gibe V. /嘲笑/mock. As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarly foolish thoughts?
giddy ADJ. /眼花缭乱/light-hearted; dizzy. He felt his giddy youth was past.
gingerly ADV. /小心翼翼地/very carefully. To separate egg whites, first crack the egg gingerly.
girth N. /方圆;周围环境/distance around something; circumference. It took an extra-large cummerbund to fit around Andrew Carnegie's considerable girth.
gist N. /精华/essence. She was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentences.
glacial ADJ. /冰河的,冰川的/like a glacier; extremely cold. Never a warm person, when offended John could seem positively glacial.
glaring ADJ. /耀眼的/highly conspicuous; harshly bright. Glaring spelling or grammatical errors in your resume will unfavorably impress potential employers.
glaze V. /上釉/cover with a thin and shiny surface. The freezing rain glazed the streets and made driving hazardous. also N.
glib ADJ. /光滑,柔顺;口齿伶俐,圆滑/fluent; facile; slick. Keeping up a steady patter to entertain his customers, the kitchen gadget salesman was a glib speaker, never at a loss for a word.
glimmer V. /闪烁/shine erratically; twinkle. In the darkness of the cavern, the glowworms hanging from the cavern roof glimmered like distant stars,
gloat V. /垂涎;幸灾乐祸,洋洋得意/express evil satisfaction; view malevolently. As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?
glossary N. /词汇表/brief explanation of words used in the text. I have found the glossary in this book very useful; it has eliminated many trips to the dictionary.
gloss over V. /掩盖/explain away. No matter how hard he tried to talk around the issue, President Bush could not gloss over the fact that he had raised taxes after all.
glossy ADJ. /光滑有光泽的/smooth and shining. I want this photograph printed on glossy paper, not matte.
glower V. /瞪着,愤怒的看着/scowl. The angry boy glowered at his father.
glut V. /充斥;过量/overstock; fill to excess. The many manufacturers glutted the market and could not find purchasers for the excess articles they had produced. also N.
glutton N. /暴饮暴食者,饭桶/someone who eats too much. When Mother saw that Bobby had eaten all the cookies, she called him a little glutton. gluttonous,ADJ.
gnarled ADJ. /扭曲/twisted. The gnarled oak tree had been a landmark for years and was mentioned in several deeds.
gnome N. /地精;小矮人;土地公公/dwarf; underground spirit. In medieval mythology, gnomes were the special guardians and inhabitants of subterranean mines.
goad V. /刺激;激励;驱策/urge on. He was goaded by his friends until he yielded to their wishes. also N.
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