托福TPO64阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-04 15:44

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托福TPO64阅读Passage 1题目

1. In the discussion of Soemmerring in paragraph 1. why does the author mention that "few naturalists of the time accepted the idea of major groups of extinct animals" ?

A. To support the position that Soemmerring was the first to recognize the scientific significance of pterosaur fossils

B. To suggest that Soemmerring reconstruction of the pterosaur went against a commonly accepted position of

C. To help explain why it was reason able for Soemmerring to think that pterosaurs were related to today's bats

D. To indicate how little was known about pterosaurs before Soemmerring published his reconstruction

2. According to paragraph 1, Soemmerring believed that pterosaurs had all of the following features EXCEPT

A. wings that were attached to the sides of the body

B. wings without bones

C. legs that were oriented laterally

D. a membrane between the legs

3. The word "awkward" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. careful

B. clumsy

C. Oslow

D. helpless

4. In paragraph 2 : what evidence suggests that early pterosaurs walked on their hind legs only?

A. The arm and hand bones on early pterosaurs were enlarged

B. The tai ls of pterosaurs may have been long enough to use for balance

C. The trunks and heads of early pterosaurs may have been ti lted forward.

D. The wings of early pterosaurs were largely supported by a single finger.

5. The word "slightly" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. a little

B. in part

C. gradually

D. occasionally

6. The word "strikingly" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. perfectly

B. suspiciously

C. remarkably

D. elegantly

7. What evidence is presented in paragraph 3 that at least some pterosaurs walked on all four of their limbs?

A. The position of their feet relative to the body's center of gravity in some pterosaurs

B. The considerable wingspan and weight of some pterosaurs

C. Fossil trackways left by some pterosaurs

D. The shape of the leg bones and feet bones in some pterosaurs

8. According to paragraph 4, what are two indicators that pterosaurs were capable of powered flight? To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.

A. Their shoulder bones allowed the wings to move in more than one direction.

B. Their furcula was separate rather than fused to the breastbone

C. Their bones were filled with air rather than bone t issue

D. Their weight was primarily concentrated in the wing flight muscle.

9. Look at the four squares• that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

Flying was thought to require more energy than cold-blooded reptiles were capable of generating.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square (• ) to add the sentence to the passage.

Pterosaurs also possessed some obvious adaptations for powered flight. They had large sternums (breastbones) for attaching powerful flight muscles, well-developed

shoulder bones to carry the body's weight in flight, and air-filled bones to lighten the skeleton. • some even had a furcula (a fused breastbone also found in birds): perhaps to flex like a spring and help raise the wings during the upstroke. • How competent were they at flying? The original batlike reconstructions; along with their classification as reptiles, suggested to many earlier biologists that pterosaurs were only gliders. • Biologists now, however, generally agree that pterosaurs were capable of powered, flapping flight. • Indeed, the shoulder joint is clearly specialized for the down-and-forward, up-and-back movement of normal flapping.

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points.

Soemmerring's description of the pterosaur has had a major impact on people's perception of the creature

Answer Choices

A. While Soemmerring recognized certain similarities between pterosaurs and bats, he did not believe the two species were related.

B. In Soemmering's view, bats and pterosaurs had many features 1n common, including the way the wing was attached to the rest of the body.

C. Other than birds, pterosaurs were the only species to have a fused breastbone that could bend when the fore limbs were raised or lowered.

D. Scientists long believed that, like bats, pterosaurs lived in trees and caves.

E. While it seems likely that some early pterosaurs walked on two limbs and some later ones walked on four limbs, biologists remain uncertain about how many pterosaurs walked.

F. Based on various skeletal features, most biologists now believe that pterosaurs were actually capable of powered, flapping flight.



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