高能成就高分,但高分并不一定高能。如何能让学生既能高分也能高能呢?纵观那么多考SAT的学生,为什么大部分都考不到理想分数,而被成绩刷下来呢?很多人都说是阅读拖后腿了,说是阅读,其实是词汇。来自是来自新航道SAT培训 教研组分享的SAT巴朗3500词汇表 ,希望能够给到你们帮助。
assiduous ADJ. /勤奋/diligent. He was assiduous, working at this task for weeks before he felt satisfied with his results. assiduity, N.
assimilate V. /吸收;同化/absorb; cause to become homogeneous. The manner in which the United Stateswas able to assimilate the hordes of immigrants during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride to Americans. The immigrants eagerly assimilated new ideas and customs; they soaked them up, the way plants soak up water.
*assuage V. /减轻(痛苦);满足(饥渴);安慰/ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger). Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his heartache by indulging in ice cream. One gallon later, he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief.
assumption N. /假定,设想;采取/something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of. The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her assumption of power.
assurance N. /担保,保证;确定;自信/promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence. When Guthrie gave Guinness his assurance that rehearsals were going well, he spoke with such assurance that Guinness felt relieved. assure,V.
asteroid N. /小行星/small planet. Asteroids have become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines.
astigmatism N. /散光/eye defect that prevents proper focus. As soon as his parents discovered that the boy suffered from astigmatism, they took him to the optometrist for corrective glasses.
astral ADJ. /关于星的/relating to the stars. She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed.
astringent ADJ. /收敛的/binding; causing contraction. The astringent quality of the unsweetened lemon juice made swallowing difficult. also N.
astronomical ADJ. /巨大,广阔/enormously large or extensive. The government seems willing to spend astronomical sums on weapons development.
astute ADJ. /聪明;敏锐/wise; shrewd; keen. The painter was an astute observer, noticing every tiny detail of her model's appearance and knowing exactly how important each one was.
asunder ADV. /分裂,分开/into parts; apart. A fierce quarrel split the partnership asunder: the two partners finally sundered their connections because their points of view were poles asunder.
asylum N. /庇护所/place of refuge or shelter; protection. The refugees sought asylum from religious persecution in a new land.
asymmetric ADJ. /不对称/not identical on both sides of a dividing central line. Because one eyebrow was set markedly higher than the other, William's face had a particularly asymmetric appearance.
atavism N. /反祖;隔代遗传/resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity returning after passage of two or more generations. The doctors ascribed the child's deformity to an atavism.
atheistic ADJ. /无神论/denying the existence of God. His atheistic remarks shocked the religious worshippers.
上海新航道sat考试培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,团队一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT考前模考冲刺班 | 40课时 | ¥3800 | 在线咨询 | |
SAT十一特训班 | 6-8人 | 48课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT模考刷题班 | 不限 | 4天 | ¥5800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥31800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT冲刺班(3-6人.走读) | 3-6人 | 32课时 | ¥18800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT精英班(3-6人,争1500分) | 3-6人 | 48课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT预备班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 32课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥30800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥21800 | 在线咨询 |
ACT冲刺托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥11800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥1280元 | 在线咨询 |
ACT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥980元 | 在线咨询 |
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