unaccustomed to behaving in any mode except the practical one in which feelings are aroused and emotional involvement ensues, most people are unsure how to respond to a work that does not invite sentimental intervention.

  Now this is a point that has to be made perfectly clear. Neither grieving nor rejoicing at such human destinies as those presented by a work of art begins to define true artistic pleasure; indeed, preoccupation with the human content of the work is in principle incompatible with aesthetic enjoyment proper.

  Q: The author’s attitude toward the majority of people can best be described as

  A. genuinely puzzled

  B. aggressively hostile

  C. solemnly respectful

  D. generally indifferent

  E. condescendingly tolerant

  (2) (2005版本OG-P677-S8-Q11) A condolatory smile, capping this enumeration, materialized on his lips; the letter was so inconsonant with the simplest precepts of strategy that it elicited a kind of pity, mingled with contempt and dry amusement.

  Q: In context, Mulcahy’s “Condolatory smile” is most probably an expression of both

  A. cynical skepticism and comical self-pity

  B. sincere compassion and whimsical delight

  C. profound surprise and delighted appreciation

  D. bitter disappointment and sly criticism

  E. condescending sympathy and amused scorn

  (3) (2005版OG-P873): (Lines12-14) They treat it condescendingly as a harmless but amusing example of American vulgarity—a kind of patriotic Disneyland。


  答案:E E




  (1) The actor was noted for his___ behavior: he quickly became irritated if his every whim was not immediately satisfied.

  (A) fastidious

  (B) sedulous

  (C) vindictive

  (D) petulant

  (E) mercenary

  (2) Mac Dougall’s former editors remember him as a__ man whose__ and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.

  A. domineering, wearisome

  B. congenial, pretentious

  C. popular, supercilious

  D. fastidious, garbled

  E. cantankerous, meticulous

  答案:D E

  解析:这两道题错选为A,D的特别多,之所以错选,是因为很多同学在背词汇书时,用的是意群来背诵,于是careful, painstaking, scrupulous, meticulous, fastidious, punctilious都放到一个意群里, 但是这些单词之间是有微妙差别的,其中比较特殊的一个是fastidious:fastidious implies concern, often excessive, for the requirements of taste,表示对品位要求很高,通常是过分的关心,而且因为要求高而难以取悦。





  The critic Edmund Wilson was not a self-conscious letter writer or one who tried to sustain studied manner- isms. Nor did he resort to artifice or entangle himself in circumlocutions. The young, middle-aged, and old Wilson speaks directly through his letters, which are informal for the most part and which undisguisedly reflect his changing moods. On occasion—in response, perhaps, to the misery of a friend or a public outrage or a personal challenge—he can become eloquent, even passionate, but that is not his prevailing tone.

  Q: Based on the information in the passage, Wilson’s letters can best be described as

  A. cynical

  B. spontaneous

  C. critical

  D. preachy

  E. witty






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ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) 3-6人 64 ¥21800 在线咨询
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