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capable of being understood
adj. 可理解的,明了的
His diaries include passages that are barely intelligible.
not temperate: such as
adj. 放纵的;酗酒的
an intemperate [=extremely hot/cold] climate/zone
to become stronger or more extreme : to become more intense
i. 增强,强化;变激烈
We could hear the wind howling outside as the storm intensified.
1 : a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment
2 : an intervening or interruptive period, space, or event : INTERVAL
3 : a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service
He has resumed his acting career after a two-year interlude.
having or seeming to have no end : continuing for a very long time
adj. 冗长的;无止尽的
an interminable war
starting, stopping, and starting again : not constant or steady
adj. 间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性
The patient was having intermittent pains in his side.
1 : to occur, fall, or come between points of time or events 2 : to enter or appear as an irrelevant or extraneous feature or circumstance
v. 插入, 干涉, 调停
Twenty years intervened between their first and last meetings.
n. 介入;调停;妨碍
The program is able to run without intervention by the user.
frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants
v. 恐吓
You shouldn't allow his reputation to intimidate you.
1 causing fear; 2 harsh and threatening in manner or appearance
adj. 吓人的
He is one of the most intimidating men I have ever met.
not easily managed, controlled, or solved
adj. 棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的
an intractable mystery/question
the quality or state of being intransigent
n. 不妥协;不让步;不调和
He has remained intransigent in his opposition to the proposal.
feeling no fear : very bold or brave
adj. 无畏的;勇敢的;勇猛的
an intrepid explorer
the quality or state of being complex or having many parts : the quality or state of being intricate
n. 错综,复杂;难以理解
She admired the composition for its beauty and intricacy.
to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of
vt. 用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣
She was intrigued with/by what he had to say.
extremely interesting
adj. 引人入胜的
an intriguing idea/person/question
the process of examining your own thoughts or feelings
n. 内省;反省
a moment of quiet introspection
1 : opposite in order, nature, or effect 2 : being an inverse function
adj. 倒转的; 反向的; 反逆的
The study indicates an inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and inflation.
the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny
n. 反语; 讽刺,冷嘲; 具有讽刺意味的事
“What a beautiful view,” he said, his voice dripping with irony, as he looked out the window at the alley.
not able to be proved wrong : not capable of being refuted
adj. 不能驳倒的;不能回答的
There is irrefutable evidence that he committed these crimes.
having or showing a lack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect : treating someone or something in a way that is not serious or respectful
adj. 不敬的,无礼的
He has a delightfully irreverent sense of humor. irreverent portrayals of nuns
always used before a noun : traveling from place to place : staying in a place for only a short amount of time
adj. 巡回的;流动的
an itinerant preacher/lecturer/performer
n. 滑稽;幽默;诙谐的言行
a jocular man who could make the most serious people smile
disturb (someone's) composure
v. 使震惊
He was jolted forward when the bus stopped suddenly.
to provide or be a good reason for (something) : to prove or show (something) to be just, right, or reasonable
vi. 证明合法;整理版面
he was being pressured unfairly by his boss. The fact that we are at war does not justify
a small problem in a plan, system etc
n. (绳, 头发等的纽)结
I woke up on the bus with a kink [=crick] in my neck.
the state of being related to the people in your family
n. [法] 亲属关系,家属关系;亲密关系
He feels a strong kinship with other survivors of the war.
an ability, talent, or special skill needed to do sth
n. 天赋
They have a knack for telling interesting stories.
requiring a lot of time and effort
adj. 勤劳的;艰苦的
Removing mildew stains is a laborious [=difficult, painstaking] task.
something that is extremely complicated or difficult to understand
adj. 迷宫的;复杂的
He found it difficult to follow the movie's labyrinthine [=elaborate, intricate] plot.
adj. 悲伤的;悲哀的
She lamented over the loss of her best friend.
lash t
ie, bind; beat violently, whip
vt. 鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺
The sailor was lashed for disobeying the captain. [no obj]
expressing or containing praise
adj. 赞美的;赞赏的;称赞的
The play received mostly laudatory reviews.
always used before a noun : told about in a legend
adj. 传说的,传奇的
legendary creatures from the sea