inert ADJ. /惰性的,不活跃的/inactive; lacking power to move. "Get up, you lazybones," she cried to her husband, who lay in bed inert. inertia, N.
inevitable ADJ. /不可避免地/unavoidable. Though death and taxes are both supposedly inevitable, some people avoid paying taxes for years.
inexorable ADJ. /无情的;残酷的/relentless; unyielding; implacable. After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law.
infallible ADJ. /一贯正确的/unerring. We must remember that none of us is infallible; we all make mistakes.
infamous ADJ. /臭名昭著的,恶名远扬的/notoriously bad. Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer are both infamous killers.
infantile ADJ. /婴儿的,幼稚的/childish. When will he outgrow such infantile behavior?
infer V. /推导,总结/deduce; conclude. From the students' glazed looks, it was easy for me to infer that they were bored out of their minds. inference, N.
infernal ADJ. /魔鬼的,地狱的/pertaining to hell; devilish. Batman was baffled: he could think of no way to hinder the Joker's infernal scheme to destroy the city.
infidel N. /异教徒,异端;不信宗教的/unbeliever. The Saracens made war against the infidels.
infiltrate V. /渗透/pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily. In order to be able to infiltrate enemy lines at night without being seen, the scouts darkened their faces and wore black coveralls. infiltrator, N.
infinitesimal ADJ. /微小的/very small. In the twentieth century, physicists have made their greatest discoveries about the characteristics of infinitesimal objects like the atom and its parts.
infirmity N. /弱点/weakness. Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower.
inflated ADJ. /夸张的,虚华的,被放大的/exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas). His claims about the new product were inflated, it did not work as well as he had promised.
influx N. /注入,流入/flowing into. The influx of refugees into the country has taxed the relief agencies severely.
informal ADJ. /非正式的;不拘礼节的/absence of ceremony; casual. The English teacher preferred informal discussions to prepared lectures.
infraction N. /打破(常规)/violation (of a rule or regulation); breach. When Dennis Rodman butted heads with that referee, he committed a clear infraction of NBA rules.
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