

2017-05-10 11:32来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:好久没有和大家分享SAT词汇 了!今天新航道SAT继续和大家分享SAT巴朗3500词汇表

  好久没有和大家分享SAT词汇 了!今天新航道SAT继续和大家分享SAT巴朗3500词汇表

  egotistical ADJ. /极度自我中心;自以为是,逞能/excessively self-centered; self-important; conceited. Typical egotistical remark: "But enough of this chit-chat about you and your little problems. Let's talk about what's really important: Me!"

  egregious ADJ. /及其令人痛恨的,声名狼藉;令人吃惊的/notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking. She was an egregious liar; we all knew better than to believe a word she said. Ed's housekeeping was egregious: he let his dirty dishes pile up so long that they were stuck together with last week's food.

  egress N. /出口/exit. Barnum's sign "To the Egress" fooled many people who thought they were going to see an animal and instead found themselves in the street.

  ejaculation N. /迸出;惊叹/exclamation. He could not repress an ejaculation of surprise when he heard the news.

  elaboration N. /细节;复杂/addition of details; intricacy. Tell what happened simply, without any elaboration. elaborate,V.

  elated ADJ. /过分高兴的;兴高采烈/overjoyed; in high spirits. Grinning from ear to ear, Bonnie Blair was clearly elated by her fifth Olympic gold medal. elation, N.

  elegy N. /挽歌,悲歌/poem or song expressing lamentation. On the death of Edward King, Milton composed the elegy "Lycidas." elegiacal,ADJ.

  elicit V. /得出/draw out by discussion. The detectives tried to elicit where he had hidden his loot.

  elixir N. /包治百病,药/cure-all; something invigorating. The news of her chance to go abroad acted on her like an elixir.

  ellipsis N. /省略/omission of words from a text. Sometimes an ellipsis can lead to a dangling modifier, as in the sentence "Once dressed, you should refrigerate the potato salad."


  elliptical ADJ. /椭圆的;有意模棱两可的/oval; ambiguous, either purposely or because key words have been left out. An elliptical billiard ball wobbles because it is not perfectly round; an elliptical remark baffles because it is not perfectly clear.

  eloquence N. /雄辩;修辞/expressiveness; persuasive speech. The crowds were stirred by Martin Luther King's eloquence. eloquent,ADJ.

  elucidate V. /解释;启迪/explain; enlighten. He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.

  elusive ADJ. /难懂的,难捉摸的;令人困惑的/evasive; baffling; hard to grasp. Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be finished remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies. elude,V.

  emaciated ADJ. /瘦弱的,脆弱的/thin and wasted. His long period of starvation had left him emaciated.

  emanate V. /散发,发出/issue forth. A strong odor of sulphur emanated from the spring.

  emancipate V. /释放,解放/set free. At first, the attempts of the Abolitionists to emancipate the slaves were unpopular in New England as well as in the South.

  embargo N. /禁运/ban on commerce or other activity. As a result of the embargo, trade with the colonies was at a standstill.

  embark V. /开始旅程,开始,登机,上船,上车/commence; go on board a boat or airplane; begin a journey. In devoting herself to the study of gorillas, Dian Fossey embarked on a course of action that was to cost her life.

  embed V. /封装,嵌入,插入/enclose; place in something. Tales of actual historical figures like King Alfred have become embedded in legends.

  embellish V. /装饰/adorn; ornament. The costume designer embellished the leading lady's ball gown with yards and yards of ribbon and lace.

  embezzlement N. /偷窃,侵占/stealing. The bank teller confessed his embezzlement of the funds.

  embody V. /具体化;包含,收录/personify; make concrete; incorporate. Cheering on his rival Mark McGwire's efforts to break Roger Maris's home run record, Sammy Sosa embodied the spirit of true sportsmanship.

  embrace V. /拥抱;接受,包含/hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include. Clasping Maid Marian in his arms, Robin Hood embraced her lovingly. In joining the outlaws in Sherwood Forest, she had openly embraced their cause.

  embroider V. /镶边,绣花;添油加醋/decorate with needlework; ornament with fancy or fictitious details. For her mother's birthday, Beth embroidered a lovely design on a handkerchief. When asked what made her late getting home, Jo embroidered her account with tales of runaway horses and rescuing people from a ditch. embroidery, N.

  embroil V. /连累,牵连;使其混乱,麻烦缠身/throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle. He became embroiled in the heated discussion when he tried to arbitrate the dispute.

  embryonic ADJ. /胚胎的;未开发的,原始的/undeveloped; rudimentary. The evil of class and race hatred must be eliminated while it is still in an embryonic state; otherwise, it may grow to dangerous proportions. emend

  V. correct; correct by a critic. The critic emended the book by selecting the passages which he thought most appropriate to the text.

  emendation N. /改进;修订/correction of errors; improvement. Please initial all the emendations you have made in this contract.

  eminent ADJ. /高的/high; lofty. After his appointment to this eminent position, he seldom had time for his former friends.








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